
美 [flɔr]英 [flɔː(r)]
  • n.地板;(楼房的)层;(海洋,山洞等的)底;发言机会
  • v.在…上铺地板[基面];〈英〉罚…坐地板;打倒;使认输
  • 网络层数;楼层;地面楼板

复数:floors 现在分词:flooring 过去式:floored

top floor,concrete floor,wooden floor,same floor,above floor
mop floor,put floor,hit floor,take floor,occupy floor


安卓Android装机必备 3533手机世界 ... 艾诺迪亚4 Inotia 4 PLUS Assassin of 100 100 Floors 真实的3D停车 RealParking3D ...


性福人生序号_性福人生吧_百度贴吧 ... walls = 墙 floors = 地板 doors = 门 ...


提供房产证的翻译模板给大家 - 加拿大家园论坛 ... 房屋情况 state of the house 层数 floors 竣工日期 date of completion ...


useful work_酒仙桥打印复印快印店_百度空间 ... 北 north 楼层 floors 装修 decoration ...


5﹑地面楼板Floors) 房屋内部之水平构造体,用以分隔建筑物之垂直空间,并容纳人们在其上起居生活,其荷重由梁柱或 …


...)息票债券看涨(看跌)期权、利率上限(caps)、利率下限(floors)、利率双限(collars)以及利率互换期权等一系列典型利率衍生产 …

...es) 顶(caps), 箍(collars), floors) 期货期权(options on futures) (e.g., Eurodollars and Treasury notes) 互换期 …

As you get to know me, you'll discover that there are many things that make me swoon; painted floors happen to be one of those things. 当你熟识我后,你就会发现我是那种很容易被很多事物调动情绪的人;粉刷地板就是其中之一。
Many workers on upper floors, knowing there was no escape, committed suicide by hurling themselves out of windows to their deaths. 在上面楼层的许多工作人员,知道没有逃路,自已冲出窗外自杀身亡。
No one can rally around a woman who must scrub floors and pots all day. Pity her, yes, but not rally to her. 没有人会在一个整天擦地板洗锅碗的女人身边重新聚集。他们会可怜她,但不会听从她的召唤。
he cleaned the floors and the walls, he stood on chairs to wash the tops of cup boards, he got under the beds, he took up the carpets. 拖地板,掸墙壁,一会儿站在椅子上擦洗着食品柜顶。一会儿钻进床底清理杂物,一会儿又卷起地毯。
In its place was new white-oak flooring stained to match oak floors in the rest of the house, all of which had been refinished. 取而代之的是新的白橡木地板染色,以配合在房子的其他橡木地板,所有这些都被抛光。放逐,也就是空间啃噬烟囱。
But a Tepco spokesman said the company didn't think the water had penetrated the plant buildings' floors into the ground. 但东京电力发言人说,公司认为受污染的水并没有从核电站的地板渗透进土壤里。
I wanted her to buy me a $ 75 shirt when she only took home $ 100 a week, cleaning other people's floors and washing their toilets. 妈妈给人家拖地洗厕所,一周只挣到100块钱,我却要她给我买75块钱的衬衫。
They do not know how to cross six lanes of the road, how are countless little finger of the office floors. 他们不知道怎样穿过六车道的马路,小小的手指怎么也数不清写字楼的层数。
The company usually has huge cash outflows during the first half since it would be purchasing tobacco from auctions floors. 在上半年,该公司通常有巨大的现金流,因为它将从拍卖场购买烟草。
There was a small fire in her room, but she had to carry coal up six floors and wear an overcoat in her small room to keep warm. 房间里只有一小盆火,而她还必须把煤搬上六楼,在她那间小房子里,她得穿上大衣来保暖。
All of our air floors come with a plywood support above the keel in the bow section of the boat. 我们的充气底板船都会在船头的气龙骨上配备木板支持,所以才会变得又平又硬。
In London, the top floors of a building under renovation collapsed, trapping a construction worker in the rubble. 在伦敦,正在翻新的一座建筑物的顶层坍塌,将一名建筑工人埋在碎石中。
I've had the long weekend to reflect and I'd like my position, and my hours back and the freedom to visit all of the floors. 这个长长的周末我都在反思,我想要回我的职位,要回我的时间还有自由出入各个楼层的那种自由。
For a week, Mr. Yang each day left his house, a place with worn brick floors and portraits of Mao, and went to the mine seeking information. 一个星期里,杨世荣每天都离开自己铺着破旧地砖、挂着毛主席像的屋子,来到矿区打探消息。
But shiny floors are scary to somebody who's not sure if it's going to be, you know, slick footing for them. 但是,有光泽楼层可怕,人谁不知道它会怎样,你知道,他们娴熟的基础。
Married for half a year, we have always lived in one of the company's three floors of the small Residence. 结婚大半年了,我们始终住在公司的一栋三层楼的小公寓里。
As you get used to it, increase the number of floors you use the stairs for. 等你渐渐习惯后,还可以增加爬楼梯的层数。
There was a suit of armor near the kitchens, he knew, but he must be five floors above there. 他知道厨房附近有一套盔甲,但他现在肯定要比厨房高出五层啊。
Since the building to the west is only about 10 stories tall, however, the noise may not be as noticeable on the upper floors. 尽管酒店西边的建筑只有10层楼高,可是,在较高的楼层,嘈杂声就不会太明显。
For the surface paint of cork floor with its maintenance wood floors, half hit floor wax can be. 对于表面刷漆的软木地板其保养同实木地板一样,一般半年打一次地板蜡就可以了。
This elevator seems a bit slow as the number of floors is enough to call for a high speed model. 电梯看来慢了一点,因为楼层数目足以需要到一部高速型号。
The sense of belonging to a community tends to disappear when you live fifteen floors up. 如果你住在十五层以上高的楼上,就丧失了属于某―社会群体的感觉。
We ate an early supper and went to see a great temple with floors made of silver. 我们很早吃了晚饭,就去看一个大神殿,神殿的地板是银制的。
What Not to Do: Resist dishing out moral judgments. "You're such a slob" or "You're so lazy" is not going to get the floors scrubbed . 不该做的:克制自己做出品行评价:说“你真是懒鬼”或“你太懒了”不会让他把地板擦干净。
Innova's process, which the company calls Innlay, has been used to create antimicrobial surfaces for hospitals, including floors and phones. Innova公司称这种工艺为Innlay,这项技术已经被医院用在地板和电话上做表面抗菌。
The house was very old, and it had all wooden floors. There was always an uneasy feeling when you were inside. 这栋房子已经非常有年头了,地板都是木制的,只要你呆在里边,就总会感到有些不自在。
Ceramic tiles, used for walls, floors, and countertops, are usually machine-pressed, made of fine clays, and very hard. 陶瓷砖由黏土通过机械压制而成,结实耐用,通常用作墙壁、地板和工作台面结构材料。
Simple Fix: Wet-mop floors at least once a week to keep dust to a minimum. 简单解决办法:每周至少用湿拖布拖一次地,将灰尘量减到最少。
Sound-insulating floors, partitions, or enclosures are used to confine the noise within a room or to prevent noise from entering a room. 现在人们采用隔声楼板、间壁或围护结构把噪音限制在房间内部或不让噪音传人房间。
Cork can be shined and used to cover floors and walls. Because it is fire-resistant, cork is even been used as a material in making rockets. 软木可磨光用于覆盖地板和墙壁。因为防火,软木用来当作制造火箭的物质。更详细。