
美 [fərˈɡɪv]英 [fə(r)ˈɡɪv]
  • v.原谅;宽恕;请原谅;对不起
  • 网络饶恕;免除;赦免

过去式:forgave 过去分词:forgiven 第三人称单数:forgives 现在分词:forgiving

forgive sin,forgive mistake



1.[t][i]原谅;宽恕to stop feeling angry with sb who has done sth to harm, annoy or upset you; to stop feeling angry with yourself

2.[t]~ me对不起;请原谅used to say in a polite way that you are sorry if what you are doing or saying seems rude or silly

3.[t]~ (sb) sth免除(债务)to say that sb does not need to pay back money that they have borrowed


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... apology n 道歉 forgive vt 原谅;饶恕 oops int 哎哟(表示惊讶、沮丧、狼狈、轻度道歉等) ...


字典中 宥 字的解释 ... (2) 宽仁;宽待[ treat with leniency] (4) 宽恕[ forgive] (6) 赦免[ remit] ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... apology n 道歉 forgive vt 原谅;饶恕 oops int 哎哟(表示惊讶、沮丧、狼狈、轻度道歉等) ...


职称英语考试大纲(B级) - 豆丁网 ... foresee vt. 预见, 预料到 forgive vt. 原谅; 免除(债务等) fountain n. 喷泉 ...


A - 豆丁网 ... ghost n. 幽灵, 鬼 forgive v. 赦免, 宽恕 ,ice 冰 ...


原谅他人Forgive )心怀怨恨到头来只会伤害自己。原谅别人换取自己内心的宁静。


字典中 饶 字的解释 ... (11) 通“扰”。乱[ confusion;chaos] (1) 宽恕;宽容[ forgive] (3) 额外增添[ give as an extra] ...

If that's your way of saying no, then I'm glad to hear it. Cause Blair will never forgive you for what you did to her. 如果你是想否认我也不介意因为Blair永远不会原谅你对她做的事
One night, he dreamt that God appeared to him. Tearfully, he begged God to forgive him for his foolishness. 一天晚上,陶工又梦见了上帝,他眼泪汪汪地祈求上帝原谅他的愚蠢无知。
You forgive him for the happy days before when you quarrel with him every time . he's good in the memory , well , sort of. 每一次吵架之后,都用从前那段快乐的日子来原谅他。在回忆里,他是好的,那就算了吧。
Now He is in Heaven, ready to forgive your sin and save you from that horrible punishment of everlasting death and hell. 现在,他就在天上,他要原谅你的罪,把你从永死和地狱的可怕惩罚中拯救出来。
Okay, well, I suppose that I can forgive you. Hey, you know what makes me feel all out of whack? 有什么东西会让你反常啊?我不知道,赶快赶快,告诉我啊!
I cannot however forgive him for his recent antics. How dare Sir Alex Ferguson and his team steal our League Championship from us? 但是最近他的意外之举让我无法原谅他,弗格森爵士,你竟敢从我们手中偷走联赛冠军?
Half of men would forgive their female partner's infidelity, as long as it was with another woman, according to a new study on cheating. 一项关于出轨的新研究显示,半数男人能原谅女友的不忠,只要外遇对象是个女人。
Among artistic thought of him , have heavy person who forgive very and look for novelty aspiration of changes pursuing. 在他的艺术思想中,有着很大的包容性和求新求变的渴望。
Ask God to help you and your spouse always be humble enough to forgive each other and remember how much He has forgiven you both. 求神帮助你和你的爱人常常怀着谦卑的心,彼此饶恕,也要记得上帝是如何的饶恕你们两个的。
Yesterday evening, Tom had a quarrel with his wife. To make an apology, he left a card , saying : "I'm sorry, please forgive me. " 昨天晚上,汤姆和妻子吵了一架。为了表示歉意,他给妻子留了张卡片,上面写着:“对不起,请原谅我。”
Forgive me for my poor expression, but the gratefulness is now rising from the bottom of my heart. I just want to say thanks to her. 请原谅我笨拙的表达方式,但是发自我内心深处的感激正在不断蔓延。我想对她说感谢她所做的一切。
It has to be a like a fairytale wedding and if it isn't perfect then I'll never forgive you. 它应该想童话故事里面的婚礼一样,如果它不完美,我将不会原谅你。
If two persons can't forgive the little defaults, then the friendship between them will not last. 如果两个人对于彼此的小缺点不能相互原谅,他们的友谊便不能持久。
He said he would never forgive me for using a small piece of his paper. 我用了他的一张小纸,他说他决不原谅我。
Adam told his wife the truth in the hope that she would forgive him . 亚当向他太太据实以告,希望她会原谅他。
In a note to her, he asked her to forgive him for taking his life. 在留给她的纸条中,他请求她原谅自己离开了这个世界。
God forgive us--but most of us grew up to be the sort of men our mothers warned us against. 上帝饶恕我们——我们之中的大多数人长大以后都变成了母亲曾告诫我们须加以提防的那类人。
Please forgive me with nothing said . . . Now, the only thing I can do is to complete the dream ! 请原谅我什么都没有说…现在的我,唯一能做的只是完成梦想!
I intend to forgive those ancestors who sat in the dark lotus of the guru and experienced dark dreams of disease or other life travesties . 我意愿原谅那些位于古鲁的黑暗莲花中、经历了疾病的黑暗梦想或其他生活悲剧的祖先。
And the old people here. Forgive me for platitude that you know so well. 我也想对这里的老师们说,原谅我的老套话,你们可能早已烂熟于心了。
Forgive me for my deep concern to you, please let me miss you for the last time, it will never be! 原谅我还是那么深深的记着你,允许我最后一次这么想你,以后再也不会了!
I began to degenerate, I am not going to care about the people around them do not know how to forgive others to understand. 我开始堕落,我不再去在乎身边的人,不懂得去理解宽恕别人。
"Forgive me, please. " cried the little mouse. "I may be able to help you someday. " me? “饶了我吧,”老鼠请求说“也许有一天我能帮上你的忙呢。”
Professor refused to see her to forgive, so that he strangled the girl almost hatred. 教授见到她仍不肯原谅,仇恨差点使他掐死女孩。
Every little secret sin , my Lord God , I reveal them to you, so please forgive me for all that . 每一个小秘密,我的主,我都要把他们揭示给你,请为此而原谅我吧。
B: buying her a gift, if i sPend all my money on this ting, maybe she`ll forgive me. 给她买件礼物,如果我用我所有的钱买下这个戒指送给她,他或许会原谅我的。
Crysis was a big technical achievement but in terms of design and gameplay it had a lot of flaws which I refuse to forgive myself for. 孤岛危机是一大技术成就,但在设计和游戏方面它有一个缺陷,我不肯原谅自己的很多。
Students when a child, you will be tolerant of the shortcomings of the child, forgive the fault of the children. 把学生当孩子,你会宽容孩子的缺点,原谅孩子的过失。
I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive me. 我给她写了封信,措辞小心翼翼地请她告诉我她将如何原谅我。
It is a basic knack to be spacious, Mistake to lovers, Forgive him with the spacious attitude, Because you to love people of him most. 宽大是基本的要诀,对爱侣的错误,以宽大的态度原谅他,因为你是最爱他的人。