
美 [frʌnt]英 [frʌnt]
  • n.前面;前线;正面;阵线
  • v.面向;在…前面;朝;用…作正面
  • adj.前面的;前部的;在前的;正面的
  • adv.在[向]前面
  • 网络前视图;前通

复数:fronts 现在分词:fronting 过去式:fronted

front page,front desk,front seat,front Gate,front yard
present front,front show,form front


前部;前部位置forward part/position

1.[c][ususing]正面the part or side of sth that faces forward; the side of sth that you look at first

2.[sing]前面;正前方the position that is in the direction that sb/sth is facing

3.[sing]前部the part of sth that is furthest forward


4.[sing]身体前部;胸部the part of sb's body that faces forwards; sb's chest

建筑物的面side of building

5.[c]the west, north, south, east, etc. ~(建筑物,尤指教堂朝西、北、东、南等的)面the side of a large building, especially a church, that faces west, north, etc.

海边;湖边edge of sea/lake

6.[sing]海滨;湖畔;河边;沿海(或湖、河)道路the road or area of land along the edge of the sea, a lake or a river

战争in war

7.[c][ususing]前线;前方an area where fighting takes place during a war

活动领域area of activity

8.[c]活动领域;阵线a particular area of activity

隐藏感情hiding true feelings

9.[sing]表面;外表behaviour that is not genuine, done in order to hide your true feelings or opinions

掩盖非法活动hiding sth illegal

10.[c][ususing]~ (for sth)非法(或秘密)活动掩护者a person or an organization that is used to hide an illegal or secret activity

政治组织political organization

11.[sing](用于政治组织的名称)阵线used in the names of some political organizations


12.[c](冷暖空气团接触的)锋the line where a mass of cold air meets a mass of warm air


front and center

在(或进入)最重要位置in or into the most important position

in front

在前面in a position that is further forward than sb/sth but not very far away

in front of

在…前面in a position that is further forward than sb/sth but not very far away

out front

(剧院等)观众席;(餐厅等)座席in the part of a theatre, restaurant, etc. where the public sits

up front

预付;先付as payment in advance


七年级英语单词表 ... between 介于---之间 front 前面;前边 in front of 在---前面 ...


3d max 中英文对照 - 小M的日志 - 网易博客 ... Frequency 频率 Front 前;前视图;正面 Front Length 正面长度 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... from prep. 从;从 …… 起;距;来自 front a. 前面的;前部的 fruit n. 水果;果实 ...


前字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 前不久〖 late〗 前部front〗 前舱〖 forehold〗 ...


仁爱版七年级(下)英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... bathroom n. 浴室,盥洗室 front n. 前面;前部;前线 house n. 房子,住宅 ...


AE中英文对照 ... Custom.... → 自定义 Front前视图 Left → 左视图 ...


前通FRONT)仿皮本(莱尼纹封面)DV69-A501(蓝色)(1*2本)11.88 11.88 前通(Front)记事本(钻石纹)#DW01-B501 65.00 72.…

