
美 [faɪnd]英 [faɪnd]
  • v.找到;找出;认为;感到
  • n.发现物
  • 网络查明;发现陨石;北欧菜

过去式:found 第三人称单数:finds 现在分词:finding

find way,find job,find work,find solution,find love
probably find


v. n.

偶然by chance

1.[t](意外或偶然地)发现,碰到to discover sb/sth unexpectedly or by chance

通过搜寻by searching

2.[t]找到;找回to get back sth/sb that was lost after searching for it/them

通过研究╱思考by studying/thinking

3.[t](经寻找、研究或思考)发现,查明,找出,求得to discover sth/sb by searching, studying or thinking carefully

通过体验╱试验by experience/testing

4.[t]发现(某事属实)to discover that sth is true after you have tried it, tested it or experienced it

有意见╱看法have opinion/feeling

5.[t]认为;感到to have a particular feeling or opinion about sth

现有;使现有have/make available

6.[t]~ sth现有(可用)to have sth available so that you can use it

处于意外状况in unexpected situations

7.[t](尤指意外地)发现,发觉(处于某状态、在做某事)to discover sb/sth/yourself doing sth or in a particular situation, especially when this is unexpected


8.[t]~ sth自然到达;达到to arrive at sth naturally; to reach sth


9.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.(在某处)存在,生长used to say that sth exists, grows, etc. somewhere

法庭in court

10.[t][i]裁决;判决to make a particular decision in a court case


all found

(工资外)加免费食宿with free food and accommodation in addition to your wages

find fault (with sb/sth)

找茬儿;挑错;挑剔;抱怨to look for and discover mistakes in sb/sth; to complain about sb/sth

find your feet

已能独立而有信心地工作;已适应新环境to become able to act independently and with confidence

find it in your heart/yourself to do sth

能做某事;愿意干某事to be able or willing to do sth

find your voice/tongue

能说出自己的看法;能表达自己的意见to be able to speak or express your opinion

find your way (to…)

找到正确的路(去某处)to discover the right route (to a place)

find your/its way (to/into…)

偶然来到;无意中处于to come to a place or a situation by chance or without intending to

take sb as you find them

接受某人的现状;承认某人的情况(别无指望)to accept sb as they are without expecting them to behave in a special way or have special qualities


分享网 ... 登录/ U/Login 发现/ Finds 收藏/ SC ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... finds vt. 找到, 发现, 感到, 查明, 得到, 认为, 见到...的存在 disbelief n. 怀疑 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... finds vt. 找到, 发现, 感到, 查明, 得到, 认为, 见到...的存在 disbelief n. 怀疑 ...




main ... Santorin (意大利菜) FINDS 北欧菜 Reuben 三文治 ...


餐厅百科 ... DUM PUKHT 餐 FINDS 北欧餐厅 Le Tobsil 餐 ...

