
美 [fɪrs]英 [fɪə(r)s]
  • adj.凶猛的;凶狠的;凶残的;狂热的
  • 网络猛烈的;激烈的;强烈的

比较级:fiercer 最高级:fiercest

fierce competition,fierce battle,fierce anger,fierce opposition,fierce fight


1.凶猛的;凶狠的;凶残的angry and aggressive in a way that is frightening

2.狂热的;强烈的;猛烈的showing strong feelings or a lot of activity, often in a way that is violent

3.狂暴的;恶劣的very strong in a way that could cause damage


高中英语必修2_百度百科 ... disappearance n. 消失 fierce adj. 凶猛的;猛烈的 so that 以致于;结果 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... opposite a. 相反的 fierce a. 猛烈的 importance n. 重要性 ...


精华资料:英语词汇 词根+联想记忆_新东方在线 ... even though 转折 fierce 激烈的 severe 严重的严肃的 ...


雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法 ... fidelity n. 忠诚,忠实;精确 fierce a. 凶猛的,凶狠的,愤怒的;强烈的 filter n. 滤器,滤光器; ...


MBA 词汇加词组3_点石成金_新浪博客 ... field n. 田地;领域;(电)磁场;运动场 fierce a. 凶猛的,残忍的 fifteen num. …


大学四级高频词汇_百度知道 ... feedback n 反馈,反馈信息 fierce a 凶猛的;狂热的 flash vi 闪光; 飞驰;闪耀 n闪光;闪光灯 ...


真题网 - 考研英语高频词汇 ... fertile a. 肥沃的,富饶的;丰富的 fierce a. 凶猛的,残忍的;狂热的,强烈的 file n. 档案,文件 ...

