
美 [flæʃ]英 [flæʃ]
  • n.闪光;【摄】闪光;【摄】闪光灯;一瞬间
  • adj.闪耀的;假的;流氓的;火速的
  • v.使闪烁;反射;晃;迅速传达出去
  • 网络闪现;亮出;使迅速

第三人称单数:flashes 现在分词:flashing 过去式:flashed

flash light,sign flash,flash warning,see flash,flash smile



再见la小时候... ... 4 convincing adj. 令人信服的, 有力的, 令人心悦诚服的 5 flashed vi. 闪光, 闪 4. connotation 含义,意义 ...


光华普慧MBA助您成功! - 豆丁网 ... B. disappeared 消失,不见 C. flashed 闪现,反射 D. fired 解雇,开火 参考答案: ...


... 4 convincing adj. 令人信服的, 有力的, 令人心悦诚服的 5 flashed vi. 闪光, 闪现, 反射, 使迅速 7 bulletin n. 公告, 报告 ...


”然后亮出(Flashed)了自身的牌:9-10。啊?如你想要拥有完美无暇的友谊,可能一辈子找不到朋友。?知识给人力量,成就给 …


2011年理工类可能的换题_李玉技_新浪博客 ... 5. account for: 说明,解释 A. flashed 闪烁 B. spurred 刺激(正确答案) ...


... 4 convincing adj. 令人信服的, 有力的, 令人心悦诚服的 5 flashed vi. 闪光, 闪现, 反射, 使迅速 7 bulletin n. 公告, 报告 ...


Whenweheardabigthumpfromupstairs,weweres..... ... lifted 举起; 抬起 flashed 使闪光; 使闪烁 stared 盯, 凝视, 注视 ...


Whenweheardabigthumpfromupstairs,weweres..... ... lifted 举起; 抬起 flashed 使闪光; 使闪烁 stared 盯, 凝视, 注视 ...

