
美 [flaʊr]英 [flaʊə(r)]
  • n.面粉
  • v.撒面粉
  • 网络粉状物;粉状物质;花

第三人称单数:flours 现在分词:flouring 过去式:floured

sift flour


n. v.


关于水果的英语单词_百度文库 ... 香草精 vanilla extract (甜点必备) 面粉 flour 主食类 (staple food) ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... floor 地板;楼层 flour 面粉;粉状物 flourish 繁荣,兴旺,旺盛;茂盛 ...


[海明威的《老人与海》词汇表] - 豆丁网 ... mast n. 桅杆; 杆 , 天线杆 flour n. 面粉, 粉; 粉状物质 like v. 喜欢 ...


高中英语单词表 ... fog n. 雾气,雾 v.以雾笼罩,被雾笼罩 flour n. 面粉,粉;粉状物质 Florida n. 佛罗里达(美国东南端的一州) ...

英语词根6 - Leo.Zhu - 博客园 ... (vanqu 克服+ (flour + (van 空,失去+ ...


...粉丝」则以50%以上之米为主要原料,可混合其他食用谷粉(flour)或食用淀粉,经糊化、挤压、蒸煮、乾燥等过程制成细长条 …

The food of the festival is also round to symbolize family reunion. The food made of flour and various seasonings is called moon cake. 中秋节的食品也是圆圆的,也象征着团圆,这种用面和各种作料做的食品叫月饼。
And you shall provide with it a meal offering every morning, a sixth of an ephah and a third of a hin of oil to moisten the fine flour. 14每早晨也要豫备同献的素祭,细面一伊法的六分之一,并油一欣的三分之一,润调细面。
He took a bag of flour and put it all over his face and hair and clothes. 他拿了一袋面粉并把它覆盖了正个脸部、头发以及衣服上。
Very few girls nowadays seem to be able to make a bowl of corn flour nicely. 在现在很难有女孩将玉米面做的如此完美。
Some land had even fetched more at auction than developed property prices, he said. "The flour had become more expensive than the bread. " 他表示,在拍卖中一些土地的楼面价甚至比旁边在售的房价还高,“面粉贵过面包。”
As he was leaving for the flour-mill, she put up her mouth to be kissed. He ignored the invitation, and said goodbye coldly. 他要离开到面粉厂去的时候,她凑上她的唇,等他吻她。他对她的主动表示不加理睬,只是冷冷地说了声再见。
If you go through your white flour in less than a year, however, you can safely keep it on the counter in an airtight jar or canister. 不过,如果您可以在不到一年的时间里用完您的白面粉,那您就可以放心的把它放在柜台上的一密闭瓶或罐中。
Paste or dough made of wheat flour, eggs, and water, often formed into shapes and dried and used in a variety of recipes after being boiled. 食用面糊由小麦面、鸡蛋和水做成的面糊或面团,通常加工成一些形状并烘干,做熟后可用于种种烹饪
Look for the seeds in health food stores or in supermarkets on the flour aisle. They're easy to grind in a blender or coffee grinder. 你可以在健康食品商店或超市的面粉货架上找到亚麻仁,用搅拌机或咖啡研磨机很容易将亚麻仁磨碎。
He therefore rolled himself in flour and lay down in a dark corner. 所以它在面粉里滚了几下,躺到一个黑暗角落里。
A bag of flour might be balanced on the top of a door so that when the 'victim' opens the door, the flour empties over their head. 还会在门上放上装满面粉的袋子,等受害者打开门,面粉就全部撒在他们的头上。
He brought style of his own and his leaving off the flour to the basket can only be described in one word--- shocking. 他带来了只属于他的篮球风格而且他离开地板跳跃至篮筐的能力只能用一个词汇来形容,那就是惊人。
you in 2006 luck are a bad luck year. Jiang Ziya sells the bread flour, is not the wind blows then is the rain hits. 你在2006年的运气是倒霉的一年。姜子牙卖面,不是风吹便是雨打。
There is often dust pollution in environments of coal mining, cement production, flour processing and pharmaceutical factory etc. 煤矿开采、水泥生产、面粉加工、制药等行业长期受到粉尘污染的困扰。
The challenge for me was to be able to handle the flour type and heat control with the high altitude. 我的挑战在于,能否把握面粉的品种,还有在高海拔地区的温度控制。
He predicted that the only way out for China was to depend on American flour. 他预言,中国唯一的出路在于依赖进口美国面粉。
He was just thinking how lucky the City Mouse was, when suddenly the door opened with a bang, and in came the cook to get some flour. 正当他羡慕城里老鼠真是幸运的时候,厨房门“梆”地一声突然开了,是厨师进来拿面粉。
and some people just took a little flour if it had been like makeup. 又有些人只拍了一点儿粉就似乎是浓妆豔抹过似的。
Once, he came down on a Sunday afternoon. "I need a cup of flour, " he said. It was clumsy, but I couldn't help myself. 有一天周日下午,布鲁诺跑过来找我“我需要一些面粉”他说,“虽然很失礼,但我还是忍不住要说。”
I had to get out of the car carried the milk rice and flour on my back walked along the path in the dark. 我只好下车,背上奶粉和米面,走在夜色已深的小路上。
A former finance minister said he could administer the subsidised bread programme only if he had one security guard for each sack of flour. 前财政部长说,如果他有安全警卫来看守每一袋面粉的话,他就能够管理好面包补贴项目。
sugar six money, flour paste 3 money, onions, ginger and a little bit of soy sauce mixed with a good opening tune. 糖六钱,面酱三钱,葱,姜,酱油一点点的良好开局调混合。
I hate measuring, and I say things like: a pinch of salt, a handful of flour, some of this and a splosh of that. 我讨厌测量食物,而且我常常这样说:一小撮盐,一把面粉,一些这个和一些那个。
The particles in this "glacial flour" can be very reflective, turning the water into a distinctive greenish blue. 这个“冰川粉粒”中的粒子会反射阳光,是湖水呈现出一种独特的蓝绿色。
Eric got out the ingredients. They needed flour, yeast, sugar, butter, currants, milk, an egg and a little bit of pastry. 埃里克拿出配料。他们需要面粉、酵母、糖、黄油、葡萄干、牛奶、一个鸡蛋和一点油酥皮。
The supply of flour had been long diminished, so there was no bread or pastries of any kind. 但它是不可能的第一次庆典上有这种食品。面粉的供应曾长期减少,所以没有任何形式的面包或糕点。
He was pleased by this encounter, for he had often heard tell of a woman nicknamed "White Flour Sacks" . This must be her. 他心中很喜欢遇上了她,常听人说,白房子有个“白面口袋”,这必定是她。
And around eight o'clock he sort of sneaks away from his oven, cleans his hands from the flour, and calls his wife. 大概早上8点左右他就偷偷离开他的烤箱,清洗他和面团的双手,并打电话给他的妻子。
One of the other kids in first grade told me his mother said you could make things stick together with a paste made of flour and water. 一个一年级的小孩告诉我,他妈妈说用面粉和水调成浆糊可以粘东西。
Spreading a little oil on the surface of the food material or using flour on the surface of it. 在食材表面涂一层油脂,或在食材表面裹一层面粉等。