Israel has invariably chosen to turn a deaf ear to turkey's occasionally fierce rhetoric for the sake of that strategic liaison. 以色列为了战略联盟起见,对土耳其偶尔激烈的言辞始终如一地选择了充耳不闻。
When a meteor crash creates a fierce storm, they are stranded on a remote island inhabited by only the lighthouse keeper and his wife. 当一颗流星坠落造成一场凶猛的暴风雨时,他们被陷于只有灯塔守卫和他妻子居住的偏僻小岛上。
Until Ms. Ko died of breast cancer in 2004, she was Mr. Kim's de facto first lady and a fierce campaigner for her sons. 直到Ko夫人在2004年死于乳腺癌,她一直是金正日事实上的第一夫人,对孩子而言还是一个积极的活动家。
As flexible as a swallow, as fierce as a lion, it poured down from the sky and baptized me with a shower of happiness and refreshment. 如燕般轻灵,如狮般勇猛,它从天而降,给予我议常欢快和自由的洗礼。
There was a fierce glow in his flashing eyes and his lips were tightly drawn. 他的眼睛里闪着逼人的光,嘴唇绷得紧紧的。
Owing to the fierce market competition, credit sale becomes one of the main competitive means of the enterprises. 在激烈的市场竞争环境下,赊销成为企业主要的竞争手段之一。
As the fierce fire, on-site personnel for a time unable to successfully extinguish the fire. 由于火势凶猛,现场人员一时间无法顺利扑灭大火。
Her ball- dress still lay on the sofa , and with a sort of fierce care she arrayed herself , took the flowers in her hand , and went down . 她赴舞会穿的衣服还摊在长沙发上,她鼓着一股猛劲,小心地穿上衣服,把花拿在手里,就下楼来。
It was a perfect world for Dooku's hidden retreat. The villagers had a fierce sense of privacy and kept his comings and goings secret. 这个世界是杜库最佳的藏身之所——就连村民们也有着极端强烈的隐私意识,时常是来去无踪。
At this time, it looked at me, my sight when it turned back forced boarding, the fierce look of the fly to the sky. 这时,它又望了望我,在望我的这时,它用力转身后腿登起,猛的一下向天空飞去。
by drying up its fierce and rapid flow, such a monk gives up the here and the beyond, just as a serpent sheds its worn-out skin. 他摒除一切贪欲,犹如使快速流动的河水枯竭,这样的比丘抛弃此岸与彼岸,犹如蛇蜕去衰老的皮。
So a fierce lion was shut up for a whole day without food, and a time was set for the fight. 于是人们把一头凶猛的狮子整整关上一天,不给食物,并定下了格斗的时间。
Now, as a fierce fiscal retrenchment begins, the bank is expected to cushion the impact by keeping monetary policy looser for longer. 如今,英国开始实施严格的财政紧缩措施,预计银行将在更长一段时间里保持宽松的货币政策以缓和由此带来的冲击。
And behind the dim light, disguised beyond recognition, how the heart can be the same as ever to the brave and fierce wounded, invincible? 而灯火阑珊的背后,面目全非的心该如何乔装,才能像不曾受伤一样的去骁勇善战,所向无敌?
Washburne has accidentally experienced Bei Li's fierce, then convinces her to help to arrest this group of bank highway robber. 沃什伯恩偶然见识了贝莉的厉害,便说服她帮忙逮捕这帮银行劫匪。
His downfall revealed a fierce power struggle at the top of the party ahead of a once-in-a-decade leadership succession later this year. 薄的倒台揭示出,在今年下半年举行的十年一度的领导层换届之前,共产党高层正进行着激烈的权力斗争。
The fierce figure that approached him in the field was more terrifying than expected, however, and he suddenly had thoughts of fleeing. 可是比赛场上朝他走来的那个人十分凶猛,比他想像的还要可怕,于是他突然产生了逃跑的念头。
It was the start of a chain reaction that this summer unleashed a fierce backlash from regulators and local banks. 此后出现了一系列连锁反应,到了今年夏天,中国监管机构和本土银行发出了强烈的反弹。
Whilst a form of duality still exists in the higher dimensions, it is by no means of such a fierce challenge as you have experienced. 虽然一种二元的形式仍然存在于更高的维度中,但它决不是你们所经历过的那种凶猛的挑战。
The Tasmanian devil lives on the island of Tasmania in Australia and is a fierce marsupial with black fur and a strong smell. 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛上的塔斯马尼亚恶魔是一种凶猛的有袋类动物,有一身黑毛和浓重的气味。
She was a gay little Manon, unwitting of society's fierce conception of morality, but, nevertheless, good to her neighbour and charitable. 她是一个快乐的小曼依,对社会上严格的道德观点丝毫不懂,然而对她周围的人却很和善宽厚。
After the one side night and thousand seasons looked, in the heart is unable to restrain to sigh that, This person too was fierce. 一旁的夜和千季看了之后,心里不禁感叹:这个人太厉害了。
He then raised his head, staring at her, his eyes become so fierce, cold, gloomy, all Miyi tenderness, delicacy, tenderness . . . all gone. 然后,他抬起头来,瞪视着她,他的眼神变得那么凌厉,那么冷漠,那么阴沉,所有的柔情蜜意、细腻、温柔……全体不见了。
Only actively develop new products, through new products lead the market, to get out of the fierce market competition, get more profits. 企业只有积极开发新产品,通过新产品引领市场,才能摆脱激烈的市场竞争,获得更多的利润。
Memories like these have given him a fierce dislike of violence, which he has passed to his own sons. 这样的回忆让他对暴力深恶痛绝,同时,也深深地影响了他的儿子。
Calling Ali "a fierce fighter and a man of peace, " Bush said, Ali's fighting style would be studied for years but defy imitation. 布什在颁奖时称赞阿里是“一位坚强的战士和爱好和平的人”。布什还说,阿里的拳击风格会被别人研究很多年,但它是不可复制的。
Miss Rachel walked swiftly through to her bed- room , wild and anger, with fierce eyes and flaming cheeks . 雷茜儿小姐怒不可遏地匆匆走到卧室里,两眼冒火,脸颊通红。
Of course I don't want to gossip about him , but do you know that he should have had a fierce quarrel with his wife ? 当然我不想对他说长道短,不过你知不知道他竟然和他的妻子大吵了一场?。
UBS's regional head has given warning that its profit margins there could be depressed for a year or two amid fierce competition for talent. 瑞士联合银行区域经理提醒到,由于人才之间过激竞争,该地区利润率可能会有一到两年的衰落。
After nine years of fierce watchfulness , it would be restful to turn over her life to others, wouldn't it? 在保持了长达九年的高度警觉之后,现在她的生活该转为和他人一样平静了不是吗?