
美 [.ef 'em]英 [.ef 'em]
  • abbr.调频;(书写形式)陆军元帅
  • 网络调频(frequency modulation);收音机;频率调制



1.调频frequency modulation (a method of broadcasting high-quality sound by radio)

调频(frequency modulation)

调频范围调频(FM) 87-108兆赫(MHz)调幅(AM) 525-1610千赫(KHz)波段两波段调谐方式指针式类型普通收音机外观袖珍式输出 …


miki手机_百度百科 ... 蓝牙 / BT 收音机 / FM 视频硬件编解码/ HW Video codec ...


频率调制( FM ) 合成 技术知识频率调制FM )在电子音乐 合成 技术中,是最有效的 合成 技术之一,它最早由美国 斯坦福大 …


调频广播fm)联网广播电台节目类型细分化合并1.12 中国广播电视的发展中国广播的诞生中国广播的发展中国人民广播事业 …

If he has FM access due to his Project A role he would be able to publish packages based on Project B data as well. 如果他由于项目A的需要有权访问FM,就也能够发布基于项目B数据的包。
Apps like Last. fm, Spotify and Netflix are still perfectly usable, as long as you know the demands they place on your data. 像、Spotify和Netflix这样的应用程序依然是完全可用的,只要你知道他们放置你的数据的需求。
This seems to be one of the most difficult adaptations in the game, even more so if the keeper did not have time to learn the language. 貌似在FM中,适应环境最慢的就是守门员了,好像这些守门员们一个个忙得都没有时间来学习你们国家的语言一样;
FM is the kind of word-of-mouth game that any football fan needs to play just to see what all of the fuss is about. FM是在众多球迷中有口皆碑的游戏,你可以在里面体会到足球的方方面面。
Similarly, India is about to auction off FM radio spectrum and the competition is expected to be fiercest for the big cities, says N. 萨布拉马尼说,与此类似,印度即将拍卖FM无线电频段,而据预计针对大城市的竞拍将会是最激烈的。
If this access is not possible, neither FM or other SDK based clients will be able to work. 如果不可能执行这种访问,FM或基于SDK的其他客户机就无法正常工作。
Essentially, SCA signals are multiplexed onto an FM broadcast by means of frequency modulation of a sub carrier. 基本上,政制事务局局长信号多路复用到一个调频广播方式,频率调制的一个小组的载体。
FM: I don't think so. I just need to push as hard as I can to be in the best situation, the best position I can be. 菲利普-马萨:我不这样想。我只是需要在最佳的形势中尽可能地去努力获得我最好的名次。
Off the Ball is perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects of the game of football, yet FM regards it as one of the most important. 无球跑动或许是足球比赛中最被忽视的方面之一了,然而FM认为它是最重要的之一。
The Voice of Firestone was the first commercial radio program to be carried simultaneously on both AM and FM radio stations. 凡世通的声音是第一个商业电台节目,同时进行调幅和调频的广播电台。
In fact, as we will see, services like Digg, YouTube, and Last. fm, are trying to do exactly that - (CF) based media outlets. 事实上,正如我们将看到的一些服务,如Digg、YouTube和,正试图来做这样的事情——协同过滤(CF)媒体。
The strategy they're employing is called "velvet rope" as in what nightclubs do to build scarcity and interest in getting on the inside. fm采用的策略与夜总会所谓的“天鹅绒围栏”如出一辙,它们都造成一种稀缺感,勾起人们光顾的欲望。
FM does not follow fixed screen angles and grid to carry out the same size as the dot, but amounts, that is to be random. 调频增网洋不按照变动的增网角度和网格来举行,网点巨细差别,但数度不相等,也不即是说是随机呈现的。
You stress the point that the FM has pushed ahead with the case because he was afraid to lose face. 你强调了一点就是那个员工硬着头皮去做因为他害怕丢面子。
Cellphones send signals to nearby towers via radio frequency waves, a form of energy similar to FM radio waves and microwaves. 手机经过射频电波(一种与调频电波和微波类似的能量方式),将信号发送至左近的信号塔。
Training is one of the least discussed aspects of FM on these forums and one of the most vital aspects of manager involvement in game. 训练作为FM的一个方面,是在各种论坛上所被讨论得最少的东西之一,然而这却也是经理们在游戏中最重要最关键的一部分之一。
With the app integrated with the iTunes Store, people will be able to tap on a song they hear on the radio and buy it through iTunes. 苹果将该应用程序加入iTunes商店后,用户可利用这一程序选取在FM收音机上听到的歌曲,并通过iTunes商店进行购买。
Yep. Of course, they only bounce so far. If the tunnel is long enough, even FM stations fade out until you come out the other end. 是的,当然,它们只能反弹这么远。如果隧道足够长,那么调频电台会直到你从隧道的另一头出去时才会衰减。
FM: Well, for sure, we are both working for the team and to put the team in the best position and best condition for the championship. 我们都为了车队而工作,都希望让车队处于最好的位置与条件之下来赢得冠军。
As a result, a single radio wave from an FM station is only a few meters long, about the size of a car. 所以,一个单独的电波信号从FM电台里出来,对车而言就是几米的距离。
Tastebuds. fm, an online dating service that pairs you up with single people who have similar taste in music as you, conducted a survey. 某线上交友服务网站一直以音乐品味为标准为大家配对,如今该网站进行了一个调查。
"Something terrible is happening there. Tens of people are being dragged out on stretchers, on trolleys, " he told City FM radio. 他告诉城市调频广播的记者说:“那里景象很惨,数十人被担架和轮椅抬出。”
As Seth Godin would say, the only radio station people listen to is WII-FM (What's In It For Me). 正如SethGodin(译注2)所说,人们想听的唯一一个广播电台是“我有什么好处调频”(译注3)。
There are a number of features on this game that I feel many people over look, personally I find setting up a scouting team essential. 有很多关于FM这游戏的特性我想很多人都忽视了,对于我个人来说,建立一个球探队伍是至关重要的。
Pick a cheapest product fm Supermarket and buy enough amount of it to use up an entire roll of receipt. 去超市买一种最便宜的东西,数量多到打满收银机里的一卷小票。
We explore theoretically the relation between the structure and the TMR of a tunneling junction composed by three FM layers. 从理论上研究了由三铁磁层组成的隧道电阻效应和结构的关系。
With the temperature decreasing, the system undergoes a transition from paramagnetic(PM) to ferromagnetic(FM) and further to spin-glass(SG). 随温度的降低样品表现出从顺磁(PM)到铁磁(FM)及自旋玻璃态(SG)等复杂的磁相变行为。
TIR-FM works by means of limiting the depth of penetration of the excitation light within this narrow region. 公路货运调频工程手段限制深度渗透激发光在这一狭窄的区域。
But he also hosted a classical music show on the college's FM station and listened to Wagner as he studied his accounting. 但是他也曾在大学调频电台上主持过一档古典音乐节目,并且在学习会计学的时候还在欣赏瓦格纳的音乐作品。
fm makes you go off an get an application key which has to be copied and pasted into a box before you can access your Facebook settings. 而在你能使用Ping.fm访问你的facebook设置之前,你需要一个应用码(applicationkey)然后将它复制到一个方框中。