
美 [floʊ]英 [fləʊ]
  • v.流;流过;涌出;循环
  • n.流;流动;流量;川流不息
  • 网络流入;漂流;熔化

第三人称单数:flows 现在分词:flowing 过去式:flowed

steady flow,free flow,constant flow,smooth flow,rapid flow
stem flow,regulate flow,maintain flow,accelerate flow,interrupt flow
flow freely,fast flow,easily flow



Bob,who had no intention of working,____... ... D、FILLD, 充满 A、FLOWED流动。 B、KEPT 保持 ...


Free Chinese/English Vocabulary Builder... ... flitting 飞行 flowed 流入 flowers 花卉 ...


... 4. It’s not easy for me to get here.5. sb. drop sth. / sth. falls6. flow –flowed 漂流 7. lay –laid-laid 下蛋15. ...


... The wine flowed like water at their party. 他们在宴会上喝酒如流水。 flowed n.熔融的,熔化 flowed head 压溃, 飞边 ...


... The wine flowed like water at their party. 他们在宴会上喝酒如流水。 flowed n.熔融的,熔化 flowed head 压溃, 飞边 ...

Now they're showing just how much money has flowed out. 但现在,它们能代表的只是多少笔资金已经流出。
It shows how much money would have flowed to different groups if their incomes had grown at the same rate as the overall economy. 它展示了如果(中产阶级)收入保持和全国经济增长速度一致的情况下,分配到不同群体的资金情况。
But then again, how many things happened in reality today? How many hearts were truly broken? And how much tears freely flowed? Too many. 但话又说回来,有多少事情是今天真的发生的?有多少人真的心碎难过?还有多少泪水流下?太多了。
It was considered a sign of favor when he called someone up to the front, although conversation with him flowed rather thinly. 谁被他叫到最前面去,这也是一种恩宠,尽管同他聊不上几句。
that's the way it felt with you and our conversation just flowed and it is as if you have been a part of me for a good while ! ! ! 就是这种情形,和你在一起,和你的交谈刚刚互动的时候,让我感觉,就好像,你已经是我的一部分已经很久了!
He showed me how the light flowed over the surface of the cheek into the background itself. 然后比划着告诉我光线是从脸蛋的表面背景投影是如何投射的。
It was not through the cities that this main stream flowed, but through innumerable little country towns and villages. 这一主流还不在城市,而是在乡村,在不计其数的村镇中。
Needless to say both Matt and I flowed with pride (and a little arrogance). 不用说我和麦德有多自尊自大,班上其他同学都是一个样。
First, type A cells are flowed across the chip in one direction and caught in traps that are large enough to hold only one cell. 首先,A细胞以一个方向流经芯片,并被捕捉到仅够容纳一个细胞的捕捉器中。
After the end-shift bell rang, I began to leave classroom as tears unknowingly flowed from my eyes. 下课铃响了,我离开了班级,不知不觉,泪水涌了出来。
Indeed, it was more than just flexible. At room temperature it was actually liquid, and thus flowed when deformed, rather than breaking. 有韧性还算不了什么,这种天线在室温之下其实是液体,所以在变了形的时候会流动,而不会折断。
The simple creativity demonstrated everybody the wind, the feminization has not flowed in trivially , but lies in the graceful concern. 简单创意显示出大家之风,女性化没有流于琐碎,而在于优雅的关怀。
The sun had been up for several hours and the mist had not yet gone, and the river, like some mysterious being, flowed on. 太阳已经出来了好几个小时,而雾还没有散去,那条河就像某种神秘的存在一样,继续向前流去。
Sometimes the fusion crust will have "Flow Lines" where the surface has melted and looks to have flowed around the meteorite. 有时融合地壳将有“流线”里的表面已经融化,并期待已流周围的陨石。
After a few seconds electricity flowed into the cell phone unrestrained and the young man was thrown to the ground with a heavy thud. 几秒之后,强大电源流过手机,年轻人被击倒在地。
her nightdress had slipped down on her shoulders , and her hair , unfastened and entangled , flowed over them in masses. 她的睡衣滑了下来,头发松开,乱蓬蓬的,披散在双肩上。
We looked at one another and smiled as the music flowed because we were all thinking the same thing: 'This is as good as I thought it was. 乐声流淌,我们相互注目,会心微笑,因为每个人心中的想法都是一致的:“跟我预想的一样好。”
nothing but a thick grey mist. Then some large objects, like the shadows of enormous fish, flowed across the screen in a steady stream. 屏幕亮了起来,最初只是一层厚厚的迷雾,然后就见到一些好像是大鱼的影子一样的大型物体从屏幕上不断地流过。
Mars must have had a thicker atmosphere in order to support water that flowed on the surface even only sometimes. 火星一定有一个较厚的大气层来支持水在它的表演流动,哪怕只是某些时候。
The Tigris River, only a mile from the camp, was one of the four rivers that flowed out of the biblical Garden of Eden. 距离营房不足一英里的提格里斯河,不正是从圣经里的伊甸园中流出来的四大河流之一么?
In a minute or two her color returned, and life and amusement flowed back into her eyes. 过了一两分钟,她的脸色才转过来,两眼又恢复了那种活跃而调皮的神情。
When people throw to the prey with such a stone, the sound of a whistles was made by the air flowed through the cavities. 当人们用这种石头扔向猎物时,气流通过它的腔形成一种像口哨的声音。
Her husband promoted self-reliance in his children, and their choices and views flowed from that, she said. 她的先生培养孩子们的自立精神,然后他们自己的观点和选择由此而来。
Water flowed through the crack into a nearby fjord and from there into the sea, leaving behind a dry lake-bed littered with icebergs. 湖水就从这个裂缝流到附近的一个海沟当中,然后就流入大海了。现在就剩下干旱的河床和残余的冰块。
Janos Slynt had lifted Ned Stark's head by the hair as his life's blood flowed down the steps, and after that there was no turning back. 杰诺斯·史林特伯爵抓着奈德·史塔克的头发把脑袋提起来,生命之血顺着台阶流下,从那以后就再也没有转圜的余地了。
There was heavy short interest at the onset of the rally, and money flowed out of retail mutual funds as it continued. 在涨势之初,市场的卖空兴趣就很浓厚,而随着涨势继续,零售共同基金纷纷遭遇赎回。
Increases the performance of the file management, make file flowed to turn quick, got to make use of well. 提高了档案管理的效益,使得档案的流转迅速,得到了充分利用。
Clerical magic flowed from each of the dark elf's fingers, sizzling like dark lightning into the chained drow. 祭司的魔法从他的十指指尖流出,如黑色的闪电般咝咝作响地钻入被锁住的黑暗精灵体内。
Most of the money that flowed into the country came in the form of loans rather than foreign direct investment. 流入这个国家的大部分钱都以贷款而非国际直接投资的形式存在。
A woman thought she was in heaven when beer instead of water flowed from the taps in her apartment in west Norway. 当发现自家水龙头里流出的是啤酒而非自来水时,这位家住挪威西部的主妇以为自己到了天堂。