first name

  • n.名字
  • 网络姓;你的名;姓氏

复数:first names

first namefirst name

first name


1.名字a name that was given to you when you were born, that comes before your family name

Fxsol开户 - 在FX Solutions开户 ... December 十二月 First Name : Last Name 姓: ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... first adj. 第一的 first name 名字 last adj. 最后的;上一个的 ...

威科先行®·信息库 | 荷兰威科集团 ... 其他企业 Others / First Name:* 名 / Last Name:* ...


国外网赚强站精选之slashmysearch--moneyseeker ... Zip code*: 邮编 First Name*: 你的名 Last Name*: 你的姓 ...


汉化项目 | Magento中文项目组 | 第 2 页 ... "Fax" 传真" "First Name" 姓氏" "Forgot Email Sender" 取回密码邮件的发件人" ...


无限容量免费网上相册shareapic全攻略 ... Zip Code: 邮编 First Name: 你的名字。 Last Name: 你的姓。 ...


英文名(FIRST NAME)英文姓(LAST NAME) 性别 证号 1 Interpretation 张则钧 TSE-CHIUN CHANG M TI-633006-VETC 2 Interp…


register ... Staff categories( 人员类别): Last Name/First Name姓名): Tele( 单位电话): ...

St. Bonaventure stray at all the efforts finally saved from the U. S. give him a very good first name ~ ~ yuan yuan. 流浪的圣博纳在众人努力下终于得救,大家给他起了个非常好听的名字~~缘圆。
In Christian countries Christian name is often used for first name . 在基督教国家中,常以教名为名。
Buff walked up to us. ' Hello again, Kate, ' he said. ' I still remember the first name you told me. ' 牛子朝我们走来。“又见面了,虫子。”他说,“我还记得你第一次告诉我的名字。”
Originally, Grant was the only Grand Admiral not given a first name, though Wallace has said that this was unintentional. 最初,格兰特是唯一一位未冠名的帝国元帅,但华莱士声明并非有意为之。
Today, I realized that the cashier at the liquor store and I are already on a first-name basis. I just moved to this town a week ago. FML. 今天我发现我跟卖酒商店的收银员已经熟到可以互相直呼名字了。我才搬到这镇子一个礼拜啊喂。FML。
They consist of a Label control and a TextBox control for the first name, and a Label control and a TextBox control for the last name. 它们由Label控件和TextBox控件(用于输入名)以及Label控件和TextBox控件(用于输入姓)组成。
Such a component could have 3 specific attributes (for first name, last name, and date of birth) and 3 input fields, laid out in a grid. 比如一个组件可能有3个具体的属性(姓,名,以及生日)和3个输入域,分布在一个格子里。
LuLu: Beautiful! It's the pick of the month. Do you want me to go with you? I always shop there and I am on a first-name basis. 漂亮!是当季的唷!你要我跟你去吗?我总是在那买东西,我已经熟到可以喊出每个人的名字喔!
I smiled in my best professional manner and asking for the child's first name I said , come on , Mathilda, . . . 我尽量露出我的职业微笑,询问小女孩的名字.我说,过来,玛蒂尔…
One day, one of the bouncers when the invasion shop, he took a suitcase of water, but I only know his first name is Bill. 一天,一名壮汉冲进店门,他带着一只水手提箱,后来我才知道他的名字叫比尔。
Queen: If I have given birth to a such daughter , have taken for her, what first name is good? 王后:如果我生了这样一个女儿,给她取个什么名字好呢?
and then they may tell you to call them by their first name. 然后他们可能会让你叫他们的第一个名字
Jesus thinks there is absolute equality between family members, therefore he calls his mother Maria by first name as well. 耶稣也主张家庭成员间一律平等,他自己就用名字来称呼母亲。
Because of course he would never call someone in the building by her first name; it was appalling to have suggested it at all. 因为他绝不可能对大楼里的人直呼其名,这样的提议对他来说简直不可思议。
"Talk to Mitch about it, man, " he said, obviously forgetting my first name. "If that's what he feels, that's what he feels. " “对米奇说去,兄弟,”他说,显然忘记了我的名字。“那是他的感觉,只是他的感觉。”
The last time, the first name 'phone scandal' is 'Turin Sports Daily, ' which describes the long gendarmerie like Pa a new book. 最近这一次,首先提起“电话门事件”的是《都灵体育报》,它介绍了宪兵队长赞帕的一本新书。
" That led me to a live person. who answered with her first name and the title " credit card activator. 然后转接到一个真人那里。那人自报了名字和她的头衔“信用卡启用员”。
When you come to the front, just say your last name and then first name, and I'll get your info packet. 当你来到前面的时候,只需要报出你的姓氏和名字,我将会给你你的信息包。
He liked to tell people that his first name meant 'king' in Hindi, and, coupled with his last name, that made him 'king of kings. ' 拉贾拉特南喜欢对人说,他的名字“拉杰”在印地语中的意思是“王”,再加上他的姓,就使他成了“王中王”。
Another witness who gave his first name as Fabio said he tried to warn police before the stampede occurred that a catastrophe was building. 另一位自称叫法比奥的目击者表示,在人群蜂拥而至之前,他曾警告过警察说再这样下去会有灾难发生的。
If you aren't on a first-name basis with at least a dozen software reviewers, set a goal to make it so. 如果在十几个典型用户的评价里,你的软件都没有被第一个提到,制订并且去完成这样一个目标。
Zhang spoke on condition of only being identified by his surname and English first name instead of his full Chinese name. 在用他的姓氏和英文名代替了自己的中文全名后,张才讲述道。
Around the time my daughter was born, my hand began to stall whenever I wrote my first name. 在女儿出生的那段时间,写自己姓氏的时候我的手总会有所迟疑。
First, if you're asking for the name, be sure to have a field for first name and a separate field for last name. 首先,如果你的名字要求,务必有一个名字和姓氏不同的领域的领域。
Besides. . . to tell you the truth, Mr. Yang. . . I find your first name kind of hard to pronounce. 另外……告诉您实话,杨先生……我发现您的名字很难发音。
Saving the first name to a variable would be easier than hitting the database all over again. 将名字保存在变量中要比从头再次命中数据库更容易。
A more egregious example isthe ambiguous encoding of respective parts of a personal name (lastname, first name, etc. ). 还有一个更加惊人的例子是,编目往往混淆了个人名称的名和姓。
Citizen Prime, a 40-year-old married man whose first name is Jim, has been protecting the streets of Phoenix for a year. 最佳公民是现年40岁的已婚男子Jim,他保护凤凰城的街区已经有一年了。
For example, it would be nice to be able to enforce both a first name and a last name for Person objects. 比如说,如果能够对Person对象执行姓和名字的查询将非常好。
As you can see in Figure 24, I decided to manipulate the row with last name of "KWAN" and first name of "SALLY" . 如图24所示,我决定对lastname为“KWAN”、firstname为“SALLY”的那一行进行操作。