
美 [flæɡ]英 [flæɡ]
  • n.旗;标志旗;菖蒲;旗帜(指某国家或组织及其信仰和价值观)
  • v.标示(重要处);疲乏;变弱;热情衰减
  • 网络标记;旗标;标志位

复数:flags 过去式:flagged 现在分词:flagging

hoist flag,fly flag,lower flag,salute flag,unfurl flag
blue flag,yellow flag


n. v.

1.旗a piece of cloth with a special coloured design on it that may be the symbol of a particular country or organization, or may have a particular meaning. A flag can be attached to a pole or held in the hand

2.旗帜(指某国家或组织及其信仰和价值观)used to refer to a particular country or organization and its beliefs and values

4.菖蒲;鸢尾;香蒲a flower that is a type of iris and that grows near water


fly/show/wave the flag

表示并号召拥护自己的国家(或某组织、某思想)to show your support for your country, an organization or an idea to encourage or persuade others to do the same

keep the flag flying

代表自己的国家(或组织)to represent your country or organization


标志Flags):第一个bit称为R位,目前保留未用。第二个bit称为DF位,Don't Fragment,“不分片”位,即如果将这一比特置1 …


JS正则表达式大全 - 性感花脸 - BlogJava ... [^$A-Za-z0-9_] 字符\n flags( 标记) g:global match( 全定匹配) ...


三国群英传2修改版的制作 ... FLAGPOS= 旗帜位置 FLAGS= 旗帜 Start= 起始城池 ...


许多旗标(flags),包括 `-s' (或 `--source')、和 `-d' (或 `--destination'),可以在它们前面放置一个 `!' 符号(发音为`not') ,来符合...


' 关于标志位(flags)的说明 '============================================================================…


