
美 [fɔr]英 [fɔː(r)]
  • prep.对;因为;为了;由于
  • conj.因为;由于
  • 网络给;命令及变量;循环



1.(表示对象、用途等)给,对,供used to show who is intended to have or use sth or where sth is intended to be put

2.以帮助;为了in order to help sb/sth

3.关于concerning sb/sth

4.代表as a representative of

5.受雇于employed by


7.支持;拥护in support of sb/sth

8.(表示目的或功能)used to show purpose or function

9.因为;由于used to show a reason or cause

10.为得到;为获取in order to obtain sth

11.换取in exchange for sth

12.就…而言considering what can be expected from sb/sth

13.better, happier, etc. ~ sth…后(更好、更快乐等)better, happier, etc. following sth

14.(表示去向)往,向used to show where sb/sth is going

15.(表示一段时间)used to show a length of time

16.(安排或预定)在…时used to show that sth is arranged or intended to happen at a particular time

17.(表示场合)used to show the occasion when sth happens

18.(表示距离)used to show a distance

19.对(某人)来说(困难、必需、愉快等)used to say how difficult, necessary, pleasant, etc. sth is that sb might do or has done

20.(表示谁可以或应该做某事)used to show who can or should do sth


be in for it

会惹出麻烦;要受惩罚to be going to get into trouble or be punished

for all


theres/thats… for you

…的典型;…就是这样used to say that sth is a typical example of its kind


介词有哪些?越多越好~~_爱问知识人 ... into: 进入 for: 表示目的,为了..... from: 从...地点起 ...


因字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 因素〖 factor;element〗 因为〖 because;for;onaccountof〗 因循〖 follow;continueinthesameoldr…

小学英语单词表总汇_百度文库 ... music (音乐) for (为;) class (课程) ...


cmd命令大全-学院-黑基网 ... select * from 表名; 显示表中的记录 1:for 命令及变量 基本格式: 2:if 命令及变量 基本格式: ...


51单片机程序1(转) - 碧空雄鹰的日志 - 网易博客 ... void main void 主函数 for 循环 delay 延时 ...


人教版八年级上册英语单词_百度文库 ... active adj. 活跃的,积极的 for prep. 对于,在…方面 about adv. 几乎,大约 ...

But I'm guessing that it was all much less funny for you at the time. 但我猜对你设身处地的那个时代不见得有多大的趣味。
But when the smoke cleared for a moment, he was horrified to see, very close to the burning rick, a whole row of wheat-ricks. 可是当烟散开一点后,他吃惊地看到有一排麦垛就紧挨着燃烧着的干草垛。
His mother looked for a moment thoughtfully, like a tired like heavy sigh, lay back in bed again. 母亲若有所思地看了一会儿,又像很累似的长叹一口气,重新躺回到床上。
Half-way home, Nikolay let the coachman hold the horses, ran for a moment to Natasha's sledge, and stood on the edge of it. 在半路上,尼古拉叫马车夫把马勒住一会儿,他跑到娜塔莎的雪橇前面呆上分把钟,站在跨杠上。
The pet doctor suggested her to resort to a pet agency for help, where she could apply for a graveyard for her dog. 医生建议她去一家宠物机构,那里可以为自己的宠物提供安葬服务,并提供墓地。
And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them. 凡不接待你们的,你们离开那城的时候,要把脚上的尘土跺下去,见证他们的不是。
Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort. 所有的颜色都因为害怕而蜷缩一团,互相依偎着寻求慰藉。
On UNIX, environment variables must be set for the system to be able to locate SQL Anywhere applications and libraries. 在UNIX上,必须设置环境变量,系统才能定位SQLAnywhere应用程序和库。
to the law of old China, which permitted a man to divorce his wife for being a chatterbox. 而依照旧中国的法律,哪怕妻子仪犯有饶舌的小过,丈夫也可把她休掉。
They spoke a few words and he opened the car door for her to step out. 他们说了几句话,然后他为她打开车门。
Would we be prepared to knock industry for six simply because we felt that house prices were getting a bit too sporty? I don't think so. 仅仅因为感觉到住房价格太活跃,我们是不是就准备彻底打跨这个行业呢?我不这么看。
'I shall pray for you, 'called Alec as he walked away. 'Who knows, we may meet again! ' “我会为你祈祷的,”亚历克一边走一边喊道,“谁知道呢,也许我们还会再见面的!”
In the spacious hall they found a splendid feast which had been prepared by the Ogre for some of his friends. 在豪华的大厅里,他们看见一桌盛宴,那是怪物为他的一些朋友准备的。
She was responsible for introducing me to Cafe Bustelo, sample sales and the benefits of the word "toxic. " 她就自动地介绍我去咖啡馆,销售样品,从“中毒”这个单词中受益。
Thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren: return every man to his house: for this thing is done of me. ‘耶和华如此说:你们不可上去与你们的弟兄争战,各归各家去吧!因为这事出于我。’
King encountered any trouble, always have to look for her to discuss and help her to tide over their difficulties. 国王凡是遇到什么麻烦事,总要去找她商量并在她的帮助下度过难关。
Actress Tang finally understand well the tree, he waited for her to have been fond of her. 女主角腾井树终于明白,他在等她,一直喜欢她。
It was generous of him to pay for the meal for us. 他为我们付了饭钱,真是大方。
Many philosophers and theologians in Paul's day taught that the body was evil, useless except for containing a soul for a while. 在保罗的年代,不少哲学家和神学家教导说肉身只是暂时盛载灵魂的臭皮囊而已。
The book is perhaps best known for having predicted that attack on the United States by Japan and an air war between the two powers. 书也许最好地被为有知道预知在二力量之间的日本和一个空气战争的美国上的那个攻击。
Accordingly, he asked Marion to write to the Commercial Attache at the British Embassy to ask for advice on this point. 同时,他让玛丽恩写信给英国大使馆的商务专员,征求他对这事的意见。
At the April G20 summit in London, world leaders called for a fundamental re-engineering of the international systems. 在4月份于伦敦举行的20国集团首脑会议上,全球领导人呼吁彻底变革国际体系。
They must make it easy for you and your colleagues to work with information as a team. 它们必须能帮助您和您的同事作为一个小组使用信息。
There will be some surprises and I am very excited for you to see my show. 会让你们有意外的惊喜,我很期待大家来观看我的表演。
A project manager has an upcoming meeting and the task updates for her team do not appear in her reports. 项目经理即将参加会议,而其团队的任务更新并未出现在其报表中。
There was no reason for you to act so poorly. 你没有理由表现得这么差
No man would suffer to be poor or work hard for his living if it were open to him to do otherwise. 如果有别的可能性,就没有人愿意受苦于贫穷或为生活而艰苦工作。
For the present they were quite satisfied to be in accord again about one girl, for they had no jealousies between them. 眼下他们对一位姑娘取得了一致的看法,这就相当满意了,因为他们中间并没有什么嫉妒之心。
Naturally, it would help if the Olympics did not cannibalise too much of the lottery funding for grass-roots sport. 自然,如果奥运会没有占用太多原本用于全民体育健身的彩票基金的话,应该会有所帮助。
He said the parents were responsible for the fact that the child had run away. 他说孩子父母应对孩子逃跑一事负责。