
  • 网络方;芳;方房



中文翻译英文名_百度文库 ... FOK 霍 FONG FONG 芳 ...

中文翻译英文名_百度文库 ... FONG 方 FONG FOO 火 ...


香港人名常见字拼写 - 香港澳门台湾留学... ... fo 火 fong 方房 foo 富 ...

广东话同音字列表_无名_百度空间 ... fok 缚霍 fong fog 方 ...


一画廊的负责人方先生Fong)回忆,一次陪同吴冠中参观英国某间当代艺术博物馆时,他听见吴冠中说,若把王怀庆的油画 …


请问 粤语发音英文拼写._百度知道 ... fo 火货 fong 方仿芳防舫访房放 foo 富 ...

冯江海粤语译音成英文怎么读?_百度知道 ... 海 Hoi Fong 江 Gong ...

One night I woke up, and went into Fong's room. She was sleeping like a baby; I kissed her forehead and realized how happy we were. 有天夜里我醒来,走到方的屋子,她睡着的姿势完全像个孩子,我轻轻地吻了一下她的额,我突然觉得,我们俩是那么的平凡和幸福啊。
A privatised Shaw Brothers would also allow Ms Fong to carry out a property deal that she was unable to do a few months ago. 将邵氏兄弟公司私有化,还将使方逸华得以完成其数月前无法实施的一桩房地产交易。
Fond told me Gu-ang was a post-graduate student and a nice boy. When Fong talked about him, she avoided eye contact with me. 广是她们学校别的系的研究生,人很好。方说这话看我的时候,眼神有点游离。
Lan Kwai Fong, the company since its establishment more than 12 years of time, efforts to open up new space for development. “兰桂芳”公司成立至今12年多的时间里,努力开拓新的发展空间。
With troubled faces they watched Fong, slumped forward in the saddle, his head bowed, pain and defeat in his eyes. 他们满脸不安地望着方--他身子向前骑在马上,低头,眼里充满痛苦和颓丧的神情。
Shunsui says they already know about this while Soi Fong says she already told him but he was too busy eating to listen. 春水说当碎蜂说她告诉他了后他们已经知道了这些,但大前田忙着吃东西没听见。
I decide to call fong, but receive a text message form her as i was dialing. It said that she miss me and ask me to come back to hers. 我决定给方打电话。在号码还没有拨完的时候,我收到了方发来的短信:玫玫,回来吧,我想你。
That girl looks at him indifferently . And without answering his question, she walks into Fong Zi Heng's house. 那个女孩子冷漠地望了他一眼,什么话也不说就走进了况子衡的家。
Mr. Fong also questions whether the dim sum market is deep enough to raise $1. 4 billion, as Evergrande did with its synthetics. 方家俊还怀疑点心债券市场是否足够大,能筹集到14亿美元资金,就像恒大地产从其合成衍生工具上筹集的。
A member of the team, Geoffrey Fong from the University of Waterloo in Canada, said the heavy metals content was due to contaminated soil. 研究组成员之一,来自加拿大滑铁卢大学的杰弗里·方说,重金属含量超标是由土壤污染引起的。
Xfire also leveraged the gaming celebrity status of one of its co-founders (Dennis Fong) for well-targeted promotion spots. Xfire还在准确定位受众的促销广告中利用其中一位联合创始人的游戏名人的地位。
Memory is lost, but was not in memory. Send them back to my hotel. Fong said, today is a big day. I said, come back today. 是记忆消瘦了,而是原本就不在记忆里。送她们回宾馆的路上。芳说,今天太开心了。我说,今天仿佛又回到。
Fong's room faces daylight but mine is always in shadow. However we both feel warmth from our friendship. 方住在靠阳光的那间,我住在背阳光的那间。我们觉得很温暖。
It's not turkey or pumpkin pie for Jocelyn Fong, but something that combines American tradition with her father's Chinese heritage. 乔斯林•冯钟情的感恩节食物不是火鸡也不是南瓜派,而是一些结合美国传统和来自她父亲的中国习俗的东西。
We started off at a hip restaurant in the heart of Lan Kwai Fong for some Mexican food and some ice-cold margaritas! 我们先到兰桂坊附近的一个餐厅里去吃了墨西哥菜,还喝了一点冰镇玛格丽塔酒。
Fong is from southern China , so I worry that the weather in Beijing will be too cold for her. I go to buy wool to knit her a jumper . 方是南方人,我怕她承受不了北京冬天的冷,去商场买了毛线,我要织件毛衣给她穿。
I take my belongings back to work on the following Monday, and plan to stay at the arranged accommodation, without telling Fong. 我没有告诉方,周一上班的时候我带了很多的衣服,我准备回公司去住。
CLA Deputy Minister Kuo Fong-yu said his organization is prepared to conduct nationwide raids to over 10, 000 companies by year-end. 劳委会副主委郭芳煜说,他的机构正准备要在年底以前进行全国性超过一万家公司的突袭检查。
I recommend to you a set of platinum Washington district, on the 6th floor, and a security wipe Fong Hung south, one north of the room. 我向你推荐一套铂金华府小区,在6楼的,一个方家安擦红南,一个房间朝北的。我现在带你看房去。
Recently, I work at lot of OT, so I get home late, but I find Fong is studying and the food is ready. I fall touch by this. 近单位老是加班,回到家都很晚了。每次进家总是方在看书,饭桌上放着做好的饭菜。我的心里有种莫名的感动。
This month, its legislature passed a resolution, co-sponsored by Mr Fong, apologizing for a long history of discrimination. 本月,加州议会通过了一项由方先生联合发起的决议,向历史上长期对华人的歧视道歉。
Participants proposed to add new constituencies for women, Mainland enterprises, culture and arts, logistics and kai-fong associations. 嘉宾建议增加的界别包括妇女界、中资机构、文化艺术、物流及街坊会。
Fong Sai Yuk 2 - Formerly my favorite movie. Although flawed , it has unmatchable sentimental scenes backed with the most beautiful music . 方世玉2——我以前最喜欢的电影,虽然有些缺点,但是人音乐背景下的那些伤感的场景令人无法抗拒。
Appointed famous actor and style icon Mr. Fong Chung Sun, Alex to be the brand's Asia ambassador. 时度表重整旗鼓大力扩张业务,并委任著名型男影星方中信为品牌亚洲代言人。
Fong believes her simple dish helps her connect with her mix of cultures. 冯认为这些简单的菜品帮助她融入认识了更多的文化。
J. P. Morgan analyst Kenneth Fong said Thursday's announcement 'should alleviate the near term uncertainty over the family issue. ' 摩根大通分析师KennethFong说周四的公告“应该能降低近期何家内部争议引发的不确定性。”
Mr Lam and Mr Fong, who each pleaded guilty to one count of insider trading, were taken into custody, pending sentencing on Monday. 林嘉辉和方仁宏各承认一项内幕交易罪名,他们已被羁押,等待下周一宣判。
This brand new project will bring the signature Lan Kwai Fong style and quality to this booming city and creating a trendy new lifestyle. 这个全新的项目,将为成都带来真正香港兰桂坊的风格和质量,从而为成都这个很受欢迎蓬勃发展的城市,创造一个全新时尚的生活品味。
Ada Fong leads all business development affairs and transactions with global operators in Asia, Middle East, Europe and North America. AdaFong以全球经营方式在亚洲,中东,北美洲领导所有商业发展事务和交易。
"To move forward and become a stronger state, we need to recognize our mistakes, " Fong said at a news conference. 方文忠在记者招待会上说:“美国想要前进变成一个更强大的国家,就必须承认所犯下的错误。”