
美 [fɪt]英 [fɪt]
  • adj.健壮的;健康的;(质量、素质或技能)适合的
  • n.(癫痫等的)突发;昏厥;痉挛;一阵(忍不住的咳嗽、笑)
  • v.合身;(大小、式样、数量适合)可容纳;试穿(衣服);安置
  • adv.适合地;适时地
  • 网络飞度;合适;拟合(fitting)

过去式:fitted 第三人称单数:fits 现在分词:fitting 比较级:fitter 最高级:fittest

fit profile,fit image,fit device
jacket fit,punishment fit
fit snugly
extremely fit


恰当的大小╱类型right size/type

1.[i][t](形状和尺寸)适合,合身to be the right shape and size for sb/sth

2.[i](大小、式样、数量适合)可容纳,装进to be of the right size, type or number to go somewhere

3.[t][oftpass]~ sb (for sth)试穿(衣服)to put clothes on sb and make them the right size and shape

安置put sth somewhere

4.[t]安置,安装(在某处)to put or fix sth somewhere

5.[i][t]合上;盖上;组合;组装to put or join sth in the right place


6.[i][t](使)与…一致,和…相称,符合to agree with, match or be suitable for sth; to make sth do this

使适合make suitable

7.[t]使适合,使胜任(某工作)to make sb/sth suitable for a particular job


fit (sb) like a glove

(大小、形状)完全合适,恰好合身to be the perfect size or shape for sb


飞度(FiT)HG7130(SAL00N)- 同价位(5~8万)其它车辆比较 图片 车况说明 包过户,统缴,税2009年,空调,ABS,CD,气袋,真皮,排气 …


字典中 得 字的解释 ... (8) 成功;完成[ succeed] (10) 适,合[ fit;befit;suit] (11) 具备[ have;possess] ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... supplement n 补充 fit adj 健康的;适合的 unit n 单位;单元 ...


字典中 然 字的解释 ... (9) 形成[ form] (10) 宜;合适[ fit] (1) 但是,然而[ but] ...


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... Fireworks 火景 Fit 拟合;适配 Fit Deformation 拟合变形 ...


合字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 合群〖 getonwellwithothers〗 合身fit;suit;well-fitting〗 合时〖 fashionable〗 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... supplement n 补充 fit adj 健康的;适合的 unit n 单位;单元 ...


工程图纸英语 - 豆丁网 ... 基本偏差 fundamental deviation 配合 fit 间隙配合 clearance fit ...

