
美 [ful]英 [fuːl]
  • v.愚弄;欺骗;虚度;闹笑话
  • n.笨人;弄臣;受愚弄[欺骗]的人;有癖好的人
  • adj.〈美口〉愚蠢的
  • 网络上当;愚弄了;被愚弄

复数:fools 现在分词:fooling 过去式:fooled

poor fool,young fool,complete fool,damn fool,utter fool



每日搞笑漫画 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... drat: 诅咒,咒骂 fooled愚弄,欺骗 so long: 再见 ...


Many Truths, 1 Lie! - VoiceTube -... ... fact 事实,实情,论据 fooled 上当 generation U 产生,发生;C一代,一代人 ...


艹神族灬逆天_新浪博客 ... dived 冲,扑 fooled 愚弄了 snake charmer 弄蛇人 ...


美国词语故事 替猫挂铃铛 BELL THE CAT –... ... cat's paw 猫爪。 fooled 被愚弄。 dirty work 卑鄙龌龊的事。 ...


见鬼了 ! - 网域名称俱乐部 ... shops 商店 fooled 唬弄 circle 圈子 ...


每日搞笑漫画 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... drat: 诅咒,咒骂 fooled: 愚弄,欺骗 so long: 再见 ...


《Frien... ... mexico n. 墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家) fooled n. 愚人, 白痴, 莽汉, 受骗者, 奶油拌水果 backstage adv. 在后台, 向后台 ...


《Frien... ... mexico n. 墨西哥(拉丁美洲国家) fooled n. 愚人, 白痴, 莽汉, 受骗者, 奶油拌水果 backstage adv. 在后台, 向后台 ...

But don't be fooled. Just like the rest of the city, it is not so much an east-meets-west experience. 但不要弄错了,就像这座城市的其他地方一样,这里并不让人感觉是一个东西文化交融的体验。
I, however would not be fooled by this act. I just knew she was up to something. 但我是不会被她蒙蔽的,我知道她有所企图。
And his fib fooled the child. Then he padded her head, and he got her a drink, and he sent her to bed. 他骗过了小女孩。然后拍了拍小女孩的头,帮她拿了杯水,叫她回去睡觉了。
Quite a number of people have been fooled by the honeyed words , failing to see that they hid a dagger behind their smiles . 世界上有多少人被他们的甜言蜜语所蒙蔽,而不知道他们笑里藏刀的厉害。
"We just have to be more careful, all of us, and insist that we are not going to be hoodwinked by them, fooled by them, " she said. “我们所有人只是要多加小心,并坚持不会被他们蒙蔽和愚弄,”她说。
A: Asi Wind did card under MY watch, and I felt like a little kid again. Then I begged him not to tell everyone that he fooled me so bad. AsiWind在我的注视下玩了一个纸牌魔术,然后我感觉我又像一个小孩子那样了,后来我求他不要告诉别人他把我耍成那样。
Fire can burn man, water can drown man, but water looks soft as if it is easy to get close to it, so that it is easy to be fooled. 火能烧死人,水也能淹死人,但水的模样柔和,好像容易接近,因此也容易上当。
The last three years I fooled around and cut lots of classes. Now, I can easily say that it is the only thing in life that I regret. 之前的三年我是瞎混的逃了很多课,可以说,这是人生中唯一让我懊悔的事情。
The public is not going to be fooled once it sees what the Republicans, pushed by Tea Party members, were really holding out for. 一旦弄明白这些得到茶党支持的共和党人的真实用意,公众就不会那么容易被这群家伙们忽悠的。
When finishing this catty level, do not be fooled by the cat's tail that appears once you pick up the last treasure. 要完成这一关,要注意不要被拿到最后的宝藏时出现的猫尾巴骗到。
I was fooled that way myself once, and the youngsters were a grief and a trouble to me, I can tell you, for they were afraid of the water. 我也曾经受过骗,你知道,那些小家伙不知道给了我多少麻烦和苦恼,因为他们都不敢下水。
Because it's not about fooling somebody, it's actually giving somebody a measure of their own belief: how much you want to be fooled. 因为这并不是要欺骗别人,而是要给出他们自己所能相信的:你愿意在多大程度上被欺骗。
The tactics of pretending to cross the river and of making a retreat fooled the enemy. 假装渡河和撤退的战略愚弄了敌人。
God is a thing made of clay, that I can smash with a hammer; and you have fooled me with a lie. 可是上帝不过是一个泥塑的雕像,我用锤子一敲就碎了,而你却用一个谎言愚弄了我。
Blair learned scheming from her mother And unrealistic dreaming from her father. She tries really hard to act all But don't you be fooled. 布莱尔从她母亲那里学来了小阴谋,还从她父亲那里学来了白日做梦。她努力装作很成熟的样子,但你可别被骗了。
This friend was sure he'd fooled him and gotten the best of him -- so he set out first on the journey. 他的朋友还以为自己瞒过了他,占了很大的便宜–于是兴冲冲地上路了。
The husband was angry. He thought he was fooled. He wanted to kill the hen, but his wife stopped him. 丈夫很生气,他认为他被骗了,他想杀了这只母鸡,但是他的妻子阻止了他。
As you might say, we have our fingers on the pulse, and cannot be fooled whatever attempts are made to do so. 就如你们想说的,我们就把手放在脉搏上,所以是不可能被这样的企图愚弄。
" However, the " auntie " was not so easy to be fooled and replied, " Why didn't you forget to take your schoolbag with you? 那位大妈倒也不客气,回复我说:“你怎么没忘带你的书包来呢?”
guessed that the bag on the right is the real Louis Vuitton, good for you. But it's easy to be fooled by a fake, like the one on the left. 如果你猜测右边这款包是路易威登的正品,那么恭喜你答对了。不过人们很容易被假货欺骗,就像左边的这个包。
One way to test that idea would be to see if a pigeon's sense of direction can be fooled by a magnet attached to its back. 证明这一观点的一种方法是看鸽子的方向感是否会爱缚在它背部的一块磁铁的愚弄。
It turns out, to the researchers' surprise, that you can succumb to placebo even when you know you're being fooled. 结果是,研究人员意外发现:被试即使知道是在受骗,也会对安慰剂产生依赖感。
So now you know not to be fooled when youread how the forex market is so huge. 因此现在当你了解到外汇市场是如此之大的时候,你才不会被表面的数字所欺骗。
"Oh? " Arbatov's eyebrows shot up in a display of surprise that fooled no one, and he knew it. “喔?”阿尔巴托夫眉毛一抬,表示惊奇,但这骗不了谁,连他自己也清楚。
But as paramedics dashed to the scene and went to help him, he would suddenly get up and snarl: "fooled you" . 但当救护人员冲到现场时,他突然起身,大声叫道:“你们被耍了”。
For video, that needs to happen at least 25 times a second if the eye is to be fooled into seeing continuous motion. 对视频而言,如果你想看到连续的画面,那刷新率至少每秒要进行25次。
The ruler is rude and he is often fooled by a fool. 那统治者很粗鲁,他经常被一个傻子愚弄。
pretending to cross the river and of making a retreat fooled the enemy. 假装渡河撤退的战术愚弄了敌军。
How did Ken feel when he found out that he had been fooled by Sue? Sam: He got angry with her. 当肯发现自己被苏捉弄了时他心里怎样想?山姆:他很生她的气。
But do not be fooled: "Mutti" as she is known in the German media is an altogether more emollient figure. 但不要被蒙蔽了:就像德国媒体所公认的那样,这位“妈妈”完全是一个更加柔和的人。