


To understand the folic acid condition among the 1~7 years children of Tianjin, and to raise the children health condition. 了解天津市1~7岁儿童叶酸营养状况,动员全社会关注儿童叶酸营养,提高健康水平。
Start taking a prenatal or multivitamin containing at least 400 mcg of folic acid per day as soon as you know you're ready for babies. 当你准备要一个孩子的时候,你要开始做产前检查,每天服用至少含有400微克叶酸的多维他命剂。
He said it was still unclear how folic acid - the synthetic form of folate, a B vitamin - worked in securing pregnancy. 他说目前仍不清楚叶酸这种叶酸酯的合成形式,是如何在保护妊娠安全中起作用的,叶酸酯是一种B族维生素。
In studies, participants who took folic acid for a month long time period did much better on memory tests that the group that did not. 研究证实,参与者摄取叶酸一个多月的时间内,记忆力测试的确好很多并没有忘记很多。
They were able to conclude that the use of folic acid supplements reduced the risk of stroke by an average of 18 percent. 他们能够断定使用叶酸补充剂能将卒中风险平均降低18%。
Research leader Pal Suren and his colleagues compared the women who took folic acid supplements to those who did not. 研究负责人PalSuren和同事对比了服用叶酸补充剂和没有服用的妇女。
On the basis of these findings, the researchers said, folic acid appeared to affect age-related aspects of cognitive function. 在这些发现的基础上,研究人员指出叶酸影响认知能力的年龄相关方面。
The studies are far from definitive, but some suggest that too much of vitamins A, C, E and folic acid can be risky for some people. 这些研究并非权威性的但认为过多的维生素A、C、E和叶酸对于某些人可能有危险。
However, the risk can be reduced up to 50% by eating the right food or taking multivitamins like folic acid, say researchers. 但研究人员表示,合理饮食及摄取如叶酸等多种维生素可将这一风险降低至50%。
Fortified Cereals : ensuring that you get enough folic acid into your diet is a good idea for your overall picture of health. 强化谷物:确保你从食物中摄取了足够的叶酸,这对你的健康有好处。
The students were to be tested for three supposedly benign traits: their responses to dairy products, folic acid, and alcohol. 学生接受了三项推定为无危险特征的检测:他们对奶制品、叶酸和酒精的反应。
CONCLUSION Losartan-Folic acid could be used to decrease the viscosity, protect vascular endothelium and reversing vascular reconstruction. 结论低剂量的氯沙坦和叶酸能有效的改善血液流变学,保护血管内皮,防止血管重构。
Nearly two years ago, a major study found that high doses of folic acid in supplement form failed to protect against colon cancer. 差不多两年前,一个主要的研究发现高剂量叶酸添加物成分未能预防结肠癌。
Folic acid is essential to proper protein formation and cell repair, necessary for DNA, blood cell production, and a healthy immune system. 叶酸对蛋白质的形成和细胞修复起着至关重要的作用,对DNA,血细胞的生产以及健康的免疫系统是必要的。
Relative risk( RR) was used as a measure of the effect of folic acid supplementation on the risk of stroke with a random effect model. 采用相对危险度(R)大小,作为衡量叶酸补充治疗在降低卒中发生危险有效性的指标。
Under normal circumstances, the normal women need at least 400 micrograms of folic acid, folic acid through diet or tablets to meet. 一般情况下,正常女性每天至少需要400微克的叶酸,可以通过饮食或服用叶酸片来满足。
Dendrimer nanoparticles targeted by folic acid and having 6-TAMRA as a fluorescent probe were also used to label KB cell tumors in vivo. 经叶酸和6-TAMRA靶向性修饰的树突状纳米颗粒也被作为一种荧光探针用来在活体内标记KB细胞。
If found to have to add folic acid during pregnancy, it may be too late. 如果在发现已经怀孕时再补充叶酸,很可能就来不及了。
Now, another analysis of the same study's findings suggests a link between folic acid supplements and an increased risk for prostate cancer. 现在,对另一项同样研究发现的分析,提出补充叶酸和增加前列腺癌风险之间的联系。
Ezra Susser of Columbia University in New York City was a co-author of the new study of folic acid. 纽约哥伦比亚大学的EzraSusser是这份有关叶酸研究报告的合著者。
Dr Bailey and Dr Ames stress that folic-acid pills are good during pregnancy, and that aspiring mothers should not give them up. 贝勒医生和埃莫斯医生强调说,叶酸药丸在妊娠期间好处很大,所以望子成龙的母亲不应该放弃服用。
On top of this, pregnant women may be consuming a similar amount of folic acid from supplement pills. 除此之外,孕妇通过服用补药,每天也可能摄入等量的叶酸。
Certain B vitamins - folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12 - control levels of a substance known as homocysteine in the blood. 由叶酸、维生素B6和B12等形成的维生维B族调节血液中一种叫作巯基丁氨酸的物质的含量。
Likewise, folic acid is an important counter to depression. Folic acid deficiencies have been linked to depression in clinical studies. 类似地,叶酸也是一种很重要的抗抑郁的物质叶酸缺乏是在临床研究中被发现的。
MTX is a folic acid antagonist and causes osteoporosis, stress fractures, and bone pain when used in high doses to treat cancer. 甲氨蝶呤在被高剂量应用于肿瘤治疗时可以导致骨质疏松症、疲劳性骨折和骨痛等。
Folic acid, a B-vitamin, is required for the production of DNA and RNA, and for proper cell growth , repair and development. 叶酸属于B族维生素,是DNA和RNA合成过程中不可缺少的重要物质,在细胞生长、分化、修复和宿主防御等方面扮演重要角色。
finally, amination reaction is carried out on primary amine porphyrin and folic acid to obtain the folic acid porphyrin. 然后用伯胺卟啉再与叶酸发生酰胺化反应即得到所述的叶酸卟啉。
The tumor tissue localization of the folate-targeted polymer could be attenuated by prior i. v. injection of free folic acid. 在静脉注射前事先给予动物游离的叶酸,将降低癌组织内的叶酸靶向聚合物。
This is not to be recommended, because high doses of folic acid are suspected of exacerbating certain cancers. 而这是不合适的,因为大剂量的叶酸被认为有可能加重某些癌症。
Over a period of two years, half were given a daily tablet containing high doses of the B vitamins folic acid, B6 and B12. 在两年间,其中一半志愿者每天服用一颗含有高剂量维生素B叶酸、B6与B12的药片。