
美 [flʌd]英 [flʌd]
  • n.洪水;水灾;大量(的人或事物)
  • v.淹没;泛滥;(使)灌满水;大量涌入
  • 网络涨潮;泛洪;水啸雾都

复数:floods 现在分词:flooding 过去式:flooded

flood market,flood village


n. v.


1.[c][u]洪水;水灾a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry

大量large number

2.[c]~ (of sth)大批,大量(的人或事物)a very large number of things or people that appear at the same time


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... float vi. 漂浮,浮动 flood n. 洪水 floor n. 地面,地板;(楼房的)层 ...


字典中 水 字的解释 ... (6) 泛指一切水域[ waters] (9) 大水;水灾[ flood] (14) 五行之一[ water, one of the five elements] ...


字典中 溢 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ overflow;brim over] (4) 水泛滥成灾,淹没[ flood] (1) 过度,过分[ excessive] ...


新概念第二册单词表(附音标)_百度知道 ... food 食物,养料 flood 洪水,水灾;涨潮 greenwood 绿林,生材 ...


这一 过程称为泛洪flood)。 4.广播帧和组播帧向所有的端口转发。


大卫·苏切特_百度百科 ... 不可抗力 Act of God 水啸雾都 Flood 亚瑟和他的迷你王国 Arthur and the Invisibles ...


新概念第二册单词表(附音标)_百度知道 ... food 食物,养料 flood 洪水,水灾;涨潮 greenwood 绿林,生材 ...


初中英语单词大全 ... 1978 in this way phr. 用这种方法 1979 flood n & v 洪水,水灾淹没,泛滥 1980 prevent v 防止,阻止 ...

The area within the reservoir, used for flood storage in the event of a flood, would remain populated with nearly one-half million people. 在发生洪涝灾害时用于储水的库区仍然居住着近150万人。
The 2011 equinox will manifest with a flood of information that will change the world as you know it to be. 2011年春秋分时刻会彰显信息洪流,改变你所知道的世界。
Beijing, fearing destabilization of the region and a flood of refugees from the North if order breaks down, may not be so forceful. 北京可能没有太强的意愿,因为它担心如果秩序失控会影响这个地区的稳定和难民涌入。
A massive flood can be created by damming up one of these massive vapor rivers, causing huge amounts of rainfall to be dumped. 一场大规模洪水能够由倾泻这些大规模水蒸汽之河中的一个来产生,导致巨量的雨倾盆而下。
Japanese crews have been trying to flood reactors with seawater and restore outside power to the plant. 日本部队已经开始尝试对反应堆进行海水漫灌,并意图恢复核电站的外部电力供应。
The famous computer company Apple said the flood in Thailand might cause the risk of hard disk shortage in the industry around the world. 著名电子产品公司苹果公司也表示,洪水可能会引发全行业硬盘短缺危机。
The home, though technically out of the flood area, looked like it had been a part of the destruction. 这座屋子虽然从理论上来说并不在洪泛区,但看上去也同样遭到了毁坏。
When my heart is borne away by the flood of happiness, do not smile at my perilous abandonment. 当我的心被快乐的洪水卷走的时候,不要笑我的汹涌的退却。
This big flood hit the northern Hemisphere, if not the whole earth. It was an AGE of great myths in China as it was elsewhere. 滔天洪水使北半球陷入没顶之灾,其他地区也受到侵扰。这是中国的神话时代,其他地区亦诞生大量神话。
In the eyes of most south Louisianans, the federal government has been a bit stingy when it comes to reinforcing flood defences. 在加强洪水的防范措施时,多数南路易斯安那州的居民认为政府做的还远远不够,可以说有点吝啬。
And if the result of Chinese efforts was collapse and a refugee flood across the Yalu, Washington would be prepared to help financially. 如果一旦中国的努力失败,美国将准备好对从鸭绿江对岸蜂拥而至的难民提供经济上的帮助。
Mr Willetts is not the only writer to worry about baby-boomers crashing through society like a flash flood. 威利特斯先生不是唯一担心婴儿潮一代会像山洪暴发一样冲击社会的作家。
The U. S. fear was that Russia would flood the U. S. market with cheap uranium, but the duty is supposed to be phased out beginning in 2011. 美国当时担心俄罗斯的廉价铀浓缩产品会充斥美国市场,但这项关税从2011年起应该逐步降低。
Rainfall is one of the main dynamic input factors of flood forecasting and a prerequisite for ensuring forecasting accuracy. 降雨量是洪水预报的主要动态输入因素之一,是保证预报精度的前提条件。
the music flood with my whole time . when i feel the tempo of music i get a fantasy as if i was the wave of the music , up and down. 我整个时间被音乐包围..当我感受到音乐的节奏时仿佛我是一个音乐的波浪上上下下用了一个虚拟语气,,
This was not without significance. It meant that in time of flood or famine the peasant had a crop reserve to see him through. 这是十分了不起的,这意味着在水旱之年农民就有了度荒的粮食了。
The question may be a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it relates to a serious discussion as flood-swollen Yangtze River continues to test the dam. 上面的问题或许有点开玩笑的意味,不过在长江洪水继续考验三峡大坝之际,这个问题却关系到一场严肃的讨论。
You've probably seen one of these flood victims on at least one of your previous dive trips. 你有可能在以往的旅途中遇到过那些因为漏水而受伤的病人。
The main reason was that the operation effect of Danjiangkou reservoir for runoff was more in the low water period than in the flood period. 主要原因是丹江口水库的调节作用,对汉江中下游径流量的影响枯水期远远大于汛期。
The captain waited a little--letting the new flood of information which had poured in on him settle itself steadily in his mind. 船长等了一会儿-让新的信息的洪水,曾在他定居在他的脑海本身不断涌入。
Son of Prometheus, Deucalion had been warned before hand by his father of the coming flood and made himself a huge chest. 丢卡利翁的父亲事先就警告他会爆发洪水,因此,他制了个巨大的箱子。
Some of the largest companies used the flood of money to strengthen their dominance in their current markets or to enter new ones. 某些最大型的公司用这些泛滥的资金去加强其在现有市场的统治地位,并进入新的市场。
A moment, and he had caught it again; and with it this time came recollection in fullest flood. 只一会,他就捉住它了,随之而来的是狂潮般涌上心头的回忆。
Either Noah Square Boat or that Dayu had brought rivers under control, they were telling that there had been a flood on the earth. 无论是诺亚方舟也好,大禹治水也罢。它们都在讲述着地球上曾经有过的一场大洪水。
Good friends, sweet friends, let me not stir you up To such a sudden flood of mutiny. 好朋友们,亲爱的朋友们,不要让我把你们煽起这样一场暴动的怒潮。
And Noe went in and his sons, his wife and the wives of his sons with him into the ark, because of the waters of the flood. 诺厄和他的儿子,他的妻子和他的儿媳,同他进了方舟,为躲避洪水。
After Mr Li put his foot in his mouth during the interviews with the reporters, his department got a flood of complaint letters. 由于李先生在记者招待会上说话不谨慎,他的部门收到了无数封投诉信。
On our way to Zhengzhou, we passed through a village which had been destroyed by the flood. 去郑州的路上,我们经过一个被洪水冲毁的村庄。
And when a flood came, the river broke out against that house, yet it was not strong enough to shake it, because it had been built well. 到了洪水氾滥的时候,河流冲击那房子,也不能摇动它,因为盖造得好。
This morning, moreover, he had gone out to see if the damage to the hay by the flood was considerable or not. 而且这天早晨,他还出门去了解过洪水冲走干草是不是带来了巨大的损失。