
美 [foʊm]英 [fəʊm]
  • n.泡沫;泡沫橡胶;海绵橡胶;泡沫剂(用于洗涤、剃须、灭火等)
  • v.有泡沫;起泡沫
  • 网络泡沫塑料;泡棉;气泡

复数:foams 现在分词:foaming 过去式:foamed

plastic foam


n. v.

1.[u]泡沫橡胶;海绵橡胶a soft light rubber material, full of small holes, that is used for seats, mattresses , etc.

2.[u]泡沫a mass of very small air bubbles on the surface of a liquid

3.[u][c]泡沫剂(用于洗涤、剃须、灭火等)a chemical substance that forms or produces a soft mass of very small bubbles, used for washing, shaving, or putting out fires, for example


AE中英文对照 ... Caustics → 焦散 Foam泡沫 Particle Playground → 粒子运动 ...


bricklink_百度百科 ... Flag,Decorated 旗,含印花 Foam 泡沫塑料 Friends 朋友系列相关 ...


外贸中satin和charmeuse用哪个好?_百度知道 ... 毛巾布 terry cloth 泡棉 foam 绸面 mesh ...


AE中英文对照表 - 丑石的日志 - 网易博客 ... 12.3 Caustics( 焦散) 12.4 Foam气泡) 12.5 Multiplane( 多图层变换) ...


就鱼漂材质来分有:发泡foam),塑料(plastic),PVC ,桐木,巴尔山,亚克力,EVA等。其中塑料,还有木头漂大部分 …


大学英语六级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... flutter vi. (鸟)振翼;飘动 foam n. 泡沫 v.(使)起泡沫 foremost a. 最初的,最前的;第一流的 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... Hazeln. 黑兹尔(女子名) foam n. 泡沫, 水沫, 泡沫材料, 泡沫橡皮, 泡沫塑料 geography n. 地理学, 地 …


毛衫部分名词中英文对照---服装博客网 ... hang tag 挂牌 foam 海绵 pin 扣针 ...