He finds it very difficult to please both his wife and his mother. He is often caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. 他觉得很难同时让他的太太和他的母亲都感到高兴,他常常是风箱里的老鼠--两头受气。
These concepts are those that an ardent finds most appealing or that possess the most potential power in her eyes. 这些概念是在那些被热心者发现的哲理中最吸引人的,或者是在拥有者眼中最具有潜力的。
She used to have servants; now she finds it a come-down to have to do the work herself. 她过去雇有佣人,现在她得自己干活,觉得很委屈。
CXF checks for a configuration file in the classpath on startup and, if it finds the file, uses it to set property values. CXF在启动时在类路径中寻找配置文件,如果找到了,就用它设置属性值。
But this sort of infidelity is risky if the woman's unsexy long-term partner finds out and leaves her alone to raise the child. 但是这种出轨行为有风险,一旦东窗事发,被自己那不够迷人的长期伴侣发现,男的会扔下她一个人去独自抚养孩子。
Monica picks up Emily's wedding dress for her, and finds she just can't resist wearing it. . . a lot. 莫妮卡替艾米丽挑选婚纱,却忍不住自己试穿……个没完。
He is not the only one who finds it easier to point out the flaws in a system than to correct them. 他也是唯一一个认为指出系统弊病比解决问题容易的人。
Money issues aside, Leighton does love her mother, you could even say she finds Constance to be an . . . inspiration? 撇去钱财纠纷,莉顿确实很爱她的母亲,也许你可以说母亲Constance是她努力的动力。
It's so easy to spread information now that it lasts longer and finds more niches - this trend is helping content travel further. 现在传播信息非常方便,信息可以持续更长时间,发现更多细分市场,这种趋势让内容传播得更远。
One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. 一百年以后,黑人仍然是在美国人的拐角里面失去活力社会和发现他自己流放在他的自己的土地里面。
When the money runs out, a severe famine hits the country and the son finds himself in dire circumstances. 当钱用完了,严重的饥荒打国家和儿子发现自己在严峻的形势。
He finds a crystal jewel box in the shape of a coffin, which haunts him with reminders of the mission he tried to salvage in East Timor. 他在一具棺木里找到一个水晶珠宝盒,这令他想起在东帝汶试图想抢救的任务种种情形。
What's a musician to do when he finds out that his music may have been used to torture people? 当一个音乐人发现自己的音乐可能被用来拷问和折磨别人的时候他会有何反应?
the ship, he finds himself in the middle -- and is forced to come to terms with who he is and what his values are. 当非洲人最终抵抗并占有了船只后,他发现了自己的中间性——并且被迫与他自己的身份和价值观念妥协。
As the new season comes over the horizon, Wenger finds himself in a similar position to a year ago. 新赛季近在眼前,温格发现自己面临着与一年前一样的问题。
Chrissy: You know, you look like the kind of guy who would enjoy a good bed -time story. How about, Mr. Mouse finds a home? 克丽丝:我说,我相信你会愿意在我睡觉时给我讲个故事,那就讲个老鼠先生找了个家好吗?
If he finds all three of us I'll tell him the truth, that I was trying to stop you, and you can back me up. 要是费驰发现了我们三个,我就告诉他我是来阻止你去干傻事的。
She has come between me and my inclination, and now that she finds herself rightly punished she gets you to plead for her! 她曾把我的心愿给我阻挠了,现在活该她受罪,却又找了你来替她辩护,是不是!
Love Plus is a typical dating sim game in which the protagonist, a high school boy, finds himself in a relationship with a young woman. “LovePlus”是一个典型的约会游戏,主角是一个高中生,爱上个萝莉。
"But instead he seems to have photographed yet another different species" of snailfish, among other finds. Priede说,“但在他的发现中,他似乎拍到了另一种不同的狮子鱼。”
New research finds that the next time you think your brain is "messing with you, " you may be correct. 新的研究发现下一次你认为你的大脑正在招惹你时,你可能是对的。
Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar to himself, and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. 他们每个人都是他自己独特的工作方法,并且这种独特的意思是他发现它更容易的工作。
Marlin relents, but he finds himself unable to let the child out of his sight for more than a minute without rushing to his side. 马林缓和了自己的态度,但是他发现自己要是让孩子在视线之外呆上一分钟,总是忍不住要冲到孩子身旁。
and finds Bogs Diamond in the aisle. blocking his way. Rooster looms from the shadows to his right, Pete Verness on the left. A frozen beat. 发现伯格斯站在过道上挡住他的去路,路斯特从他右侧的阴暗处逼进,皮特。佛尼斯则在左边。
It still cares about us and wants to see us happy for the most part, but it finds our cellular perspective to be rather limiting. 它仍关心我们,很大程度上想看到我们快乐,但是它发现我们细胞的视角相当局限。
If it finds its inventories are now too large, the implications would be unpleasant for the producers that have benefited to date. 如果中国发现自己现在的库存量过高,将会对迄今受益的生产商带来令人不快的影响。
On his first night there he sneaks out of his attic bedroom to go to the bathroom but finds that the door is closed and the light on. 在那里第一个晚上,他偷溜出他的阁楼卧室去洗手间,但发现洗手间灯亮但门锁。
She finds Jackson's assistant at the door, who refuses to let her in and reveals that Jackson has left and probably for good. 她发现在门口杰克逊的助手,谁拒绝让她并透露,杰克逊已经离开和良好的可能。
I know. I feel like a failure. My father is going to be so disappointed when he finds out what I've done. 我知道。我觉得自己太失败了。我爸爸要是知道我做了些什么的话,他一定会很失望的。
but when she finds he is not ready to receive her, she goes in at the door, and out through the window. 但当运气发现他还没有准备好接受它时,就从门口进来,又从窗口出去了。