
美 [fɪlm]英 [fɪlmd]
  • n.膜;层;润滑膜;胶纸
  • v.(在…上)蒙上薄膜;(使)生薄膜;(使)变朦胧;(把…)摄成影片
  • 网络拍摄

现在分词:filming 过去式:filmed 第三人称单数:films

see film,make film,watch film,shoot film,show film
plastic film,documentary film,french film,exciting film,classic film



807词汇 - 豆丁网 ... model 模型 filmed 拍摄 Birmingham 伯明翰 ...

Later, Mr Bennett was also filmed watching what appeared to be YouTube footage of a dog. 随后,本内特似乎又在YouTube上看了一段有关狗的视频。
you know, I don't want to give anything away. -So, yes. You were on set with him. You have filmed with him. We see you both together. 你知道,我不想透露任何消息。-是的,是的。你在片场见过他。你与他一起拍摄。我们看到你们两个在一起。
Recently, a local television station secretly filmed a hospital official trying to sell a double-jaw procedure to a woman. 近日,一个地方电视台暗访跟拍了一家医院的人员向一位女士推销双颚手术。
As the scene was filmed, Mr Bergman noted, the old actor's face "shone with secretive light as if reflected from another reality" . 当拍摄这个场景的时候,伯格曼写道,那个老演员的脸上“闪亮着似乎是从另一个真实所来的隐匿的光”。
Gusty entered her boldly and made love to her rhythmically while she filmed him, because she was a keen amateur pornographer. 贾斯帝放胆进入她的身体,与她有节奏地做着爱,她则掌镜拍着他,因为她是一位狂热的业余情色摄影师。
The fire is thought to have started on a sound stage of the studios. An advertisement is reported to have been being filmed at the time. 火灾被认为是开始于一个摄影棚的工作室。据报道那时,广告正在拍摄。
He said that it was filmed just over a week ago. 这个视频是在一个星期前录制的。
In the early years of motion pictures, there was such a demand for motion pictures that Thomas Edison's company filmed all sorts of things. 电影刚开始时,人们对电影有强烈的需求,所以托马斯爱迪生的公司拍摄了各式各样的东西。
"Winter Sonata" , a South Korean soap opera, sent honeymooners flocking to the places where it had been filmed. 韩国肥皂剧《冬季恋歌》一播出,度蜜月的人就成群结队蜂拥至拍摄地。
I began to understand that dance can't be photographed. Or even filmed, for that matter. It's an art that lives in the air. 我开始了解到舞蹈是不能照下来的,甚至是录下来。它是个存在于空气中的艺术。
During the programme, one recruit was secretly filmed yelling "Paki" as he plunged his bayonet into a target dummy. 在调查中,一个新兵在把刺刀插入目标假人时大叫“巴基斯坦佬”时被偷拍了下来。
The train sequence is likely to be filmed near Ahmedabad, in India's state of Gujarat, in January. 火车系列场景很可能于明年1月在印度古吉拉特邦艾哈迈达巴德(Ahmedabad)附近拍摄。
The programme's makers cannot be sure, but they suspect it may be the first footage of a snow leopard cub filmed in the wild. 虽然还不能确定,但节目制作人认为这很有可能是首次在野外拍摄到野生幼年雪豹。
In the script, someone gives her a new notebook. The moment was filmed exactly in keeping with the script. 在电影剧本里,有人给了她一台新电脑,影片也严格按照剧本拍摄。“我们拍了那个镜头。”沃特说。
In a series of characters, he filmed interwoven into the door, she opened the door, she became the dialogue, in his conversation. 在一连串的人物交织拍摄中,他的开门,变成了她的开门,她的对话,变成了他的对话。
At the height of his fame, a French journalist filmed him nibbling on a piece of fruit while supposedly midway through his mammoth fast. 当Bamjan名声最大的时候,一个法国记者拍摄到他在斋戒期间吃水果的镜头。
He says the experts looked to see if there was any tampering of the video and whether the people who were filmed were actors. 海恩斯说,这些专家查看了这段录像是否受到篡改以及被拍摄的人是不是演员。
At the moment, we've filmed all the scenes at the Dursleys', the travel on the Hogwarts Express, and some of the famous Knight Bus scenes. 至今为止,我们已经拍摄完成了在德思礼家中的场景、在霍格沃茨特快列车上的场景,以及部分著名的骑士公共汽车的场景。
It's well-scripted, acted, filmed, and directed, to the point you will get glassy eyes at some of the most dramatic and epic moments. 它的良好的剧本,表演,拍摄,并指示,到时候你会得到一些玻眼睛最戏剧性和史诗的时刻。
Had I been there, I would have filmed the occasion. = If I had been there, I would have filmed the occasion. 如果我在那里,我会把那场面拍摄下来了。
It's such a uniquely Japanese event and we filmed it so we'll all remember it for the rest of our lives. 这是一个多么独特的习俗,我们会记录下来这珍贵的时刻,并且会永远都记住它
It may look like the Pittsburgh of your dreams, but the show is actually filmed in Toronto. 这部戏看起来像是在匹兹堡,但其实是在多伦多。
The opening party scenes were filmed without music, and the guests in the background were silently pretending to talk to one another. 开场的派对戏是在没有背景音乐的情况下拍摄的,背景里的宾客们都安静地假装在互相聊天。
Actor Keifer Sutherland has already filmed a public service announcement in the United States extolling the virtues of a green lifestyle. 演员基弗萨瑟兰已经在美国拍摄了一段公共服务宣言,宣传绿色生活方式的优点。
The movie was filmed in London Cathedral, meanwhile Christians were sitting-down outside. 电影在伦敦大教堂拍摄,教徒们在教堂外面静坐抗议。
As we filmed the child crying it made me feel awful watching him, and I couldn't help but to feel sorry for him. 拍小孩哭时,看著他哭,心里又很难受,觉得挺可怜的。
One of the very first shots filmed was of Malachy hunched over a toilet and vomiting after a night out partying! 影片最早拍摄的镜头中有一个场景,是马拉奇在彻夜派对狂欢后趴在一个马桶上呕吐!
I don't know how you even filmed that, but I'm not playing with you this time. 我不知道那段片子是怎么给你拍下来的,但这次我不陪你玩儿了。
The police filmed some of their members demonstrating outside E. ON, an energy company, in March. 警方录下了三月一些营员在易昂这家能源公司外游行示威的场景。
"You think nothing's real until you've filmed it, " says his angrygirlfriend Debra (Michelle Morgan), more than once. “除非拍下一切,否则你不会相信这些都是真的”克雷德愤怒的女友黛布拉(米歇尔·摩根玛饰演)不止一次这么说。