
  • 网络冯;利丰;凤



“王”字英文怎么写?是WONG还是WANG?感谢_百度知道 ... 傅 Fu Fung 江 Kwong ...


致富证券有限公司 - 豆丁网 ... HK & China Gas 香港中华煤气 70 0101 Li & Fung 利丰 65 0709 Lee & Man Paper 理文造纸 30 3…

百家姓粤语注音_百度文库 ... 昌 coeng fung 花 faa ...

袁梓峰。要标准香港英文名。谢谢_爱问知识人 ... 梓 - Tsz - Fung 袁 - Yuen ...

naMe. Fy - 尜、Win。G的日志 - 网易博客 ... YUI 蕊 FUNG UK 玉 ...

Esp词汇资料 ... typhon 旋风(与希蜡语 fung (另译为 MHG sprutzen to squirt 同源]; ...

香港人名常见字拼写 - 香港澳门台湾留学... ... FUNG 烽 FUNG FUNG 冯 ...

Obviously, it was just a small case for Uncle Fung, since he was well protected by his profession and magic weapons. 可想而知,对于风叔而言这不过是小菜一碟,皆因他浑身都是法宝。
Choi Fung said the "use after automatically decomposed plastic sheeting, " is actually a degradation of plastic sheeting. 彩峰说,“使用后,自动分解塑料薄膜,”其实是一个退化的塑料布。
"There's a larger policy issue within China over who has control of the airspace, " Mr Fung said last month at a year-end media briefing. 上个月,冯国经在年终的媒体吹风会上表示:“空域控制权问题,是中国内部一个涉及面较大的政策问题。”
Speaking to reporters after the auction, Nan Fung Managing Director Donald Choi said the price for the Tung Chung site was reasonable. 南丰集团董事总经理蔡宏兴(DonaldChoi)在拍卖后对记者说,东涌的这块地价格合理。
The impressive oral presentation of Fung Yeuk Wun also enabled her to win the Best Presenter Award. 冯若媛更凭在决赛当日的出色表现,荣获最佳演讲员大奖。
Aconitum a pair of purple, or small birds, there is a just a random Fung, feelings, and comb-like. To 200 a pair. 一对紫乌头,还是小鸽子,有一只是个乱凤,感觉和鸡冠似的。要200一对。
Li & Fung used to deal with its clients mostly by phone and fax, with e-mail counting as high technology. 利丰公司以前和客户打交道主要通过电话和传真,电子邮件就是高科技了。
During the training in Australia, Sum and Fung's brotherly relationship develops into a teacher-student situation. 在澳洲的训练期间,亦琛、亦风兄弟俩正式开展一段兄弟及师徒的关系。
Using state-of-the art technology Dr Fung has taken scans of his patient's body parts and turned them into masterpieces. 在他“艺术”的手中,病人身体的扫描图像变成了一幅幅佳作。
a scholarship Fung alcohol, intelligent nature of the outstanding poet. 一位才学丰醇、天性聪颖的优秀词人。
mr yang joined haccp on 2 october and takes over from mrs betty fung , cyberport coordinator , as the executive head of the company. 杨伟雄于10月2日加入香港数码港管理有限公司,接替数码港统筹专员冯程淑仪女士为该公司行政主管。
In fact, the name Li & Fung means plentiful profit in Chinese, but the market seems no longer willing to take that on faith. 实际上,利丰在中文里是利润丰厚的意思,但市场似乎不再愿意轻易相信这一点。
For existing Wing Fung Securities online trading clients, can simply logon to this "WF TRADER" with your existing user name & password. 如您已成为永丰证券之网上交易客户,即可利用现有之登入名称及密码登入「WFTRADER」。
National Palace Deputy Director Fung Ming-chu says the mainland refuses to guarantee that items would not be seized by Beijing. 台北国立故宫博物院副院长冯明珠说,大陆拒绝保证不会没收来自台湾的文物。
He is the chief executive of Li & Fung, a company that sources more clothes and common household products from Asia than perhaps any other. BruceRockowitz说,他是一家名叫利丰公司的首席执行长,这家公司从亚洲采购的服装及家用品要比其他地方更多。
Li &Fung, for example, reported in late March that it had moved some of its clothing production to Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia and India. 以利丰为例,该公司3月末宣布,已将部分服装生产业务转移到了孟加拉、越南、印度尼西亚和印度。
With a tuxedo company's rapid and continued growth, Fu Fung Limited and all the logistics of the Beijing branch opened. 随着公司的快速发燕尾服和业务不断增长,富丰全安物流有限公司又新开了北京分公司。
Then she started singing, Chiu Siu Fung's "Season of the Wind" . 然后,她开腔了;唱徐小凤名曲〈风的季节〉。
The whole mortuary was burned during the fighting, and Uncle Fung was blamed by his boss. 整间殓房被烧毁,风叔不得不接受上司教训。
With more than 30 years of experience in teaching English, Professor Fung has tried and tested many methods of teaching English and ESL. 冯教授为资深教育学者及著名作家,拥有逾三十年英语教学及研究的经验,在英语教学及英语为第二语言的学习方法上作多方面尝试。
An article came out in the Oriental Daily Yesterday about me and Stephen Fung. 昨天《东方日报》有一篇关于我和冯德伦的报道。
Chinese people generally believe that the fung shui in buying houses, interior design, etc. , to a fung shui for reference. 中国人普遍相信风水,在买房屋、室内设计等等,到以风水为参考。
Fung's overall image is combined with a variety of birds and snakes to imagine the combination of the image. 凤的整体形象是各种鸟禽并结合蛇的形象的想象组合。
Mandarin or other Chinese dialects are the largest language group, Fung said. Fung表示,普通话和其他中国方言是他们最主要的语言。
Ting Fung emotional listening to the songs, it seems that love can be touched by God to awaken the sleeping life, retain all the good. 听着霆锋动情的歌声,似乎爱能感动上天,唤醒沉睡的生命,留住一切美好。
She wrote letter to Fung almost everyday, but she felt so disappointed that she got no reply. 她常写信给锋,但锋却不回信给她。
He added that the Fung brothers would remain closely involved because, "their name is on the door" . 该人士补充称,冯氏兄弟依然会与利丰密不可分,因为“他们的名字就刻在门上”。
Global Sources' research confirmed the general trend first noted by Li & Fung. 环球资源的研究证实了利丰率先指出的总体趋势。
Li & Fung has been hired a prominent Chinese sneaker brand, Li Ning Co. , to help it search for cheap production outside China. 利丰曾受雇于中国知名运动鞋品牌李宁(LiNingCo.),帮它寻找中国国外的廉价生产地。
It was proposed by Andrew Fung, a UCLA doctoral candidate working on the malaria test, who will use the money to develop his idea. 理论的提出者是美国加州大学洛杉矶分校从事疟疾测试的博士生,安德鲁.冯,他将用这笔钱去研究他的观点。