for free

  • 网络免费地;免费的;为了免费

for freefor free

for free


新概念第三册笔记3 - 豆丁网 ... for change 换换中味 ├ for free 免费地 ├ for sale 待售 ├ ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... for fear that 担心 for free 免费的 for God's sake 看在上帝的面上 ...


你是“免费(free)”得到它,而不是“为了免费for free)”。你不会买到一个便宜的东西,然后说你买到它“为了便宜”,对吧?


International Students Office,HUST ... 2)有小礼物赠送 A small gift will be presented 3)讲座免费 For free ...


首页-石佑天然宝石-- 淘宝网 ... 【天然水晶】 Quartz Crystal 【免费送专区For Free 【坦桑石】 Tanzanite ...


4.开学第一天,我们免费用餐for free)5.爬到山顶,我一点都不感到累(not a bit)6.他过去很贫困,但现在已经习惯了过富 …


...什麽他没办法看小萤幕了,就把它送给了我,我只好被迫免费升级到最新的笔电(For free),那是95年的事了,那台笔电陪了 …

I'm sure Michael Jordan would play basketball for free; no one would have to twist his arm to get him on the court. 我肯定迈克尔.乔丹是甘愿打篮球的;没有人能够强迫他上场。
I tell myself that I'm not so much yearning for free refills as I'm longing for that feeling of belonging anywhere I happen to be. 我告诉自己,我对免费续咖啡这事儿并不怎么怀念,倒是那些偶然去的地方给我一种归属感,叫我渴望。
In fact, I still remember the adage Bob used to explain why he took my case for free. He said, "In doing, we learn. " 实际上,我仍记得鲍勃在解释为什么为我免费辩护时所用的格言:“实践长才干。”
Each will remove whatever proves to be without a true foundation, and with it an allowance for free expression. 任何被证明没有真实基础的都将被移除,它所带来的都是为了对【自由表达】的认可。
Sure. Let me ring this up for you at the register. If you would like this can be gifted wrapped for free. 当然,让我们去收银台结账,如果你要当作礼物我们可以帮你免费包装礼物。
TVXQ to see a video, guess which video price, it is possible to have access to the opportunity to travel to Jeju Island for free. 看一个东方神起视频,猜视频里面产品价格,就有可能有获得去济州岛免费旅游的机会。
How about this, beautiful flowers for beautiful ladies, and take a photo for you for free! 怎么样,买一朵啦…不如这样了,靓女买靓花,免费帮你拍张照!
All the while, newspapers are trying to reinvent themselves for an age when people read most of their news online for free. 各大报纸一直苦苦求索,试图在免费网络新闻时代重塑自我,找到自救之道。
It is unclear why news should be treated differently from any other form of online content that Google provides directions to for free. 相比于谷歌免费提供索引的任何其它形式的在线内容,新闻为什么就该受到区别对待呢?
The 32-year-old still has a year remaining on his contract at Barca but the Spanish club are prepared to allow him to leave for free. 这位32岁的球员仍然有一年的合约在身,但是巴萨准备让他以自由身离开。
"Many computer-literate people who would not otherwise have worshipped may try it for the fun of it, especially as it's for free, " he says. 他表示:“许多懂电脑的人本来就不会去祭拜,他们只是想从中得到乐趣,而且这项服务是免费的。”
She had come to ask for a pension, or for free education for her children. 她来找领取退休金,或为子女免费教育。
Because this novel is out of copyright for the last 250 years or so, it's available for free all over the internet. 因为这部小说是没有版权的最后250年左右的时间,它是免费的所有在互联网上。
Now, with the internet and an iPod, it is possible to follow a course from some of the greatest teachers in business for free. 现在,只要有互联网和一台iPod,人们就可以免费聆听商业领域一些最伟大教师的课程。
I used to be able to get this kind of help for free on Adobe's Director forum, but it's not very active anymore. 我曾经是能够获得Adobe的主任座谈会有空样的帮助,但不是很活跃了。
The changing era requires the United States to be more insistent upon the need for free trade and an end to protectionism, he said. 他说,这个不断变化的时代要求美国更加坚持自由贸易的必要性,同时制止贸易保护主义。
We've tried to make this an easy-to-use, seamless experience, with high-quality audio and video -- all for free. 我们努力给大家带来无缝嵌入的易用体验提供高品质的音频和视频而且这一切都是免费的。
"I just needed a chance, a start in this business, and I haven't had to work for free since, " he says with a smile. “我当时就是需要一个机会,在这个行当起个头。从那以后,我再也不需要干无报酬的活了,”他微笑着说。
He wrote, simply: "I am not looking for free health care, I would just like to get my premiums reduced enough to be able to afford it. " 他说的很直接:“我并不指望有免费的健康保险,我只是希望保险费用能降低到我能负担的水平。”
Nothing's for free. How much? 什么都要收钱的,多少?
One thing technical founders often do is put the product or service out for free, planning to put in the business model later. 一件技术型创业者常作的事情是把产品或服务免费公开,计划以后再加入商业模式。
How much did you pay for the tickets? - I didn't pay a penny; I got them for free. 这些票你付了多少钱?-我一分未付;我是免费得到的。
Ronaldinho has just a year left on his current contract and could leave for free next summer. 罗纳尔迪尼奥现在仍有一年合同在身,明年他将成为自由球员。
It would be most unfortunate if this important flow of diplomatic information were a casualty of WikiLeaks' crusade for free information. 假如在维基解密为信息自由而进行的斗争中,重要的外交信息流通沦为受害者,那将是最大的不幸。
Most of the languages explored here are open source and may be used for free, while a few are commercial products that must be purchased. 在这里介绍的大多数语言是开放源代码的,可以免费使用,只有少量是必须购买的商业产品。
It's as if you were a king hoarding gold and a peasant from another country discovered a way to make gold out of lead for free. 这就好比你是管理金子的人,当一个从其他国家来的农民发现了使得金子脱离管制而免费。
Instead the body said conditions for free and fair elections did not exist and that it was a matter of deep regret they had been held. 安理会只是说,自由和公正选举的条件不存在,安理会对照常进行决选深表遗憾。
The service was given away for free and we all know just how much our cash strapped college students love the word FREE. 这项服务是免费的,我们所有人都知道的仅仅是手头紧的大学生喜欢“自由”这个词。
The newspaper, quoting Blair's spokesman, said his bodyguard offered to pay the ticket, but the inspector said he could travel for free. 该报援引布莱尔发言人的话说,当时他的保镖提议替他付款,但查票员表示布莱尔可以免费乘车。
Except in the sense that it is for free trade everywhere it is not specifically trying to spread the American way of life. 除了让自由贸易无处不在,它并没有特别地想要传播美国的生活方式。