
美 [ˈdʒen(ə)rəs]英 [ˈdʒenərəs]
  • adj.慷慨的;大方的;慷慨给予的;丰富的
  • 网络宽宏大量的;宽厚的;丰盛的

generous offer,generous gift,generous help,generous support,generous hospitality


1.慷慨的;大方的;慷慨给予的giving or willing to give freely; given freely

2.丰富的;充足的;大的more than is necessary; large

3.宽厚的;宽宏大量的;仁慈的kind in the way you treat people; willing to see what is good about sb/sth

A 30% commission 'seems to be generous by China standards, ' he said. 他说,按照中国的标准,30%的佣金看起来也很丰厚了。
He seems to be very generous, but turns out to be quite stingy. 他看似大方,实则非常吝啬。
It is so generous of him to give money to the homeless. 他真大方,给那些无家可归者钱。
I will not disclose how much he gave us, but it was a generous donation. I met him upstairs at Waterstones and he signed his book for me. 我不会说出他到底捐了多少,但确实是一次慷慨解囊。我在水石书店的楼上与他见了面,他还为我在他的书上签了名。
It's generous of you to take so much interest in my work( to give me so much of your t ime) (to show me so much consideration). 承蒙对我的工作如此操心(为我花费这么多时间)(对我如此关怀)。
What you need to have is only a healthy body and a loving and generous heart wanted to help. 你所需的只是一个健康的身体和一颗愿意帮助的慷慨的爱心。
Clearly, she had not meant to be this generous with her time or her information. 显而易见,她不想把自己的时间和信息慷慨相赠。
With lower prices, it seems people are going back to buying gas guzzlers, no doubt helped by the generous terms dealers are offering. 随着价格下降,人们却似乎回到购买大排量,毫无疑问,由经销商提供优厚的条件帮助的。
They've never been close, although Jordan has never been overly generous with the next generation of NBA icons. 他们从来没有亲密的关系,即使乔丹从来没有对NBA的下一代的标杆人物过度慷慨过。
You could have a few days off a week, long weekends and generous deadlines. 你每周有充裕的时间,宽松的安排。
And it was generous of him to contribute a lot of money every year. 并且他每年都慷慨地捐赠许多钱。
Those assumptions are generous, since the cuts in spending, coupled with a strong euro, would probably lead to much slower economic growth. 这两个假设都很乐观,因为缩减支出和欧元坚挺可能会导致经济增速更加放缓。
It is so generous of you to have donated so much money to the earthquake victims. 你把那么多钱捐给地震的灾民,你真慷慨!
and I shall enter upon their performance with entire confidence in the support of a just and generous people. 并且我将带着对这一正直而慷慨的人民的支持的信心,进而执行之。
Chiang Feng-shan of the paper-cutting works were generous with gifts and never make money, and he always said he is a little effort. 蒋风山的剪纸作品都是慷慨相赠的,从来不收钱,他总说自己是举手之劳。
What the study revealed was that the money made the generous act of donating blood seem more like a bad way to make a few dollars. 这个研究揭示金钱使献血这种义举变成一种糟糕的赚钱方式。
is often politely accompanied by a generous punch in the face. 随之而来的往往是迎面一记礼貌、慷慨的老拳。
However, even generous, to let me, Shishu is adults, and presumably those who would not let him? 可是,就算是宽宏大量,要放过我,那么师叔是个大人了,想必那些人不会放过他吧?
He was generous, and the needy, laughing at him because he believed so naively their stories of distress, borrowed from him with effrontery. 他很大方,那些手头拮据的人一方面嘲笑他那么天真地轻信他编造的不幸故事,一方面厚颜无耻地伸手向他借钱。
It should be the realistic way for Can Xue to become more mature to face up to the present literature circle with a more generous attitude. 走出自我并以更加宽容的心态来直面当下文坛,这应该是残雪批评走向更加成熟的现实起点。
He said Israel has made a very generous offer to Hamas, but there have to be some red lines. 他说,以色列对哈马斯已经非常慷慨了,但是总得有个界限。
She was generous, amiable , interesting: she was everything but prudent . The resemblance between her and her mother was strikingly great. 她为人慷慨,和蔼可亲,也很有趣,可就是一点也不谨慎,与她母亲一模一样。
Libya's new leaders are unlikely to be so generous, since the country's earnings could be minimal for a while yet. 利比亚的新领导人是不可能这么大方,因为该国的收入可以最小的一段时间,尚未的。
Lighting combined with resin to produce a variety of shades, beautiful and generous, is a replacement type of new material. 还与树脂灯饰相结合,制作各种灯罩,美观大方,是一种换代型的新型材料。
The dead woman, to whom I wrote to apologise, was generous and forgiving, saying it had been a real pleasure to read such a kindly account. 这位被宣告死亡的女士收到我的道歉信后大度的宽恕了我,并说读到这样良善的叙述真的很愉快。
He had the immense good fortune to be recruited when the company was still offering generous stock grants to all new hires. 他的运气实在太好了,这个时候加入谷歌,公司给每个新员工慷慨的提供公司股票。
Even allowing for the most generous expenses, there was no way he could have spent more than half of what was coming in. 即使把费用打得最宽,他也无法花掉大半数的收入。
All of her, from her generous breasts to her gleaming thighs, blazes with furious ardor. 她的全身在狂热的激情支配下放出光芒,从慷慨的乳房到隐约可见的大腿。
Generous and kindly, they are always ready to help in case of emergency. 他们生性善良大方,遇到紧急情况一定会挺身相助。
Other people may not be as generous as you had hoped, whether in terms of their opinions or money. 其他人在意见或金钱方面给予的支持或许不像你希望的那样慷慨。