I then unfolded the note and spread it out in front of me. 我展开短信,将其摊在我面前。
V- shaped bar bent to a half- circle is attached to the body , close to the front of the disc in full open position . 一个V形杆弯曲成半圆状附加在阀体上,在阀门处于全开状态时紧靠阀瓣前部。
Owing to this point, study on the effectiveness of interest rate policy has been taken as a front-line subject of theoretical research. 利率政策日益成为主要的宏观经济政策之一,对于利率政策的研究也成为经济领域的前沿课题之一。
They do not rotate out of the front line: soldiers fight without a break for the three years they are enlisted. 他们并没有从前线轮换出来:所有在编战士一口气打了三年。
Mr. Bennet: Well, from the little I saw of him between the front door and his bedroom, I should say that he was an uncommonly fine specimen. 班奈特先生:他呀,根据我陪他从大门到卧室的观察,我可以说,他是一个非常罕见的宝贝!
The big crowd on the east side of the Capitol grew quiet when Jackson and Van Buren walked out onto the front steps of the building. 当杰克逊和范布伦走上国会大厦门前的台阶时,聚集在国会大厦东侧的人群很快安静下来。
ou . you are always going far . . . a minute ago in front of me , disappeared in the next second. 你总是渐行渐远,一分钟之前还在我的眼前,但下一秒就消失地无影无踪。
A strong boy student lifted a desk into the air in front of him. 一个大个男生举起在他面前举起一张课桌。
Allied to his technical expertise and composure in front of goal, he looks as though he could score two or three goals every game. 联系到他的技术专长和在门前的冷静,他看起来好像能每场球都进两到三个。
Previously agreed upon, leaving a certain number of Dominoes FACE DOWNWARDS as stock to drow from. and stands them up in front of him. 此前商定,留下了一定数量的多米诺脸向下的股票从卓尔。并且他们在他的前面。
Assuming that the find. php script returns some results, you are now ready to put the front end on this system. 假设find.php脚本返回一些结果,现在就可以在该系统上部署前端了。
Read what gets onto the front page of Digg and tailor your Digg submissions to people's preferences if you want your story to make it big. 读一读博采网页上开始的和结尾的标题,可以把它作为一个参考,如果你想让你的文章吸引人的话。
I let myself in his front door, to which I found 40 of my closest friends staring at me for my surprise birthday party. 我自己进了大门——40个我们最亲密的朋友都在盯着我——他们想给我办个生日大趴。
Bring the wide end up and through the front of the loop, pulling it down and to the right. The seam should now be facing out. 把宽端提起穿过圈,然后向下拉到右边。宽端的缝现在应该面朝外。
It is by making the front car with a relatively flat vertical deflection of a certain angle to the realization. 它是通过使前轮相对与汽车纵向平面偏转一定的角度来实现转向的。
The current version of MQ LLM is designed primarily for the messaging requirements of the front-office of financial institutions. MQLLM当前版本的设计主要为满足金融机构行政管理的消息传递需求。
Just as I rounded the corner, a taxi cut in front of me to pick up a passenger. 正当我弯过转角时,一辆计程车切入我面前去搭载乘客。
She saw the writing "FRAGILE" on the front of the package so she did not shake it. 包裹的正面写着“易碎品”,于是她就没有去摇动它。
Void, slowly return to God, in front of beauty, told her " to be good" , we laugh, to leave the. 怅惘中,慢慢回过神来,对面前的美女道别,嘱她一句“要好好的”,我们笑笑,离开。
I cut my elastic the length of the back top edge plus half the front top, but you may want less. 我将我的回弹性的上边缘的长度加上半前的顶部,但你可能要少。
Begin with looking at the patient from the front, for the normal carrying angle; from the side, for any flexion deformity. 从正面观察患者开始,观察正常的提携角;从侧面观察是否存在任何弯曲异常。
Do any of you have any idea how much time you spend each day in front of a mirror? 你们有谁知道自己每天要在镜子前花多少时间?
Some people yelled and pushed aside one young man when he tried to press his way into a spot near the front of the line. 一位年轻人试图挤到前排,但人群中呼喊声一片并把他推开。
It is as if I see my body in front of me; my mind commands and my body follows. 好像我能看到身体在我前面,意识在指挥身体继续前行。
Marilyn's picture appeared on the front cover of many magazines and the front pages of many newspapers. She began to earn more money. 玛丽莲的照片出现在许多杂志的头版封面和报纸的首页上,她开始挣更多的钱。
The warm air from the defrosting vent for the front windshield cools rapidly as it dissipates throughout the rest of the car. 来自前窗除霜口的温暖气体迅速冷却,当它消散在车周围时。
Osama said, "The boys at the front, some of them have never seen a gun before. " 奥萨马说,“在上前线之前,有些孩子连枪都没见过。”
They emerged through a side door and walked around the building to the front. 他们从一个边门出去,绕着大楼走到了前面。
Just as light passing through the atmosphere becomes bent and distorted, so too does light passing through the front part of the eye. 正如光线通过大气层时会发生畸变一样,光线通过眼的前部时也会走形。
When viewed from the front or the side the head bears a general resemblance to a well-blunted, clean wedge, being smooth in outline. 不论从前面还是从侧面观察头部,共同之处在于都可以明显地观察到倾斜的楔形,轮廓平顺。