
美 [ˈfib(ə)l]英 [ˈfiːb(ə)l]
  • adj.虚弱的;衰弱的;无效的;缺乏决心的
  • 网络微弱的;无力的;脆弱的

比较级:feebler 最高级:feeblest

feeble attempt,feeble excuse,feeble argument


1.虚弱的;衰弱的very weak

2.无效的;缺乏决心的;无力的not effective; not showing determination or energy


新东方六级高频词汇整理_百度文库 ... feasible a. 可行的 feeble a. 脆弱的,虚弱的 rough a. 粗略的,不精确的 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲(F)|英语四级词汇 ... fee n. 费,酬金;赏金 feeble a. 虚弱的;微弱的 feedback n. 回授,反馈,反应 ...


NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... fee 费(会费,学费等);酬金 feeble 虚弱的,无力的 feedback 反馈;反应;回授 ...


新东方六级高频词汇整理_百度文库 ... feasible a. 可行的 feeble a. 脆弱的,虚弱的 rough a. 粗略的,不精确的 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... fee 费用 feeble 衰弱的 feebly 衰弱地 ...


绵字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 久远〖 farback〗 薄弱;软弱〖 weak;feeble〗 病重〖 (disease)severe〗 ...


六级高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... feasible a. 可行的 00-1-42 feeble a. 脆弱的,虚弱的 99-1-60 rough a. 粗略的,不精确的 97-6-41 ...

Equally, to think, "Oh well at least I tried, " would also be feeble, suggesting you were giving up. 同样,“好吧,至少我试过了”的想法也站不住脚,这说明你要放弃了。
The plea, so often advanced, that this was because they did not like the foreign policy, was feeble. 他们经常提出辩解,说这是因为对外交政策不满,这种辩解是站不住脚的。
He began to walk up and down the beach, his father-in-law looking helplessly at him, rubbing his feeble eyes with a handkerchief. 他开始在海滩上往来蹀躞,他的岳丈无可奈何地瞧着他,用手帕擦着他衰老的眼睛。
The feeble, fluttering flame seemed hardly attached to the wick as the child kissed her mother and then walked slowly toward the stairway. 当她吻了妈妈,慢步走向楼梯时,那跳闪的微弱烛焰看上去已跟烛芯脱离了。
And feeble though this little flicker of goodwill was, it was the beginning of the end of that church feud. 虽然这一点点闪烁不定的善意是微弱的,但它是结束教堂的夙怨的开始。
If that be true of men of intelligence, how much more true is it of the ignorant and illiterate, or those of feeble intellect. 若对有知识智慧的人都如此,那么对无知的人和文盲或那些智力低下的人就更可想而知了。
For years, it pottered along, weighed down by the regulations that made up the licence raj, producing only a feeble "Hindu" rate of growth. 多年来,它一直疲于奔命,由法规规定做出了牌照raj,仅仅产生了一个软弱的“印度教徒报”的增长速度。
He took the back seat of the carriage, after a feeble bow or two, and speech of thanks, polite to the last, and resolute in doing his duty. 他有气无力地鞠了一两个躬,说了许多感谢的话,表现了始终如一的礼数和尽责到底的决心,这才坐上马车的后座。
Then, bringing his eyes back to his own person, they fell upon his feeble arms and his thin hands. 随后,他的眼睛折回到自己身上,望着自己的两条干胳膊和瘦手。
I knew that he was feeble and was not frightened of him. 我知道他弱不经风,所以就不怕他。
Dormouse slowly opened his eyes. 'I wasn't asleep, ' he said in a hoarse, feeble voice: 'I heard every word you fellows were saying . ' 睡鼠慢慢地睁开眼,嘶哑无力地说:“我没有睡,你们说的每一个字我都听着呢。”
The king of Babylon hath heard the report of them, and his hands waxed feeble: anguish took hold of him, and pangs as of a woman in travail. 巴比伦王听见他们的风声,手就发软,痛苦将他抓住,疼痛彷佛产难的妇人。
Lincoln examines the pill under a feeble stream of light coming through a vent in the dark cell. 在漆黑的牢房内,Lincoln在一束从通风孔透入的虚弱光线下,仔细研究那片药丸。
In old persons the heat is feeble, and therefore they require little fuel, as it were, to the flame, for it would be extinguished by much. 而老人之躯少有热量,所以犹如炉火只需少许“燃料”,因燃料过多会使其熄灭。
The name is a bit misleading, but originally FVWM was a fork of the original TWM window manager and made as a feeble replacement. 它的名字可能会引起误解,但是FVWM最初只是TWM窗口管理系统的一个分支,只是作为TWM的一个简单替代品。
Trying to be nice; I gently tried to wake her up in advertvthe actualce my stop feeble. 为了做个好青年,我在我的车站到之前才悄悄地野心弄醒她。
The king of Babylon has heard the report about them , And his hands are feeble ; Distress has seized him , Pain like a woman in childbirth . 巴比伦王听见他们的风声,手就发软;痛苦将他抓住,疼痛仿佛正在生产的妇人。
He did not remember his sister at all, except as a tiny, feeble baby, always silent, with large, watchful eyes. 他根本记不得妹妹,只恍惚她是个虚弱的小婴儿,总是不哭不闹,瞪着紧张不安的大眼睛。
The research on Zhang Junmai's socialist thought and its modern significance seem to be extremely feeble in the current academic circle. 目前学术界对张君劢社会主义思想及其现代意义的研究,稍显薄弱。
A stress-ridden mind consumes much of our memory resources to leave us with a feeble mind. 压力之下的思考会消耗很多记忆资源,让我们感到脑力疲惫。
I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and a king of England too. 我知道我长了一副柔弱女子的身躯,可我有一国之君的心胸,而且还是英格兰的君王。
The feeble old man said it would be a luxury to be able to walk to the riverside and watch his grandchild swimming. 这位虚弱的老人说,他到海边去看孙子游泳也几乎不能了。
Mr Brown is exhausted, intellectually too feeble to command support from people who have seen too much of him. 布朗已筋疲力竭、江郎才尽,难以博得已对其产生视觉疲劳的公众的支持。
Her eyes start to be suffused with water smog, the whole body is numb and feeble to not go, blare, why her body ambition so acute? 她眼睛泛起水雾,全身酥麻得不行,呜,为什么她的身体会这么敏感?
A year ago consensus held that China faced feeble growth and social revolt by an army of millions of laid-off workers. 一年前,人们普遍认为,中国面临增长疲弱的局面,而数百万失业大军将造成社会动荡。
The recovery now under way will be feeble: deflation will remain a bigger threat than inflation for at least a year. 现行的复苏是脆弱的:在至少一年里,通货紧缩的威胁始终大于通货膨胀。
Adoption of the relevant circumstances can be seen that in this case handling, a national legal time appear to be so feeble! 通过该案相关情节可以看出,在此案办理中,国家法律一时间显得那么苍白无力!
A year after opening, the wine shops make a feeble profit selling discounted bottles for local Communist Party banquets. 开张一年后,酒商只能通过为当地共产党宴会提供折扣红酒赚取微薄的利润。
I felt assured now of what it was, and from the bottom of my heart I pitied this last feeble rill from the great flood of humanity. 接着我又想到我看见的肉,这下我肯定那是什么了,我从心底里同情人类洪流中这最后的涓涓小溪。
Long time no write to you, of course, any reason all is feeble, so it's up to you to imagine the reason! 好久不给你写信了,当然任何理由都是苍白无力的,因此由你去想像其中的原因吧!