Why boing rubber bands around the office when you can aim and fire foam darts with a flick of your space bar? 既然能只按一下空格键就瞄准发射泡沫灭火镖,为什么还要使用麻烦的橡胶带呢?
The use of reticulated ceramic foam filters is often a very effective method to minimize casting inclusion defects. 介绍通过网状泡沫陶瓷过滤器来减少铸件中夹杂物缺陷的原理和效果。
So a clever, memory foam pillow will let you sleep soundly enough to sound clever the next day. 所以,一个聪明的、记忆泡沫枕头将让你睡得更香,也让人在次日变得更为聪明些。
Injection Molded EVA (IM-EVA): Process whereby ethylene vinyl acetate foam is injected into molds to make it a bit more uniform and durable. 射入铸造了EVA(IM-EVA):过程藉以乙烯乙烯基醋酸盐泡沫被注射入模子做它更多一致和耐久。
For years I forced her to spell words in the bathtub with foam letters, to do worksheets, to memorize phonemes and take practice tests. 接下来的几年当中,我强迫她在浴缸里用泡沫塑料字母拼单词,强迫她做习题、背音标、进行各种诵读练习。
It took off in a sudden explosion of foam, slicing across the green waters toward the dark slit of safety in the far cavern wall. 船启动了,爆发出大片白花花的泡沫,切过绿色的水面,朝洞壁那个象征着安全的黑色裂缝猛冲过去。
There was one exception: a line of beds that used so-called memory foam instead of a standard mattress and box spring. 只有一个例外,那就是一系列使用所谓记忆泡沫材料的床,而一般的床用的都是弹簧床垫或床垫架。
Each piece of moss is cut into a foam frame, which prevents the moss from spreading or growing out of control. 每一块苔藓都被嵌入了泡沫框架中,以防止其过分生长或者四处散布。
In case of a continuous surf islands are surrounded with a wide band of sea foam saturated with green algae that are so loved by the birds. 海浪不断的冲刷在岸边形成了丰富的混合着海藻的泡沫,是鸟儿最爱的泡沫浴。
A day, a month, a year or a century, in the long river of time, is nothing but a drop of water, a foam, a twinkling. 一天,一个月,一年,一个世纪,在世间的长河中都只能是一滴水,一朵浪花,一个瞬间。
sorrowfully they gazed at the pearly foam, as if they knew she had thrown herself into the waves. 他们悲悼地望着那翻腾的泡沫,好像他们知道她已经跳到浪涛里去了似的。
When you see a small mermaid prince to love, gave up a three hundred years of life, into the sea foam, I could not help tears. 当看到小人鱼为了所爱的王子,毅然放弃了三百年的生命,化为海中的泡沫时,我忍不住潸然泪下。
The tide was running so that long streaks of foam tailed away from the reef and for a moment they felt the boat was moving steadily astern. 海潮滚滚,礁石那边拖着长长的银白色的浪花泡沫,这让他们感到仿佛是大船正在稳稳地后退着。
When you throw ice into a cappuccino it'll melt the foam, which is what by definition makes it a cappuccino in the first place. 当你把一个咖啡它就会融化的泡沫,它的定义是什么由冰使它成为摆在首位卡布奇诺。
TianQi, do you know how much I like you? Even if I become foam like Princess Mermaid, I'll still like you. 你知道我有多喜欢你吗?即使像人鱼公主一样变成泡沫,我也要喜欢你。
The insole (EVA sock liner) that the PT-03 comes with is a standard foam insert that provides a bit of cushion but no support. 附带的鞋垫(EVA鞋垫)是标准的泡沫鞋垫,提供了一点减震性,但没有提供支撑性。
The object was too light to be a brick, but it was the same density as a piece of foam from a solid rocket booster. 这一物体太轻了而不可能是一个砖,然而它和固体燃料助推器上的泡沫的密度是相同的。
The townsfolk were shocked. Johnson's doctor warned he would foam at the mouth, then fall down and die in a few minutes. 乡亲们都震撼了,他的一生警告他将会口吐白沫,并在几分钟内倒地身亡。
foam line The front of a wave as it advances shoreward, after it has broken. 泡沫线波浪向岸前进时的前锋,在它破碎之后。
So, it came as a bit of a surprise when cameras trained on Discovery captured images of flying foam once again. 当发现号上的摄像机再次拍到飞落的泡沫材料时,大家都很吃惊。
Foam cementing is commonly used for cementing in a shale gas well, while perforation after casing set is often for well completion. 页岩气固井主要采用泡沫水泥固井技术,完井方式以套管固井后射孔完井为主。
Is a vast expanse of sea, or a layer of foam, but she was never so lovely, smile so bright appeared in front of him. 还是茫茫一片的大海,还是一层又一层的浪花,可是她却再也不会那么可爱地、笑得那么灿烂地出现在他面前了。
Foam mattresses are piled against the walls and the children have not seen the light of day since the siege began on February 4. 泡沫床垫靠墙堆放着,2月4日围攻开始以来,孩子们就没见过天日。
The foam flow pattern is not amenable to theoretical analysis and has not been the subject of any extensive experimental study. 泡沫流型还没有经得起考验的理论分析可循,也没有广泛的实验研究报导。
The foam of it covered her lashes and brows and, with her red hair, for a minute she looked like a demented Queen Elizabeth. 泡沫盖在她的眼睫毛和眉毛上,加上她那头红发,看上去立刻像精神错乱的伊丽莎白女王。
but the cabin-boy approached, and when her sisters dived down he thought it was only the foam of the sea which he saw. 她的姐姐们马上就沉到水里,侍者以为自己所看到的那些白色的东西,不过只是些海上的泡沫。
A while back, a vendor came to my desk for on-site training and left me with a promotional foam football. 前一阵子,一位小贩到我的办公室推销现场培训课程,临走的时候,送我一个泡沫塑料足球。
At the moment, many researchers believe that dark energy may be a foam of quantum particles that exists throughout the vacuum of space. 那时,许多研究员相信黑暗能量可能是在空间各处的真空存在的量子的泡沫。
Patty's true home amid all this brilliant eccentricity was a foam-cushioned, mildewed, built-in bench in the TV corner of the basement. 身处这群聪明的怪人当中,帕蒂真正的家是一张有泡沫软垫、嵌在墙上的长椅,椅子已经发霉了,放在地下室摆放电视的那个角落。
I feel the dolphins leaping in the white foam, trying to fly, and almost flying when the waves curl high to the heavens. 我感觉海豚在白沫中跳跃,尝试着飞翔,而当浪潮翻涌至天堂一般高时,牠们几乎真的飞了起来。