Compare yourself to the following list to determine whether or not online classes are a good fit for your personality and habits. 将以下几点与自己对比一下,看看你的个性和习惯是否适合网上课程。
The truth is, the far majority of men can fit just fine in a regular sized condom and if they do, they should use it. 事实上,目前大多数男人只适用常规尺寸的避孕套。并且如果他们这样试试,他们应该会用它的。
The rock was large enough to fit two Lionel's in. It was a sparkly red with scattered white lines all over. 那块石头弄容得下两个莱昂内尔,它鲜红鲜红的表面上散布者白色的条文。
As a matter of fact, Mother does not ask me to thank her in words, but does expect me to be hasty and fit for study. 作为事实,妈妈从来不曾向我要一句感谢的话,但是我必须好好学习做为回报。
We live because as Anthropic Principle postulates that our Universe seems to be designed to fit our existence. 我们之所以能够生存,是因为如人择原理所假定,这个宇宙为了适应我们的生存而专门设计的。
These features make it a very high practical value, and fit P2P file sharing system's feature of decentralization. 而且蚁群算法的这些特性正好与P2P文件共享系统的去中心化特性相适应。
With a lot of the other defenders injured, you know that if you were fit you could get a good run in the side. 很多后卫都伤了,你知道如果你能踢的话对于球队就是个好消息。
Owners must be aware of the effects that this may have on their boats and fit the correct cathodic protection system to avoid corrosion. 船主必须了解他们的船舶可能发生的反应,并安装适当的阴极保护系统来避免腐蚀。
If none of these areas seem to fit your life, then you might want to buy a few charity raffle tickets or lotto tickets. 如果没有一个这些区域似乎适宜你的生活,然后你可能想要买一些慈善团体抽彩出售票或乐透票。
For the detail, you are right, but for general, we can build a basic frame to fit the general purpose, here, what I'm talking is about this. 关于细节,你是对的;但总体来说,我们可以建立基本框架来满足普遍的用途,下面我将详细讲解这些。
Six out of ten claimed their confidence took a real knock when they realized their old clothes did not fit. 6成妇女声称,当发现旧衣服不合身时,自己的信心会大大受挫。
note : p . o . box is not acceptable . the bank reserves its right by designating its branch for card collection as it thinks fit. 注意:邮政信箱恕不接纳。于特别情况下,银行有权要求客户于指定分行领取其信用卡。
The idea would seem to fit with a few tantalising finds that have emerged from Africa and the Middle East over recent years. 这一观点似乎与近年来在非洲和中东地区的一些吸引人的发现相符合。
It is neither fit for the land nor for the dunghill, but men throw it out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! 或用在田里,或堆在粪里,都不合式,只好丢在外面。有耳可听的,就应当听!
And I've got to go back to the dentist. Again. One crown to fit, and a possible extraction, which sounds less painful than it actually is. 我又要去看牙医了~~~一个牙齿的齿冠要修补一下,说不定可能要拔掉,真要操作起来肯定没有说说的这么轻松~~~。
If you use orthotics or custom-fit insoles, bring them with you to try on your running shoes. 如果你用矫形或者定制的鞋垫,带着他们试穿跑步鞋。
As for Chase's future, she said Jackson encouraged her to write a cookbook and she has written one tentatively titled, "Fit for a King. " 在未来日子,她说因为杰克逊的鼓励下,她将会写一本书名暂定为“FitforaKing”的菜谱。
If you're trying to fit your icon into a grunge style website design, you'll likely be adding texture to the style of the icon's design. 如果想使自己设计的图标与“车库摇滚”风格的网页相协调,您需要给它们加入一些纹理。
The amount of time you find for writing will gradually increase as you fit into a groove and find the most interesting topics to blog about. 随着你逐渐上手并觅到兴趣点之后,花在博客写作上的时间最终会增加。
You could fit over half a million of them on to a standard A5 Christmas card - but signing them would prove to be a bit of a challenge. 在一张A5圣诞卡上,你可以放超过50万张,但在上面签名会有点难。
Must be able to do some work on site. If it is a good fit, other opportunities with our company. Thanks. 必须能在现场做了一些工作。如果它是一个不错的选择,与我们公司的其他机会。谢谢。
The man who regards his own life and that of his fellow creatures as meaningless is not merely unhappy but hardly fit for life. 将自己的生命和同胞视为没有意义的人,不但不快乐,而且没有能力生活。
Among other things, extremely alien-looking aliens would be hard to fit with the idea that God "made man in his own image" . 其它的暂且不说,单是看起来极像外星人的外国人就很难符合上帝“按照自己的形象创造了人类”这一说法。
I'm now looking for a new challenge in a larger sized company and believe I would be a good fit for your needs. 我现在希看在一个更大的公司寻找挑战,我相信我能很好的适应你们的要求。
Masako Masuoka, an 81-year-old divorcee, is still fit enough to work as a volunteer cleaner and cook for her elderly neighbours. 81岁的离婚妇女益冈雅子依然能胜任清扫志工,并为她的邻居们煮饭。
Don't ask this person to spend any of that precious time trying to figure out where you'd fit in the organization. That's totally up to you! 不要指望这位招聘者会花费他宝贵的时间去考虑你比较适合做公司的哪些工作,这完全应该由你自己来做。
Should I try to fit in a bit better? Or must I remain an ageing curiosity, a sort of embarrassing elderly relative? Help. 我应该试着合群一点吗?还是该继续当一个老古董,一种类似于年长亲戚的尴尬人物?帮帮忙!
Their scheme to get rid of the corpse escalates to the point where they have to chop up his body just to fit him into a small trunk. 丢尸的的阴谋逐渐升级为--在哪里肢解此人才能把尸体装入小行李箱中。
Because there was so little bone left, the prosthesis was hard to fit, and with her right leg also damaged, walking was intensely painful. 因为那儿几乎没有骨头了,义肢很难装上去,而且她的右腿也有伤残,走路时疼痛无比。
Returns TRUE if val is infinite (positive or negative), like the result of log(0) or any value too big to fit into a float on this platform. 如果val为无穷大(正的或负的),例如log(0)的结果或者任何超出本平台的浮点数范围的值,则返回TRUE。