摘要: 旗形(flags)旗形是短期间内,价格在区间的密集走势,所形成的价格走势图形看起来呈现出一面旗的形状谓之。旗形在技 …


...cal photos) •地图(Maps) •国旗Flags) 在每种类型的左边的方框中做上标记即为选中,可选一类,也可选多类,缺省 …


标志寄存器(FLAGS)用于反映指令执行结果的状态,常用作后续条件转移指令的转移控制条件。标志寄存器为16位,实际使用 …

The ocean used to be a free-for-all , with fleets flying the flags of various countries competing for fish thousands of miles from home. 过去,海洋渔业是一个人人可自由参加的比赛,四处都是各国国旗飘扬的船只,从家乡不远千里而来竞相捕鱼。
Partition type codes are handled a bit strangely; some of them are referred to as flags. 分区类型的处理方式有一些奇怪:一些分区类型称为flags。
As we passed beneath the flags of the Italian republic and the European Union, the two carabinieri at the door gave him a formal salute. 当我们从意大利国旗和欧盟旗帜下走过时,门口的两位宪兵向他行了一个正规的军礼。
Union Jack flags fill the front garden, Charles and Camilla figures can be found taking the sun, hand in hand. 前花园插着许多英国国旗,“查尔斯”和“卡米拉”正坐在长廊上手牵手地晒太阳。
But you're better off setting flags -- and nothing else -- in a signal handler, as opposed to trying to create sophisticated handlers. 但是您最好只在一个信号处理器中设置标记(别的什么都不做),这胜过尝试创建复杂的处理器。
Bright flags, red, blue, green and yellow, whipped in the wind above what seemed to be hundreds, no, thousands of people. 鲜艳的红,蓝,绿,黄色的旗帜在风中啪啪作响,下面似乎有成百,不,成千的人。
A company spokesman said he had no knowledge of any flags being taken down. 一位公司发言人说他对降旗一无所知。
One of the suite beckoned to the soldiers holding the flags to come up and set up the flag staffs around the commander-in-chief. 他的一个随从人员向拿着法国军旗的士兵们招了招手,叫他们走过来把这些军旗摆放在总司令的周围。
As your garden grows, the flags will disappear a bit among the leaves but will still add a little colorful whimsy to your garden. 随着作物的生长,小旗子们会渐渐隐没在绿叶间;但它们仍会是你的花园里的靓丽风景。
Trace flags are frequently used to diagnose performance issues or to debug stored procedures or complex computer systems. 跟踪标志经常用于诊断性能问题,或调试存储过程或复杂的计算机系统。
Trace flags are used to temporarily set specific server characteristics or to switch off a particular behavior. 跟踪标志用于临时设置特定服务器的特征或关闭特定行为。
One of the flags controls whether or not the search starts at the beginning of the document. 其中一个标志控制是否从文档开头开始搜索。
Are those flags really needed? To find out, hold a pencil up in front of you and block out the flaps. 要寻找答案,拿根铅笔在面前屏蔽掉这些旗。
It contains many national flags and ability to set up flag with your logo, photo, emblem of a football team and any picture you want. 它包含许多国家的国旗和能力,以建立国旗与您的标志,照片,会徽足球队和任何您要的图片。
The relief camp looks like an Olympic village with national flags flying from nations all over the world. 救援大本营看上去就像一个奥林匹克村,这里飞扬着全球各国的国旗。
Carrefour staff have also been wearing clothes decorated with Chinese flags, Unlike the caps, the clothes did not have to be removed. 家乐福中国员工还穿着印有中国国旗的工作服。与帽子不同,中国政府没有命令他们更换工作服。
Alongside the usual badges, hats, flags and placards, you could get your picture taken and superimposed on to a picture of him. 除了常见的徽章、帽子、旗帜和布告,你还可以现场拍照,再印在奥巴马的照片上。
In the dark, I stepped on a piece of the cabbage, which brought me down on the flags all of a heap . 在黑暗中,我踩到了一片白菜,一下子摔在地上。
Never betray. Do not want to "red flag at home would not fall, the colorful flags fluttering outside, " Do not dress as a woman. 绝不要背叛。不要想“家里红旗不倒,外面彩旗飘飘”,别把女人当作衣服。
The national flags of both countries fluttered in the wind. The sound of salute and national anthems of the two countries echoed in the air. 两国国旗迎风飘扬,响亮的礼炮和两国国歌久久回响。
Off in the distance, Tim saw a castle where the flags flutter even when the wind has expired, and the bread in the kitchen is always warm. 即使风已经静止,城堡的旗帜仍在飘扬,而且厨房里的面包永远是温热的。
You can use the flags to remind yourself to follow up on an issue or to indicate a request for someone else. 您可以用一个标志提醒自己继续关注某一主题或表明对别人的一种请求。
To convert functions that use the 64-bit ABI into shared libraries, all that is needed is a few extra compiler flags and you're ready to go. 要将使用64位ABI的函数转换到共享库中,您所需要的就是另外几个编译器标志,仅此而已。
Like all British people we always end up with a bit of weather-related chat when the conversation flags. 就像所有英国人一样我们总喜欢在聊天快结束时聊点天气。
A week ago it was added to Chrome, being available in Developer Tools if Experimental Extension APIs are enabled in the "about: flags" page. 一个星期之前它被添加到了Chrome中,当开发者在“about:flags”页面中启动了了试验扩展API之后,这个插件就可以在开发者工具中使用。
Color flags of many nations, Fluttering towards the wind, Foreign language and capital, Pouring into China like flood. 万国彩旗,迎风招展,外语外资,涌入中华。
Use flags to remind yourself to follow up on an issue or to indicate a request for someone else. 用标志提醒自己继续某个问题或为其他人指明要求。
All seem to work well, though illegal fishing, mostly by ships sailing under frequently changed flags of convenience, remains a problem. 尽管非法捕鱼(主要方法是渔船频繁地变换方便旗)仍然是一个问题,三个协议似乎都发挥了良好作用。
Flags are flying at half-mast and a nationwide silence has been observed to mark the time it struck a week ago. 降半旗,举国哀恸,以纪念一周前在四川大地震中失去的同胞。
A depiction of Angkor Wat has been a part of Cambodian national flags since the introduction of the first version circa 1863. 自从大约在1863年第一版的引入,吴哥窟描画已经成了柬埔寨国旗的一部分。