
美 [ˈfitʃər]英 [ˈfiːtʃə(r)]
  • n.特征;特点;特色;故事片
  • v.以…为特色;是…的特征;起重要作用;占重要地位
  • 网络特性;特写;特徵

复数:features 现在分词:featuring 过去式:featured

important feature,special feature,main feature,significant feature,Common feature
band feature,show feature


n. v.

1.特色;特征;特点something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing

2.[usupl]面容的一部分(如鼻、口、眼)a part of sb's face such as their nose, mouth and eyes

3.~ (on sb/sth)(报章、电视等的)特写,专题节目(in newspapers, on television, etc.) a special article or programme about sb/sth


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所谓特性feature),是指一组逻辑上相关的功能需求,它们为用户提供某项功能,使业务目标得以满足。对商业软件而言, …


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... latest adj 最近的 △ feature n 特征;特色 calendar n 日历 ...


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新的几何特徵(Feature)或轮廓。‧MSC.Construct Shape则是一个非参数化的外形最佳化工具,其目标为降低应力集中的程度以 …


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吉列锋速3刀片4片装【图片 价格 品牌 报价】 ... 产品信息 PRODUCT INFORMATION 商品特色 FEATURE 细节展示 SHOW D…

It's important to note at this point that this feature works on individual files or any group of selected files and directories. 此时,需要注意,这一特性可用于文件或者任何一组选定的文件和目录。
To speak without emotion: just to tell you, not talking to you, do not generally speak of a question and answer, for a cover feature. 说话不带感情:只是在告诉你,而不是和你谈话,也没有一般人说话时一问一答、一来一往的特性。
However, due to its structure feature, it's not realistic to set up the fully equipped automatic assembly line of oil cooler. 基于机油冷却器的结构特点限制,采用完全的自动装配是不现实的。
Ryan returned to her comedy roots for her feature producing debut, 1995's only modestly entertaining French Kiss. 1995年,在稍有起色的《法国之吻》中,瑞恩重返其出演故事片之初的喜剧老路。
Revolts against the power of the rich have been a regular feature of American history, going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson. 反感富人的权利一直都是美国历史的特色,这可以追溯到托马斯.杰佛逊(ThomasJefferson)时代。
Select the largest occupied apartments feature is free convenience, ready to be hotel-style services, their grandeur. 选择酒店式公寓自住最大的特点就是自由方便,同时随时可以得到酒店式的各种服务,彰显气派。
Due to the facade design, the mosaic of cut stone, a strong and weighty feature, appears weightless as if floating over the parking area. 表皮的设计呈现出切割石头的马赛克排布,形成强烈厚重的特征,但是在这里却显得很轻盈,如同漂浮在停车场之上。
I have been informed that this feature can be turned off with a plugin; I would recommend doing so if you decide to use Anki. 我得到通知说这个特性可以通过插件来关闭,我建议使用anki的使用者这么做。
OK, so yes, this is one of the features of Ioke, but I'm not sure if it's a key feature or not. 是的,这是Ioke的一个特性,但我不确定它是否是一个关键特性。
A new feature introduced today allows users to automatically translate emails into English and any other supported language. Sort of. 今天出炉的一项新特性,允许用户将电子邮件自动转换为英文及任何支持的语言。
And if you do all the analysis and design up front, you may be preventing the design from evolving as you know more about the feature. 并且,如果您提前完成了所有分析和设计工作,那么您的设计可能不会随着您对该特性的进一步了解而发生改变。
An appearance of seismic data as a diffraction, reflection, refraction or other similar feature produced by an arrival of seismic energy. 在地震剖面上,由地震能量产生的绕射、反射、折射或其他相似特征的地震数据轨迹。
Multiple biomarkers are only useful when they allow you to zone in on some salient feature relevant to what you are trying to figure out. 多个生物标志物只在对你所探寻的目的相关的一些显著特征进行分类的时候才有用。
Appearing in a simple purple and white colourway, the side panels feature patent leather faux- croc skin for a nice tonal effect. 出现在一个简单的紫色和白色配色,侧面的鞋面专用人造皮革,鳄鱼皮的一个不错的效果。
This feature led to massive losses and would have done so, according to one CDO investor, even if the housing market had not collapsed. 这一特点导致了巨额亏损,而且据一位CDO投资者表示,即便房地产市场没有崩盘,也会如此。
Mary Janes are retro-style ladies' shoes which feature rounded toes and a strap across the top of the foot to hold the shoe in place. 玛丽詹氏是复古风格的女装鞋,其中特征四舍五入脚趾和皮带全国首位脚举行鞋业到位。
Billboards and display advertising have become so much a feature of our daily lives, it's easy to ignore them amid the general clutter. 广告牌和户外广告早已成了我们日常生活中的一部分,有时候还真容易把瞄准芸芸大众的他们忽略掉。
Gigantism has been a common feature of land animals since the beginning of the Jurassic period, more than 200 million years ago. 自两亿多年前的侏儸纪之初,体型巨大就是陆生动物的普遍特点。
The named credential feature is usually used to pass on credentials while invoking Web services from within the application. 在从应用程序内部调用Web服务的时候,通常使用命名凭据的特性来传递凭据。
This prediction feature is necessary as without it, it would be very difficult to know when the battery is about to run out of charge. 这种预测是必需的,如果没有它,将很难知道电池什么时候电量会用尽。
I mean it had the same recognizable sounds as any one of the feature films. 我是说,它拥有了和任何一部电影一样的可被公认的音响。
Perhaps the most key feature was that UPS was able to provide its extensive service at rates comparable to those of parcel post. 也许UPS最重要的特色是UPS能以与包裹邮政相当的价格提供其广泛服务。
Thiago Silva sustained a leg injury at the weekend, but Allegri said the defender could feature, but that depends on further tests. 后防大将蒂亚戈席尔瓦受伤让米兰防线更加吃紧,但阿莱格里表示弟媳是否能上场还取决于明天的检查。
This is much better than any sort of "suggested users" feature since it's just going to show you people who like the same things you do. 这比那些仅仅只显示那些和你喜欢同样东西的“建议用户”好多了。
The video actually shows a solar 'prominence' - a little-understood feature which develops in the surface of the sun. 该视频事实上展示了日珥这一现象,然而这一发生在太阳表面的现象很少为人所知。
A DVD drive can access multimedia data from CD-ROMs as well. A DVD also allows you to watch feature-length movies on your computer. 一个DVD驱动器可以访问CD-ROM中的多媒体信息,也能让你在计算机上观赏高质量的电影。
This feature allows the service processor (SP) to isolate faults and log events that take place right up to the point of the actual failure. 这个特性让服务处理器(SP)能够隔离错误,并在日志中记录在实际故障点之前发生的事件。
Ted launches into an awed analysis of the processing power of digital cameras, and how much computing horsepower they now feature. Ted开展了对数码相机处理能力的深度分析,试图了解它们目前所展现出来的计算能力。
This article, by means of biological toxicity tests, analyzes the feature of the bottom Sediment poison pollution in the Dashahe River. 运用生物毒性监测方法,对深圳市南山区大沙河底泥毒物污染特征进行了分析。
It is assumed that this tumorigenic feature will be manifested upon transplantation to human patients as well. 推测这种致瘤特征在干细胞被移植到人类病人时也可显现。