
美 [ˈfren(d)li]英 ['fren(d)li]
  • adv.友好地;朋友般地
  • adj.友爱的;友好的;善意的;亲切的
  • n.(足球等的)友谊赛
  • 网络友善;更友善的

比较级:friendlier 最高级:friendliest

friendly manner,friendly relationship,friendly people,friendly atmosphere,friendly smile


1.友爱的;友好的behaving in a kind and pleasant way because you like sb or want to help them

2.善意的;亲切的;和蔼可亲的showing kindness; making you feel relaxed and as though you are among friends

3.~ (with sb)朋友似的treating sb as a friend

4.友好的;和睦的not treating sb/sth as an enemy

5.好用的;有用的;无害的that is helpful and easy to use; that helps sb/sth or does not harm it

6.(比赛)为增进友谊的;非对抗性的in which the people, teams, etc. taking part are not seriously competing against each other


小学英语常见形... ... (容易的)— easier—easiest friendly (友好的)— friendlier—friendliest (好玩的)— funnier—funniest …


Psicólogos Córdoba ALBALAT J.A.... ... Francis Bacon 培根 friendlier 友善 frigate 护卫舰 ...


ftp isu edu tw - 义守大学档案伺服器_馆档网 ... freshened 使新鲜 friendlier 更友善的 friendly 友善地 ...

I trail with perfectly placed backward steps, looking at the world after Hattie has passed it, which makes it a little friendlier somehow. 我倒退脚步跟行自如,打量着海蒂路过的世界,她的经过不知怎么使它变得友好些了。
The next section shows how the BPC Explorer provides some of this information in a friendlier way. 下一部分将介绍BPCExplorer如何用更友好的方式提供此类信息。
Still, the environment is much friendlier toward breast-feeding that it was a few decades ago. 而且,现在环境对母乳哺育比几十年以前更友善。
But his presence somehow makes things go more smoothly or, at least, makes the atmosphere friendlier. 但是他的存在似乎总能让事情更顺利,至少使周围的气氛变得友善些。
For a city whose nightlife scene has long been dominated by exclusive memberships, clubs could be getting a little friendlier. 香港的夜生活长期遭到排外会员制的把持,对于这样的一座城市来说,各家俱乐部完全可以变得稍微友善一点儿。
Javassist offers a much friendlier API for most purposes, with equivalent (or perhaps even better) speed, at least in my simple tests. 在大多数情况下,Javassist提供了更友好的API,并有相近的速度(甚至更快),至少在我的简单测试中是这样。
I wonder if this new, friendlier data plan billing is part of what Apple means with that "magical" and "revolutionary" bit. 难道这种新型的、友好的数据套餐账单就是苹果所谓的“迷人的”以及“革命性的”那部分?
But voters are now deliberating between the status quo and a new constellation even friendlier to capitalism. 然而选民们如今正在现状与新的甚至对资本主义更为友好的构象中慎重思考[9]。
Ricky: At first, they were friendlier than I thought. On their spacecraft, they gave me a drink. 一开始他们对我的态度比想像中友善。他们在太空船上给我一杯饮料。
You might expect this sequence of calamities to have made people sourer towards capitalism and friendlier to the state. 你可能会说这样一系列的天灾人祸下来会让人们更加阴郁于资本主义制度进而偏向让政府集团介入其中。
This command does basically the same thing as the previous wget command but with a slightly different and friendlier syntax. 该命令与前面的wget命令做的事情基本相同,但是使用稍微不同的、更加友好的语法。
Many websites are only a few tweaks away from a friendlier mobile experience. 许多网站只要作些改动就可以让移动设备体验更友好。
Service has improved and the hotel staff are friendlier and more used to dealing with foreigners than a few years ago . 房间变得更豪华,服务也改进了。比起几年前来,饭店工作人员更亲切,比较习惯与外国人打交道了。
The reception staff is not so friendly although the men are friendlier than the women but try and deal with concierge first. 与之相比前台接待员反倒没那么友好,其中女服务员比男的还要没礼貌。所以有什么先试着和礼宾商量吧。
The bathhouse I go to on a regular basis (and is the backdrop to all of these stories) is known in my city as the friendlier place to go. 我比较固定去的浴室(也是我所以这些故事的背景浴室)在我们的城市是比较出名的因为待人友好。
The risk of another war in Georgia is far from over, and the economic crisis has not made Russia any friendlier to the West. 发动另一场格鲁吉亚战争的风险远未结束,经济危机也使得俄罗斯对西方未存任何好感。
Likewise, people in vacation spots, like the Jersey Shore, were far friendlier than those hustling to work downtown. 同样地,在泽西海岸度假地的人们,比那些在商业区忙碌的人们更友好。
To alienate the managers of these SWFs could have severe consequences if they and their owners seek friendlier alternatives outside the US. 疏远这些主权财富基金的基金经理,从而导致他们及其所有者到美国以外地区寻找更为友好的替代选择,会带来严重的后果。
A friendlier Argentina could profit greatly from co-operation with its South Atlantic neighbours. 友善的阿根廷可以从与南大西洋的邻国进行合作而获取重大利益。
I thought he would be friendlier since we met yesterday . 我以为我们昨天见过面,他会比较友善。
But it is hard to be precise - an airline that markets itself as using a climate- friendlier fuel might benefit . 但要做出精确预测是困难的——如果一家航空公司宣传自己使用的是更利于环境的燃料,那么它就有可能受益。
Thanks to the bigger, friendlier new IMF, emerging economies can count on more outside support than they used to. 更大更友善的国际货币基金组织给与新兴经济体提供了比以往更多的外部帮助。
Although Newport has cleaner streets, safer parks, a more reliable bus system, and better schools, Brownsville has friendlier people. 虽然纽波特有更加干净的街道,更加安全的停车场,更可靠的公交系统,以及更好的学校,但布朗斯维尔有更加友善的人们。
Hans: you're just jealous because she's so popular. If you were friendlier, people would like you better. 你是因为她受欢迎而吃醋吧!如果你对人友善些,人们也会喜欢你的。
Start by making a few common sense adjustments in your life. The outer world will look friendlier and less frivolous. 从调整生活中一些常识开始,外面的世界看起来会更友好,而不是那么躁动。
Dogs in the office foster friendlier, more collaborative work environments. 让狗出现在办公室里能促进创造更友好、更合作的工作环境。
Still, even in a friendlier regulatory environment, technical challenges remain. 另一方面,即便监管环境变得更友好,还存在着一些技术上的挑战。
But other businesses, including those that work with environmentally friendlier technologies, say it could create new industries and jobs. 但是另外一些行业,包括和环境密切相关的技术行业,则称这将会创造新的产业和就业机会。
The Saudis have become friendlier to business, taking steps to liberalise the financial system, airlines and telecommunications. 沙特对商业更友好了,它已采取措施放开金融业,航空业和电信业。
Fiscal adjustments that rely on spending cuts are more sustainable and friendlier to growth than those that rely on tax hikes. 依靠削减支出与增加税收的方式进行财政调整,前者对经济的增长更为持续些、合适些。