
美 [fəˈroʊʃəs]英 [fəˈrəʊʃəs]
  • adj.凶猛的;强烈的;严重的
  • 网络残忍的;凶恶的;残暴的



1.凶猛的;残暴的;猛烈的very aggressive or violent; very strong


20个用以描述动物的形容词-英语点津 ... 3. Furry 长毛的;毛绒的 4. Ferocious 凶猛的 5. Tame 温顺的 ...


read a humorous story each day ... guard v. 保护;保卫 ferocious adj. 凶猛的;残忍的 lunge v. 冲刺;前冲 ...


雅思进阶词汇 - 豆丁网 ... faulty n. 有缺点的, 有过失的 ferocious a . 凶恶的, 残忍的, 凶猛的 fictional a . 虚构的, 想像的 ...


gre词汇精选(最新词汇) - 豆丁网 ... fencing 剑术,击剑法 ferocious 凶猛的,残暴的 ferry 渡船,渡口; ...


字典中 猛 字的解释 ... (3) 非常,甚[ very] (1) 凶恶可怕[ fierce;ferocious;violent] (3) 勇猛;威猛[ valiant] ...


A - 豆丁网 ... fera,a wild animal 野兽 ferocious a. 凶恶的, 十分强烈的 ,to bear,carry,bring,put,produce 负, 携, 带, 生产 ...

I leaned against the wall and looked out the window with her. The storm was growing more ferocious. 我也靠在墙上和她一起看沙尘暴。
It had been a ferocious but perfectly legitimate tackle. 这个铲断很凶狠,但确实是合理的冲撞。
The dog looks so ferocious when it barks that the postman gives it a wide berth. 那条狗狂吠时看上去很凶恶,邮差对它敬而远之。
I'm a shy little girl who doesn't want to ask a bunch of ferocious - looking strangers to let me play with them. 我是一个害羞的小女孩,我不想和一帮长相凶恶的陌生人一块玩。
The truth was that polar bears are ferocious wild animals and can become desperate for food in the ice-free summer months. 事实上北极熊是凶猛的野生动物,在无冰的夏季,北极熊会因难以觅食而变得饥不择食。
We know some were enormous, we knew some were ferocious. . . but only now are we able to tell the truth about dinosaurs. 我们知道它们有的巨型,有的恐怖,但直到这刻我们才清楚恐龙的真面目。
Love is never as ferocious as you think it is going to leave you. 当你感到爱情将逝时最是难堪。的确,正是如此。
However, he did not seem at all ferocious, and only said gruffly "Good evening, Beauty. " 然而,他看上去似乎一点也不凶狠,只是粗嗄地说,“晚上好,美女。”
Other remarkable images showing a ferocious solar flare as it loops out from the surface of the Sun were also released this week. 本周发布的其他图片显示,一次剧烈的太阳耀斑运动从太阳表面呈环形抛射出烈焰。
If you remember nothing else today, it's that this energy that you think is so ferocious is actually afraid of divine intent! 如果你今天什么都不记得,是因为你认为如此凶恶的能量,其实是害怕神的意图!
Fiorina was fired from HP in a ferocious blaze of publicity, but demonstrates pride in her accomplishments at the company. 菲奥莉娜在一场公开宣扬的洪洪烈火中被惠普辞退,但依然为她在公司的成就而骄傲。
He has shown ferocious willpower to confirm that he is still a true champion and I really hope to see him run out for Italy. 他用极强的意志力来证明他仍然是真正的冠军,我真希望看到他为意大利效力。
The ferocious attack by a chimpanzee of a woman in Stamford, Conn. , on Feb. 16 wasn't a question of if but of when. 一个女人2月16日在康涅狄格州斯坦福德,,黑猩猩凶猛的攻击,是不是如果,而是问题。
Meanwhile, the fruits of globalisation mean that in many parts of the economy the competition is far more ferocious than it used to be. 与此同时,全球化的成果意味着,许多经济领域的竞争远比过去激烈得多。
Crucially, it also maintains a 'memory' so the body can launch a more ferocious defense the next time the same invader attacks. 最重要的是,后天免疫系统还能够保持“记忆”,因此下次当同样的入侵者攻击人体时,体内能组织起效果更强的防线。
wicked fools will not go about on it. a 9No lion will be there, nor will any ferocious beast get up on it; they will not be found there. 愚昧的人不会在路上留连.9那里必没有狮子,猛兽也不会上去,在那里必遇不见牠们;
Dogs are brought into restaurants, fussed over in public, dressed up in ridiculous outfits and dyed to look like ferocious tigers. 狗狗可以进入餐馆,在公共场合任意活动,穿着搞笑的外套,甚至被染成像凶猛的老虎。
It definitely can't run away if it's locked up in this cage for ferocious demon beasts. 如果它关在这个用作关押凶猛野兽的笼子里,它肯定跑不掉。
According to an old set, this time, the tiger the most active and ferocious, wounding up to, so Yinshi the same with Tiger. 据古书载,这时候,老虎最活跃、最凶猛、伤人最多,因此寅时同虎搭配。
You must be on your guard against it, it is crafty and ferocious; if it catches hold of the skirt of your coat, you will be drawn in bodily. 对它应当小心,那是个阴险凶恶的东西,假使它拖住了你衣服的一只角,你整个人便会被卷进去。
The river is as ferocious beasts in the roar, a deafening Hou Sheng, as if the entire valley in fibrillation. 而河水却象凶猛的野兽在咆哮,发出震耳欲聋的吼声,仿佛整个峡谷在颤动。
A ferocious animal, it often hid in the undergrowth and beaters were employed and ordered to go straight in to chase it out. 一种凶猛的动物,它经常躲在灌木丛里,于是人们请来了野猪的克星,让它笔直的冲进灌木将野猪逐出。
"a tiger" may refer to a ferocious man. a brave soldier is a tiger in a fight. an active, energetic young man works like a tiger. 老虎可以指凶残的人。勇敢的士兵在战斗中像只老虎。一个活跃的、精力充沛的年轻人干起活来虎虎有生气。
Mr Mugabe's childhood left him with a shaky self-confidence but a ferocious self-discipline. 穆加贝的童年留给他的,不仅有随时会丧失的自信,还有近乎残忍的自律。
A strange sight was taken place in the forest: the fox was proudly marching in front and the ferocious tiger followed in a huff. 一奇怪情景在森林内发生:狐狸正在前面自豪前进,凶猛的虎生气地跟随。
Each night will be to attack the loneliness, with a ferocious mask, let me collapse at the first blow to the fragile heart to crumble. 每个深夜都会侵袭来的寂寞,带着狰狞的面具,让我本就脆弱到不堪一击的心彻底瓦解。
small zoo tigers are ferocious, but very cute, it will go in front of one, while Also playing in her mother's arms. Very cute. 动物园里的小老虎很凶猛,但非常可爱,它一会走在前面,一会儿又在妈妈的怀里玩耍。非常可爱
He was the best Yapi spokesman, but now torn off the warmth of the mask to reveal the face of ferocious . 他曾是雅皮最好的代言人,但现在却撕下了温情的面具,露出凶恶的嘴脸。
Mr Roh, a son of the soil who had taught himself well enough to get through South Korea's ferocious bar exams, was thought to be different. 卢武铉作为泥土的儿子,通过刻苦自修通过了韩国竞争极其残酷的司法考试,人们觉得他是不一样的。
A second factor was the ferocious competition in contemporary India for the small number of prized jobs. 另一个因素是为了争取少数好工作而面对的激烈竞争。