first and foremost

  • na.首先
  • 网络首要地;首要的是;第一位的和首要的

first and foremostfirst and foremost

first and foremost


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at first 最初,首先,开始时候 first and foremost 首要地,首先 first of all 首先,第一 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at first 最初,首先,开始时候 first and foremost 首要地,首先 first of all 首先,第一 ...


2010届中考英语同义词... ... the first person 第一人称 first and foremost 首要的是,首先 follow one’s advice 听从某人的劝告 ...


capital的翻译中文意思... ... An asset or advantage: 资源或优势: First and foremost;principal: 第一位的和首要的;最主要的: ...


Love Is In the... ... 4. come up with: 提出,提供 5. first and foremost 首先且最重要的 6. ex: 前夫,前妻,前任的 ...

"Bringing women back is good for diversity at banks but have no doubt that first and foremost, it makes commercial sense, " she says. “让妇女回去工作有益于银行雇员多元化,但无疑,首要的是那样做具有商业意义,”她表示。
It's kind of sad that this huge technology breakthrough will first and foremost be used to help people text while driving. 据悉,这项巨大的技术突破将首先应用在那些喜欢开车时打字的人身上,实在令人悲伤。
But Bruce Arena, the coach right now, recognised that it had to be about the Galaxy first and foremost and not about David Beckham. 但是现在的教练BruceArena指出,我们必须把整支银河队放在最重要的位置上,而不是贝克汉姆一个人。
First and foremost I need to come through the next couple of days' training unscathed and I'm just pleased to be back involved. 首先最重要的是我需要参加接下来两天的训练并保证不再受伤,我对于有可能复出非常兴奋。
First and foremost , the company refilled. At the end of the day we filed with the right numbers . It was a typo that was printed. 首先,我们公司已更正了相关数据,那是一个打印错误,在最后一天我们发布的是正确的数据。
One of the first and foremost indicators of love is willingness to put other person's interests ahead of your own. 一个首要的也是最重要的爱的表现,就是你会情愿将另一个人的兴趣和需要置于你自己之前。
First and foremost, you need to make it a point to value quality more than quantity. 首先,你需要使它成为一个指向值质量比数量重要。
First and foremost, that what you see in the listing is all you need for the application. 首先,您在清单中所看到的都是您的应用程序所需要的。
First and foremost, let me wish you, your families, and the populations you represent all the best for a healthy new year. 首先,我祝愿你们、你们的家人以及你们所代表的人民在新的一年里身体健康,万事如意。
Everything we created for this game came, first and foremost , from a desire to make a really playable GTA experience on this hardware. 一切都为我们创造了这个游戏,首先从一个愿望,使一个真正玩横行霸道的经验在此硬件。
His paintings are first and foremost for himself, because he has always been a dreamer; the world of dreams is as beautiful as stars. 他的绘画首先是画给自己的,因为他从来就是一个心存梦想的人,梦想生活就像星一样美好。
First and foremost, the close relationship you build with your child helps him to regulate his emotions and his actions. 首先,你和孩子间的亲密关系能帮助孩子很好的调整孩子的情绪和行为!
Under such circumstances, how to maximize enterprise value as a business first and foremost question of the survival and development. 在这样的环境下,如何实现企业价值最大化成为企业生存发展的首要问题。
First and foremost, we do not have to be nervous about this phenomenon, because it is normal of the modern society. 首先,我们不必对这种现象感到不安,因为它是现代社会的正常。
I am well aware that on a day of such high excitement, what you require, first and foremost, of any speaker is brevity. 我完全明白在这样一个激动人心的日子里,你们对任何一位演讲者最主要的要求就是简洁。
First and foremost, the housing bubble was one of the frothiest in the world. 首先也是最重要的一点就是:房地产泡沫堪称一切泡沫经济之最。
My own gut feeling: this has been a crisis of economic policy first and foremost. 我的直觉告诉我,这首先是一次经济政策危机。
After all, this is a country where ethnic Chinese are often considered Chinese first and foremost--no matter where they were born or raised. 最后,这是一个首先,也只可能会,把华裔都看做中国人的国度——不管他们是在哪里出生或者长大。
If fish is not abundant, our children are allowed to feed first and foremost to assure the preservation of our species. 如果鱼类不充足,那孩子们就被允许首先进食以确保我们物种的延续。
He does a bit of writing, but first and foremost he's a teacher. 他也写一些文章,但他主要是个教师。
First and foremost, the iPad maintained its lead as the best tablet on the market in terms of hardware, software, and ecosystem. 首先,从根本上来说iPad不管从硬件、软件还是整个生态系统都保持着它市场上最好的平板的地位!
Obayoo's first and foremost strategy seems to be emphasizing privacy and security. Obayoo的首要策略似乎是强调隐私和安全性。
"Etiquette is first and foremost a question of awareness, " said author and etiquette expert Anna Post. 作家和礼节专家安娜•波斯特说:“礼节首先是一个意识的问题。”
The spirit and life of a literary work as style is, the first and foremost concern of a translator is to convey the original style. 作为文学作品精神实质的缩影,风格是译者要考虑的首要的和最重要的问题。
First and foremost, many types of geospatial data can be represented in their "raw" format and work just fine with a search application. 首先需要注意的是,许多类型的地理空间数据都可以用它们的“原始”格式表示,并且能够在搜索应用程序中很好地发挥作用。
Time dimension is not the sole dimension of brand identity, but absolutely it is the first and foremost dimension of it. 时间也许不是品牌识别的唯一维度,但肯定是首要的与不可或缺的维度。
First and foremost, such a person is constantly in contact with or is in fact a part of the all pervading Divine power. 首先,那个人能经常与上天接上。事实上,他变成是上天无所不在的力量的一个部分。
The first and foremost step during any IT project initiative is to understand the business requirements. 任何IT项目活动中的第一步(也是最重要的一步)都是了解业务需求。
First and foremost, it tends to be more reliable for non-standard file types. 首先,也是最重要的,对于非标准的文件类型,它通常更加可靠。
He thought first and foremost that the young girl would definitely be frightened to necrosis, then hug ego to embrace more tightly somely. 他原以为,小姑娘一定会吓坏,然后抱自己抱的更紧一些。