
美 [faɪr]英 [ˈfaɪə(r)]
  • n.火灾;火焰;燃烧;火力
  • v.着火;射击;炸破;使爆发
  • 网络炉火;泛指很多火灾;开火

复数:fires 现在分词:firing 过去式:fired

catch fire,start fire,fire gun,rifle fire,come fire
electrical fire,accidental fire,raging fire,mysterious fire
away fire



英语的问题?_百度知道 ... hill fire 是指山林火灾,是可数的 fires: 大火,火灾 fire: 火 ...


罗南基汀:燃烧 - 欧美流行 - 音乐 -... ... 12. The One You Love 你爱的人 1. Fires 燃烧 2. I've Got You 拥有你 ...


《英国... ... Nature Beyond the Grasp of Science 科学把握不住的自然 杨自伍 译 Fires 炉 火 杨自伍 译 On Inns 客栈 杨自伍 译 ...


摘:美国军事术语大全 ... fire plan 火力计划 fires 火力 fire support 火力支援 ...


新概念第一册-Lesson 53_新概念英语_沪江网 ... glasses: 眼镜 fires: 泛指很多火灾 broken glass: 不可数名词 ...


欧洲杯 - 最新闻 ... as Walcott( 沃尔科特) fires( 开火) hat-trick( 帽子戏法) ...


英语的问题?_百度知道 ... hill fire 是指山林火灾,是可数的 fires: 大火,火灾 fire: 火 ...

One of two or more successive propulsion units of a rocket vehicle that fires after the preceding one has been jettisoned. 一节火箭两级或多级火箭的推动器,往往前一个推动器被抛弃后下一个才点火发射
"Fire truck! " yelled five-year-old Billy. His mom had told him his dad was a fireman. When he got older he set fires, hoping to meet Dad. “消防车!”五岁的比利喊道。比利的妈妈曾告诉过他,爸爸是个消防员。所以,等比利长大了一点,他就开始放火,希望可以见到爸爸。
Collapsing buildings claim by far the majority of lives, but the destruction is often compounded by mud slides, fires, floods, or tsunamis. 地震引起的房屋倒塌通常了绝大多数的伤亡,而地震带来的危害却不止于此,还包括由此引发的泥石流、火灾、洪灾和海啸。
Fires in informal settlements are almost a daily occurrence. Unfortunately most of the fatalities are infants less than a year old. 火灾每天都有发生,不幸的是大部分遇害的孩子不满一岁。
Officials admit that they haven not been able to get the fires under control, but that there is no danger to the general public. 有关官员承认,他们还没有完全控制火势,但是对一般民众的生活不会有影响。
The tang of wood fires stings the nostrils of men and women as they duck through low doorways into the cheery, bright world of a home. 火刺木的汤,因为他们的男子和妇女通过低门口鸭鼻孔进入,热情的,一个家庭更美好的世界。
She had circled through a ploughed field for a mile until the light of the fires died out behind her. 她打田畈里绕圈子走了一英里多路,直到那火光远远消失在她的背后。
Watts thinks trends are more like forest fires: There are thousands a year, but only a few become roaring monsters. 瓦特认为流行更像是森林大火:在每年上千次火灾里,只有少数发展成不可遏止的烈火猛兽。
The big controversy then was that the government had spent $675m on summit "security" (yet they still couldn't seem to put out those fires). 之后关于此事件最大的争议是政府为峰会“安保”(虽然叫安保,他们却不能把火给灭了)投入了6.75亿美元。
high-temperature micro-fire, not easy to go off: lighting fires, large air valve to open fire is not quench, and durable. 耐高温微型火种,不易息灭:点燃火种,开大风阀火种不被息灭,耐用。
If I were an insurgent fighting against an American joint force, I would be delighted if all my opponent had to offer was long-range fires. 如果我是一名对抗美军联合作战力量的武装分子,我会很乐意看到我的敌人打过来的都是远程火力。
The only lights they saw came from the scattered fires around which groups of men were huddled. 他们能看到的唯一光亮,来自稀稀落落的火光,男人一群群围坐在旁边。
Joel Kotkin, a demographer, points out that California has always had fires during dry years, at least since the time of the Spaniards. 人口统计学家约尔·柯特金指出,加州在干旱年份总是有火灾,这至少始于西班牙人统治时期。
Rush in to wipe out the oppressors; after you gun down the enemy Marines, destroy the armed Dominion Transport that fires on you. 在你干翻敌方的陆战队员后,摧毁正向你开火的自治联盟武装运输车。
I made a mental note to remind her of that the next time she fires me for not fulfilling my Tech Support duties. 我默默记下,以便下次在她因为我没能充分履行技术支持职责而要解雇我的时候,提醒她曾说过这句话。
"People and nations are forged in the fires of adversity, " he said, doubtless thinking of his own as well as the American experience. “人民与国家都是在烈火中涅槃重生,”他说,毫无疑问他认为他自己也和美国人的经历一样。
Theres a primal urge, it seems, to go into a cave: to sniff it and test it and wonder what primal fires might once have illumined it. 这些洞穴会令人产生一种原始冲动,想进去一探究竟:闻闻周围的空气,抚摸一下石壁,畅想当年首次有火光照亮这里时是什么样的情景。
Stephen fell asleep owing to the heat from the wood fires in the tobacco barn, and when he awoke the fire was almost out. 由于烟草谷仓烧材的热度,斯蒂芬睡着了,当他醒来时,火几乎快燃尽了。
From heat waves to storms to floods to fires to massive glacial melts, the global climate seems to be crashing around us. 从热浪到暴风雨到洪水到火灾到融化的冰川,全球气候对我们来说好像要崩溃了。
Clashes were continuing to flare into the early hours of Thursday morning, as fires continued to burn around Tahrir Square. 冲突持续到周四凌晨,解放广场的周围仍有大火。
A two-stroke engine has no moving valves, and the spark plug fires each time the piston hits the top of its cycle. 二冲程发动机没有移动的阀,火花塞每次点火活塞到达循环顶端。
Logically, the end point of such a dynamic process would seem to be the mother of all fires and few if any means of resistance. 从逻辑上讲,这样一个动态过程的尽头似乎就是一切大火的根源,而人们对此却几乎没有任何抵抗手段。
Settlements in areas prone to storms, floods or forest fires might have to be fortified or moved. 易受风暴、洪水或森林火灾侵袭的定居地可能要加固或迁徙。
One of those uncontrollable veld fires, said the police. 警方称,那是一场无法控制的草原火灾。
Christmas have to be a time of banked-up fires, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories. 圣诞是那样美好的时光:炉火熊熊,花儿芬芳,醇酒飘香,殷殷祝贺,美好回忆。
High winds which had been fanning huge wild fires to the north of the Greek capital Athens for the past three days have died down. 借着大风,这场火势在希腊首都雅典蔓延了三天三夜之后,终于停息了。
Going to see a launch and feel the ground tremble below your feet while the sky fires up in Halloween orange and chimney red? 会看到一个发射和地面震动的感觉,而下方的脚在空中起火万圣节橙色和红色烟囱?
A large piece of clay from the next range hits a Trap shooter on the head just as he fires at his own target. He misses. 当一名多向运动员在射击自己的碟靶时,一块从邻近靶场飞落的大碎片正好落在运动员头上,结果运动员未击中碟靶。
The boys have been lighting fires in the garden. So they're AT it again, are they? 那些男孩一直在花园里点火堆。他们又在搞这名堂了,是不是?
The fires are still burning, but a consensus seems to be emerging somewhere in the middle. 战火仍在燃烧,不过在这两种极端观点的中间似乎出现了某种调和。