for you

  • 网络为了你;为你;给你

for youfor you

for you


《鬼泣4》流程攻略_游迅网 ... 第8关 承诺( Profession Of Faith) 第9关 为了你For You) 第10关 信念( Wrapped In Glory…


common denominator_百度百科 ... I'ma hold it down for you 我会为你而压制住这痛苦 For you 为你 woah' oh woah 哦 ...


牛津小学英语单词汇总4A_在线英语词典 ... 9、a big rubber 一块大橡皮 10、for you 给你 11、I’ve got 我有;我得到 ...


Endless Love_百度百科 ... I'll be a fool for you 为了你 我甘愿成为一个傻瓜, For you, 只为你 I'm sure 我确定心里只有你 ...


日剧学院赏_百度百科 ... “TOP LADY 恋爱女市长” “FOR YOU 全为了你” “OVER TIME 三十拉警报” ...


我的移民生活19生日风波_天涯风也轻轻_新浪博客 ... “for you!( 给你的。)”老公用沙哑的声音说。 “Go! go!( 走!走!)” ...


因为你英文怎么写-外语-天涯问答 ... 让你回来 HOW CAN I LEAVE YOU AGAIN 因为你 FOR YOU 再次再见 GOODBYE AGAI…


《歌曲千余首》累了就来这里听听歌吧 ... 5 Sunshine On My Shoulders 在我的肩上的阳光 8 For you 面向你 9 Eagle And Haw…

Chief Editor Colin Myler said: "As a final tribute to seven-and-a-half million readers, this is for you - and for the staff. " 报社总编辑科林•迈勒说:“这是献给750万读者的最后一份礼物——同时也献给世界新闻报的工作人员。”
But knowing when something or someone isn't good for you and taking yourself out of that situation is sometimes the right thing. 但是当明白一些事或人对你不好时,应该知道摆脱这种局面才是正确的。
For you to listen to me, my words, often into a thin, silver gulls at the beach on the footprints. 为了你能听我说,我的话语,往往消瘦成,银鸥在沙滩上的足迹。
Four years of lonely for you don't consider as what, four years of missing my heart to let you take how again! 四年的寂寞对你来说不算什么,四年的思念我又怎忍心让你承受呢!
As long as you know some key words of the related books, the program will search for all the related books for you. 只要知道书名的几个关键字,等距离会帮你找到所有相关的书。
Can you remember how difficult it was for you to break a habit that you desired to break some years back? 还记得几年前,你想改掉一个习惯是多么费劲吗?
Just want to free my heart to let it flies to you, staying with you and being your armer. Just want to let my love fly freely for you. 放飞我的心,在蓝蓝的天空飞去你的身边,守在你身旁,让我的爱,为你而飞翔。
RDA does the rest for you and allows you to start working with the model directly with a few mouse clicks. RDA会替您完成余下的工作,所以只需几次鼠标单击,就能直接生成模型。
No; but bring them all the same. Anything would be better than the Count. I shall be waiting for you, so hurry. 不认识;不过您带他们一起来吧,他们总比伯爵好些。我等着您,快来吧。
It's possible that the people who are closest to you already know and are waiting for you to be comfortable enough to talk about it. 和你亲近的人有可能已经知道了,并且在等待你觉得舒服的时候和他们讨论这个问题。
All do not have to stop smiling, even ifis feels bad in you, perhaps some people can be the smiling face fall in love with you for you. 都不要停止微笑,即使是在你难过的时候,说不定有人会为你是笑容而爱上你。
For you safety, please close the door after you come in and buckle the security chain. 为了您的安全,请进出随手关门,并扣好防盗链,谢谢!
If you had to write an autobiography at age 60, would telling the reader that this was your job accomplishment be satisfying for you? 当您在60岁写自传的时候,您会告诉读者您对这份工作中所取得的成就很满意吗?
Understanding your bosses point of view will help you position your raise as a good thing for the company, instead of a good thing for you. 了解你的老板的想法能够帮助你把给自己加薪描述成一件有益于公司的好事,而不仅仅只是于你有利。
If she is negative on a test taken now or any time beyond, there is nothing for you to be concerned about. 如果她在6周以后的任何时间去检测均为阴性,那么你就没什么可担心的了。
If God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me. 倘若上帝赋予我美貌与财富,我一定让你难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你一样。
Lonely winter, suffering soul, life, is willing to work for you, with a cigarette, rove all over the world. 孤寂的初冬,伤痛的心灵,今生,愿为了你,带着一根烟,浪迹天涯。
Illustrating these various possibilities is beyond the scope of this article so I leave it as an exercise for you to explore on your own. 详细的研究这些可能性超出了本文的范围,因此,我把它作为一个练习留给您自己去探讨。
Steve: Yes, if you're on a roll it means lots of things are going well for you at the moment. Here's another example. 如果你交上了好运,那意味着此刻一切对你都很顺利。
I'm so sorry to hear that. Go ahead. Should I go with you? May be I can do something for you. 我很抱歉听到这个消息。那你去吧。要我和你去一下吗?也许我能为你做些什么。
I'll take you to a place for you to see for yourself. 我现在呢就带你去瞧瞧。
He stood in our place. He was a eunuch for you so that you'll never have to be a eunuch anymore in His sight. 祂为了你成为一名实质上的太监,从而你在祂的眼中不再看为太监。
Yes, Porsche Assistance will arrange assistance for you since this situation can be a potential hazard if you attempt to drive your Porsche. 是的,保时捷救援将为您安排救援,因为如果您试图驾驶您的保时捷,这一状况可能是一个潜在的危险。
I agree, Daughter, it is not going to be easy to find help for you but, surely, there is nothing more you owe anyone? 能协助你不是件容易的事,当然,你能否曾经不欠任何东西了呢?
I arrange for you to see an incredibly cool surgery, and you talk my patient out of it? 我安排你观看一个非常棒的手术你却叫我的病人不要做了?
But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. 神差我在你们以先来,为要给你们存留余种在世上,又要大施拯救,保全你们的生命。
Think of my love so profound, so pure, and so devoted, and wish I were with you. I am going to bed praying God for you and yours. 想想我对您的爱如此深沉、纯洁、专一吧,祝愿我能与您相聚在一起吧
If you pay with cash, you're giving up the opportunity to put that money to work for you for the rest of your life. 如果你用现金消费,你就失去了在未来的生活中使用它们的机会。
Otherwise, if he himself can't solve this problem, it is of course useless for you to treat him as a refuge. 否则,若他自己不能解决,你去找他有什么用呢!
Your rapidly rising consciousness now requires some guidance, and there is so much for you to learn in what is to be a very short time. 现在你们快速提高的意识需要一些指导,在很短的时间内你们有那么多需要学习的。