
美 [ɡeɪt]英 [ɡeɪt]
  • n.闸门;大门;大门口;登机门
  • v.在…装门;(英大学)禁止(学生)外出;用门控制


steel Gate,front Gate,main Gate,garden Gate,lock Gate
open Gate,shut Gate,leave Gate,guard Gate



1.[c]大门;栅栏门;围墙门a barrier like a door that is used to close an opening in a fence or a wall outside a building

2.[c]大门口an opening that can be closed by a gate or gates

3.[c]闸门;阀门a barrier that is used to control the flow of water on a river or canal

4.[c]登机门;登机口a way out of an airport through which passengers go to get on their plane

5.[c](体育比赛的)观众人数the number of people who attend a sports event

6.[u](体育比赛的)门票收入the amount of money made by selling tickets for a sports event

However, chip designers are faced with a difficult challenge when trying to develop a ten million gate design from scratch. 但是,芯片设计师面对一个困难的挑战当设法发展十百万个门从头设计。
He left her under some pretext, and went into the garden, and she saw him examining the gate with great attention. 他支吾了几句,便离开她去园子里,珂赛特望见他在仔仔细细地检查那道铁栏门。
Arrive at the gate at least an hour and fifteen minutes before your scheduled departure and ask the gate agent if he needs volunteers. 在你预订离境前1个小时15分钟到达代理处,询问他是否需要志愿者。
There has been a radio message from the captain, and a security guard has gone to the gate to meet the flight. 机长发来了一份无线电报。一个保安人员已去出入口等候这架班机。
Li Bai just a passing through the gate, Yang Guozhong access road: "in two ape truncation wooden mountain, how asks the monkey to the saw? " 李白刚一进门,杨国忠便道:“两猿截木山中,问猴儿如何对锯?”
For all the uproar over "Breaking News, " I thought it was a pretty bold statement out of the gate in terms of its lyrical target. (就所有《爆炸新闻》所引发的喧嚣,我想这是一个相当大胆的开幕声明,考虑到它的歌词所针对的对象)。
He just went into the door and was stopped by the guard. On entering the gate, he was stopped by the guard. 他刚一进大门,就被门卫给拦住了。
There was a woman and many men waiting for a doctor at the gate of the doctor's. 医生诊室门口有一个女人和许多男人在等医生。
When she approached the gate of the noisy town, Lizette shut her eyes and took off the hat long enough to put on the scarf. 当她靠近那个嘈杂的城市的城门的时候,莉莎特闭上了眼睛,把帽子拿掉好把围巾戴上。
Want to fly to the sky to see what, fly to the legend of "South Gate" look at me the worship of the deity who lived a kind of life. 想飞到天边去看看什么样子,飞到传说中的“南天门”看看我所崇拜的神仙们过着怎样的生活。
The bottom of each cylindrical branch tank is provided with a pump intake and connected with a sand cleaning gate. 每个圆柱形子罐底部设有泵吸入口,并与清砂门连接。
Capitalizing on its legendary talent for creating easy-to-use products, Apple will be a competitor out of the gate. 凭借这种传奇般的天分,苹果势必将成为一个强有力的外来竞争对手。
Just then the grip on his right arm loosened so he straightened his clothing a bit and walked through the gate with his head high. 只觉握住他手臂那人松开了手,便整了整衣冠,挺身进门。
Garriott makes his way past the solemn armed guards at the gate and follows a trail through the towering pines. 加略特穿过庄严的武装警卫把守的大门,顺着两旁高耸着松树的小路向前走。
Perhaps you do not know anybody who has consciously disclosed to you that they are a gate-keeper. 也许是你不认识任何有意识地向你透露他们是门户守护者的人。
You know from the Simple and conditional transitions section that you need a gate that splits one path into several paths. 您从简单的,有条件的迁移部分了解到需要一个将一条流分为多条的gate。
Then he brought me into the inner court through the south gate, and he measured the south gate; it had the same measurements as the others. 他带我从南门到内院,就照先前的尺寸量南门。
get out of I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a path. 我钻出车,穿过一道门,沿着一条小路走。
Where a fort had once overlooked the river now stood a broken gate, gaping open like an old man's toothless mouth. 在曾经是个可以俯瞰河流的城堡的旧址上只有一座破烂的大门,想无齿的老翁一样张开嘴。
In the B1 gate, attendants Yang Tao found a few places individuals sat for a moment, relax have some numbness of the feet. 在B1登机口,服务员杨陶找了个人少的地方坐了一小会,放松已经有些麻木的双脚。
Silently, I opened the gate and went into the garden. In front of me I could see the dark shape of a summer-house and I moved towards it. 我静悄悄地开了门,走进花园。我眼前能看见的是一所避暑别墅的昏暗轮廓。我朝它走去。
The theme that emerged was that as the gate to a nudist club closed behind me, more than my clothes would fall away. 主题是朝向天体爱好者俱乐部的一扇门在我身后关闭着,不只是我脱掉衣服这么简单。
eg. The guard at the gate srutinize Harvey's pass before letting him in, but he just glanced at me. 门口的守卫仔细查看了哈维的通行证后才让他进去,但是他只瞄了一下我。
There were several rooms just like it stuffed into a building that had a gate over the front door and bars on the bathroom window. 整个建筑被很多这样的小格子塞满,仅有一个门可以进出,在浴室窗口有一个小吧台。
Imagine the ragged little blind beggar carefully sensing his way to his place by the city gate. 这个破衣烂衫的讨饭瞎子小心翼翼地来到耶利哥城门口。
Then went I up in the night by the brook, and viewed the wall, and turned back, and entered by the gate of the valley, and so returned. 于是夜间沿溪而上,察看城墙,又转身进入谷门,就回来了。
One group started up a tank, drove it out of the gate, crushing the median of the main highway and driving off toward Tripoli. 一组士兵发动了一辆坦克,把它开出大门,把公路中央的隔离带压倒后向着的黎波里开去。
It was the first day in school. I was hurriedly entering the school gate when I bumped into you as you stepped out of a luxurious Volvo. 那是在学校第一天,我匆匆的跑进学校的大门正撞上从辆豪华沃尔沃里走出来的你。
Especially mould opening with automatic system , and mould stroke get bigger , easy to take the products and gate . 独特的自动开模系统,节省人力,开模行程大,有得于取成品及料头。
The golden characters on the front gate of the company is written in tablet script. 公司大门上的几个烫金大字是用魏碑体写的。