
美 [fɪks]英 [fɪks]
  • v.修理;固定;确定;【生物】(为显微镜检查等目的而)固定(机体、组织等)
  • n.定位;困境;(尤指简单、暂时的)解决方法
  • 网络修正;安装;修复

第三人称单数:fixes 现在分词:fixing 过去式:fixed

fix date,fix time,fix price,fix meeting,fix appointment



Unity 3.4 新版发布之新增功能 - Unity圣典 ... Improvements 改进 Fixes 修正 Features 功能 ...


动词的各种形式变化规则_百度文库 ... ( 绑) → tying 3. (安装)→ fixes 2. (指)→ referring 4. ...


Unity 4.0 中文更新日志 - 关尔Manic -... ... 优化 Optimizations 修复 Fixes 变化 Changes ...


外语学习--我是北方的云的blog ... pass - passes 通过 fix - fixes 修理 watch - watches 观看 ...


中心概览-大事回顾 ... 激励( encourage) 确定fixes) 拟定计划( script) ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... fixes vt. 使固定, 装置, 修理, 准备, 安装, 凝视, 整理, 牢记 sherry n. 雪利酒, 葡萄酒 ...

The extra box that fixes the problem, can be put around the AP box or around the float, instead of between them. 额外的框解决了这个问题,还可以不放在他们之间,而是让这个框包围绝对定位框或者包围浮动框。
"Did I make you feel blue , baby ? " A - Mei opens her round eyes and fixes them on her guitarist. “我有让你感觉忧伤吗?”阿妹张开她的大眼睛,对著她的吉他手说。
Indeed, those who rest their hopes today on technical fixes to get safely to a nuclear-free world are the wrong sort of dreamers. 诚然,到如今还寄望安全技术的改进足以创造无核世界的人,皆为痴人说梦。
Shoot for a year or two, not a few weeks. There are no instant fitness fixes, no matter what that website or magazine promises. 无论哪些网站和杂志怎么承诺,都不存在快速健身的方法。
The major governments of your world are busily putting together quick fixes with which they hope to continue delaying what is now underway. 世界上的首要当局在忙于聚在一路“快速修复”,他们仍旧进展继续的耽误立刻要实施的一切。
From the beginning of the project, I got bug reports of a quality most developers would kill for, often with good fixes attached. 从项目的开始,我就收到多数开发者梦寐以求的那种高质量的臭虫报告,经常还附带了好的补丁。
Indians believe in man's power to draw to himself or to bring about that upon which he fixes his mind in song and prayer. 印第安人坚信人有能力将猎物吸引到身边来,或者专心于唱歌和祈祷就能吸引猎物。
In an attempt to be more responsive, Microsoft is trying to publicly release hot-fixes more frequently. 为了加强对社区的反馈,微软打算更频密地公开发布Hotfix。
Flue-curing takes about a week and fixes the natural sugar of the leaf, which has a high sugar and a medium-to-high nicotine content. 熏烟需要约一个星期并且保证烟叶中的自然糖分,这种烟含糖量高,并含中高量的烟碱。
You do not have to create or to modify any registry keys to activate any hot fixes that are contained in this package . 您没有到创建或修改任何注册表项来激活此程序包中包含任何修复程序。
You do not have to create any registry keys or modify any registry keys to use any hot fixes that this package contains . 您不必创建任何注册表项或修改任何注册表项以使用任何修复程序,此程序包包含。
There are no quick fixes. You have to wait for the right opportunity and be prepared to keep knocking at the doors of a few headhunters. 这里没有捷径,只能等待合适时机,愿意不断敲几家猎头公司的大门。
These fixes typically involve updates to a small number of application files and do not usually change application behavior or interfaces. 这些修复会对一小部分应用程序文件进行更新,而通常不会更改应用程序行为或接口。
She jerks her head to toss an errant lock of hair out of her eyes and fixes him with a stony glare. 她甩了甩头,把落在眼前的一缕发甩开,用一种冷冷的眼神看着他。
It was easy for him to get access to source code and fixes from fellow developers, and before long he had Tomcat commit access as well. 他很容易访问源代码和其他开发人员的修订程序,并且不久就得到了Tomcat提交访问权。
The president said he expected the Senate to quickly make a last set of legislative fixes needed in the new law. 奥巴马总统表示,他期望参议院能够快速对新的法律进行最后的修改。
That's all well and good, but it sounds like the sort of narrow fixes preferred by SEC lawyers who haven't spent much time on WallStreet. 这当然好,不过这种治标不治本的想法听起来像是出自于没在华尔街待多久的证交会律师。
As is often the case in debugging, fixing one problem fixes (or reveals) several others. 这在调试中是经常出现的事:修复了一个问题就修复(或者暴露了)另外几个。
A game on the face of it doesn't seem to do a lot, but the key gameplay fixes and changes create a domino effect on the rest of the product. 这是一个表面上不需要做很多改动的版本,但关键的修复和改进会产生多米诺效应。
In the circles of modern western linguistic philosophy, the question on how the meaning fixes its reference is always controversial. 意义如何确定指称这一问题,一直是现代西方语言哲学界和逻辑界争论不休的话题。
Note that Instructables tends to feature more cool hacks and fewer simple fixes, but it's still worth a look. 注意:Instructables网特色在于提供许多不错的工具,但是简单的修理方法较少,但是仍然值得一看。
We are ready to release the first update (with a number of major fixes) imminently. 我们准备即将发布(具有重大的修补程序号)的第一次更新。
Integrate the consumption of relevant fixes into the next available release plan in accordance with your promote to production strategy. 根据生产战略的需要,在下一个发布计划中包含应用相关补丁的步骤。
Fixes that require changes to two or more subsystems should go through the board to ensure that all parties agree to the solution. 需要变更两个或多个子系统的修改应该需要通过变更委员会来确定每个部分都达成一致意见。
These new features enable you to apply a single fix or upgrade, or multiple fixes and upgrades, to a virtual system in an automated fashion. 这些新特性使您能够以自动化方式向虚拟系统应用单个补丁或更新,或者应用多个补丁和更新。
Mostly, he tends to depend on his friends to find his lost tail for him and thereafter Christopher Robin fixes his tail using a drawing pin. 在很大程度上,他往往取决于他的朋友去寻找他丢失的尾巴和其后罗宾修复用图钉把尾巴。
Brown conceded that there were "no quick fixes" but said the decisions would shorten the recession and save jobs. 布朗承认,不存在“立即见效的药方”,但指出峰会决定应能缩短衰退过程并保护就业。
A CCH is a hotfix for the client, but instead of just a single fix, we include a set of fixes that multiple customers are asking for. CCH是用于客户端的热补丁,但是它并不是一个补丁,而是一组多个客户要求的补丁。
Indeed, after years of patchwork fixes and ill-conceived revisions, the legal immigration system is as broken as the borders. 确实,经过多年的拼拼补补和考虑不周的修订,法定移民体制已像我们的边境一样漏洞百出。
So, these down times have been used to change hardware and apply fixes that will hopefully alleviate the issues. 所以这段关机时间用来更换硬件和进行修补以减轻问题。