from time to time

  • na.时时
  • 网络有时;不时;不时地

from time to timefrom time to time

from time to time


英文商务邮件开场白&结尾 ... face to face 面对面 from time to time 有时 freedom of speech 言论自由 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... for the time being 暂时,眼下 from time to time 有时,不时 hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切关联 ...


英语介词用法 - Mainz - 博客园 ... from top to toe 从头到脚, from time to time 不时地, from top to bottom 彻底地 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... from... to 从……到…… from time to time 不时,偶尔 get along with 与……相处 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... for the time being 暂时,眼下 from time to time 时常,有时,不时 in no time 立即,立刻;马上 ...


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... from door to door 挨家挨户 from time to time 时时 from now on 从今以后 ...


牛津英语8B词组短语 - 豆丁网 ... 在某种程度上说 in some ways 15. 时不时 from time to time 16. 感到孤独 feel lonely 17. ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... free with 康慨,大方 218. from time to time 有时,不时 219. full up 客满 220. ...

It starts with a barely perceptible blurring of vision from time to time - the sort of thing you might chalk up to getting older. 起初只是偶尔几次感觉看到的景象稍稍模糊--你觉得可能是因为年纪大了。
The investor need not watch his companies' performance like a hawk; but he should give it a good, hard look from time to time. 投资者并不需要像老鹰一般紧盯着企业的运营绩效,但是应该经常而谨慎地评估和观察它们。
From time to time, a few naughty little fish jumping out of Congjiang, as if to see the outside world too! 时不时,几条淘气的小鱼从江中跳出来,好像要看看外面的世界呢!
Mr Lorry sat with him night and day, talking gently to him from time to time, trying to bring his friend's mind back to the present. 劳里先生日夜陪着他,时不时地轻声和他说着话,竭力想把他朋友的思绪带回到现实中来。
From time to time suggest roommate who wanted to tell her to see a doctor. 我们不时暗示那位舍友,想告诉她要去看医生了。
He did not blink, but from time to time the lids closed down with delicate gravity over his pale green eyes. 他不在眨眼,可是那眼皮却不时地闭下来盖过他那淡绿色的眼睛,流露出令人难以捉摸的严肃神情。
Of course , knowing when to apply such clever features is the crux of the matter , and all of us struggle with it from time to time . 当然,知道什么时候应用这么聪明的特性是问题的关键,而我们都在不断地为之努力。
If you look at Microsoft and Netscape's home pages, from time to time it appears there's a bit of a hissing contest going back and forth. 如果你看着微软和网景的家页,从时间到时间它在那里出现是一一点点一发出嘶嘶声竞赛来回地去。
One of the zookeepers said: 'Its parents kicked it out from time to time, or even left it on the icy ground to let it die. ' 一名水族馆的工作人员称:“小企鹅的父母一次又一次地将它推出去,甚至还让它在冰冷的地上等死。”
i hope you will think of me from time to time as i shall be thinking of you always. 我希望你们不时会想到我,就像我经常会想着你们一样。
Mr. Pierce kept studying the menu with an air of good-natured seriousness, quizzing his son from time to time with gruff but genial banter. 皮尔斯先生还在看菜单,看起来那样温和又庄重,还时不时用粗哑但又亲切的嗓音询问他儿子。
The air was still, and from the hillside there floated across from time to time the sound of bugles and of the shouts of the enemy. 四下里一片寂静,有时候从那山上传来敌军的号角声和呐喊声。
Zhang Boxi leans solicitously toward the old woman weeping softly as she speaks. From time to time, he offers her a few encouraging words. 张伯希(音)把身子侧向这位柔声哭泣的老年妇女,不时插上几句鼓励的话语。
From time to time I tried to strike up conversations with ordinary citizens, people with whom meetings had not been arranged. 我不断试着与普通市民交流,我要的是既定安排之外的接触。
It is considerate of you to call on your relatives from time to time. 你时时拜望亲戚很周到啊。
"Directors" means the directors from time to time of the Company or any one of them as the context requires. “董事”是指本公司的董事或者依上下文要求的其中任何人。实在不知怎么翻这个。
Our souls are sparks of light, the little twinkling lights you see from time to time out of the periphery of your of field of vision. 我们的灵魂是光的火花,你有时看见的来自你视野外小小闪光。
He said: "when the company's general manager from his side after, I will praise him, " from time to time you sweep land really clean. 他说:当公司的总经理从他身旁经过时,总会不时地赞美他,“你扫的地真干净”。
They glanced backward over their shoulders from time to time, apprehensively , as if they feared they might be followed. 他们时不时地边跑边回头看,十分担心被人跟踪。
Alex: Well, I do rock-climbing as a hobby and I also do a bit of cliff diving from time to time. 埃里克斯:嗯,我的业余爱好是攀岩,而且还时常去玩悬崖跳水。
From time to time, parts of that plate spring back, like a ruler bent over the edge of a desk and let go. 有时,有部分板块会弹回去,就好像将一把尺子在桌子边缘压下去再松开那样。
When I grew up in a roadside field, the pedestrian to see, from time to time someone will be saying too much sun Yinghong my little face. 当我生长在田间路边时,行人常来观看,不时的还会有人指指点点,阳光映红了我的小脸。
When he looked up and looked under the bridge in the distance, that piece of wheat field from time to time flashed a cluster of pale fire. 这时他抬头望了一下桥下的远处,那一片麦场上不时闪现出一簇淡淡的火光。
In fear of losing his way, the little boy was looking back from time to time as he walked in the woods. 担心迷路,小男孩在树林里一边走,一边不时地回头看。
She had been compelled to send her mother her address from time to time, but she concealed her circumstances. 她不得不经常写信,把自己的地址告诉母亲,但是她把自己的境遇隐瞒了。
From time to time the sound of the flute stopped, and Gabriel came out of his hut to check his sheep. 笛声不时地停下来,盖伯瑞尔走出他的小屋查看羊群。
Mr Peelo said Mr Ahern had during the period concerned sought tax advice "from time to time" but did not give the name of any adviser used. Peelo先生说,埃亨先生在有关期间“不时”寻求税务咨询,但他没有给出税务顾问的名字。
Another topic that pops up from time to time is how much state the client can and should have. 另外一个时不时就冒出来的问题是客户究竟可以并且应该拥有多少个不同的状态。
In the office, I turned to be out of my mind from time to time, with your image flikering and glittering all the time. 在办公室里,我一次又一次地走神,你的身影一直在我的脑海盘旋。
she was forced to halt from time to time, and each time that she did so, the cold water which splashed from the pail fell on her bare legs. 她不得不走走停停,而每次停下来时,桶里的水总有些泼在她的光腿上。