Moved to touch the hearts of every part of this nerve, the scenes flash of light, life-like eyes flashed. 心底的这份感动触及每处神经,人生中的一幕幕电光石火般的闪现眼前。
All the wonderful people and animals who blessed my life flashed in front of my eyes, and then they were gone. 我眼前中闪现着所有使我生活幸福的好人和奇妙的动物,他们一闪而过。
A yellow light on the dashboard flashed angrily and Bruce cheerfully announced that there was no oil in the engine! 仪表盘上黄灯气愤的闪烁着,Bruce高兴的宣布发动机没有油了。
'It's been a fight for equality, and tonight we struck a blow, ' he said as the camera flashed. 相机闪光灯亮起的时候,他说,“我们一直在争取平等,今晚我们打出了一记响拳。”
In one case a GIRL flashed her undies at a male teacher and "massaged herself in a sexual manner" in front of him. 一个女孩在男老师面前脱下内衣要表演性爱动作;
Blurred images flashed across her mind as the ugly truth sank in. Her heart smouldered in resentment; her eyes gleamed in fury. 残忍的事实摆在面前,模糊地记忆在她脑海中浮现,怨恨在她心中滋生,怒火在眼神中闪现。
Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic. 王平闪了一下电脑屏幕上的开关,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像魔术般地从地面升了起来。
He was beginning to be afraid he had come to the wrong planet, when a coil of gold, the color of the moonlight, flashed across the sand. 他开始担心自己来错了星球。这时,一卷月光色的金子般的东西闪着亮光爬过沙子。
Craig Moore, 28, took his revenge on the camera, which had flashed him in the Hyde area of Manchester, in August 2005. 克雷格·摩尔现年28岁,他用于报仇雪恨的这架照相机于2005年8月在曼彻斯特海德地区拍到了他超速驾驶的一幕。
It was with extraordinary effect that the idea finally flashed upon him that she was probably alive, and now in the prime of her beauty. 伴随着这些非正常的念头,他突然想到她很可能还活着,现在正处在最美丽盛季。
Memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days. 杰克静静地坐在那里回忆着童年时光,记忆便像纪录片一样在脑海中快速闪过。
"I've learned it a year or two years ago, " Boedihardjo said as reporters asked him questions and cameras flashed around him. 「这个我一两年前就已经学过了。」沈诗钧在记者采访时回答,身边镁光灯则闪个不停。
It flashed through his mind that he had something of importance to do before he went out of town. 他脑子里掠过一个念头,在出城之前,他还有一件重要的事情要做。
The pupils of his eyes flashed digital numbers as he calculated the commission in his head. 当他在脑子里计算佣金时,眼睛瞳孔里则闪现出一长串数字。
There was a hiss from its wave-splashed deck, and a rocket with a blue light flashed up into the sky. 有一个嘘声从它的wave-splashed甲板上发出,还有一个火箭与蓝色的光闪过天空。
When bolts of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, followed by rumbles of thunder, thunderstorms are said to have occurred. 当一道夺目的闪光突然划破长空,接著传来几声轰隆巨响,雷暴便发生了。
Monica Lewinsky was a 21-year-old White House intern who delivered pizza to President Clinton, then flirted with him and flashed her thong. 莫妮卡·莱温斯基是一个21岁的白宫实习生,她的工作就是给克林顿总统送比萨饼,然后用她的丁字裤挑逗了他。
"You look as if someone was following you, boy, " the old man told Hiro. His eyes flashed softly, his hands gripping the umbrella tighter. “看起来似乎你正在被什么人追踪,孩子,”老人对希罗开口了。他的眼睛轻轻的眨着,手中将雨伞握的更紧了。
When sunlight slanting through the ruined roof flashed across her way, she did not look up. 日光正倾斜的穿过被毁坏的屋顶,瞬间横照在她的走道上,她没有向上看一下。
hail fell and lightning flashed back and forth. It was the worst storm in all the land of Egypt since it had become a nation. 那时,雹与火掺杂,甚是厉害,自从埃及成国以来,遍地没有这样的。
Occasionally, flashed twelve cars on the road, the car plot with a thin layer of snow, as if children are cold car, put a piece of clothing. 偶尔,马路上闪过一两辆车,车上积着一层薄薄的雪,好像车儿也冷了,穿上了一件衣服。
In such a beautiful place, all the happy memories of the past flashed in front of me, as a flower blossomed in an instant. 所有自己曾经经历过的开心的事,像花朵一样,在这样美的地方刹那间盛开。
She was dying. Kathy flashed back as she saw the girl's mother crying at the foot of her daughter's bed. 看到那个女孩的母亲在她女儿的床前哭,凯西闪到了一边。
A brilliant idea flashed into his mind while he was trying to formulate a new plan to promote the art of thinking. 他在尝试制定促进思考艺术一新计划时脑子里闪过了一个绝妙的主意。
The little cat can be really cute, a furry face, set with a pair of black grapes like small eyes flashed. 这小猫咪可真可爱,一张毛茸茸的面孔上,嵌着一双黑葡萄似的小眼睛闪闪发亮。
Is all of a sudden, his smile a little stiff, eyes inadvertently wrinkled, I like it, I seem to be from his eyes flashed a desolate. 是突然之间吧,他的笑容有一点点僵硬,眉头不经意地皱了一下,是我的错觉吗,我似乎从他的眼睛里看到一丝落寞一闪而过。
Even as the thought flashed through his brain he received a heavy blow on the side of his head that nearly knocked him down. 这些念头刚闪过,他的脑袋右面就挨了重重一击,几乎被打倒在地。
Wang Ping's mother appeared, flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic. 王平的母亲出现了,电脑屏幕上的开关闪了一下,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像魔术般地从地面升了起来。
His splendor was like the sunrise; rays flashed from his hand, where his power was hidden. 他的辉煌如同日光;从他手里射出光线,在其中藏著他的能力。
her eyes flashed like emeralds. Between her red lips, red eyebrows, and red hair, Vanity was an incandescent thing, glowing. 她的眼睛想绿宝石一样闪着光芒。在她的红唇,红色睫毛,红头发的衬托下,瓦妮特就像一团白色的炽热火焰。