get high

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get highget high

get high


本的博客 - ben - 网易博客 ... right on = right 对! get high 过瘾的感觉 lets get high 性交 ...


20081017104259 ... ABC 君 方力申 GET HIGH 飞儿乐团 YOUCAN TSTOPME 冯德伦 ...


日常用语用英文怎么说? ... 54 nifty 棒,一流的 66 get high 爽一下 76 freebie 免费品 ...


RAP中常用的一些词汇~~HEHE~~_英语吧_百度贴吧 ... crack= 可卡因 get high= 吸毒时飘飘然的感觉 drive by= 开车射击 ...


12月13号晚上9点旋舞答案 - 已回答 - 搜搜问问 ... ecstasy: 日本 get high飞儿乐队 sky: 东方神起 ...


КИТАЙСКИЙ СЛЭНГ №2 [a] ... Marijuana 大麻。 get high 吸毒后的快感。 hooker 窑姐儿。 ...

From this we could get high extraction, and the extract conditions are mild, operation simple, easy to reach industrialization. 结论:优化总生物碱的工艺与条件,总碱提取率高,条件温和,操作简单,易于实现产业化;
"This means that for people who get high IQ scores, they probably try hard and are intelligent, " she said. 这意味着那些得到较高IQ分数的人,他们认真对待了测试而且本身有很高的智商。
Therefore, even if business card printing and advanced was unable to get high-quality newspaper business card printing products. 因此,即使制卡摆设再保守,首先还是无法得回矮质量的报纸制卡品。
It was to develop creative thinking that I took the course, not to get high marks in the examinations. 我是为了培养创造性思维而选择这门课的,而不是为了在考试中拿高分。
This technology allows you to get high-quality positives even if you are a novice in photography, for any film model. 这项技术可让您取得高品质的阳性,即使你是一位新手,在摄影,任何电影的模式。
Layers need to be fractionized to get high precision synthetic seismograms, whereas its computation complexity is beyond the capability. 为得到高精度合成地震记录,需将地层细分,但地层层数很多时,计算量较大;
The final examination is coming in two weeks. I hope every one of you will pass the exam and get high scores . 还有两周时间就要期末考试了,我希望你们每个人都以优异成绩通过考试。
We are sorry but only expenses and food are covered. the project might be ideal for students looking to get high profile exposure. 我们只能提供交通和食物。当然还有制作经验和广泛人脉。适合在校或者刚刚毕业的学生。
So try to get high at the gym and do it again if you enjoy the feeling, some people say it is better than drugs. 如此设法得到高在体操和再做它如果您享受感觉,某些人民说它比药物好。
One track features Drummer Ringo Starr quavering, "I get high with a little help from my friends. " 有一张鼓手RingoStarr的特写,当时他正颤抖着说“我在朋友的小小帮助下到了高潮。”
The investors can get high yields holding low risk bonds or simply keeping money in the bank , they will do it. 投资者可以在持有低风险债券或仅将钱存入银行就可以获得高收益的话,他们会很愿意这么做。
With many years of production experience and innovation, we get high reputation in aquarium circle. 多年的生产经验和不断的创新,打造了水族行业知名品牌。
To get high quality quartz tuning forks, mechanical coupling error and frequency excursion by machining errors must be resolved. 加工高质量的石英音叉需要解决工艺误差导致的机械耦合误差及频率漂移等问题。
If investors can get high yields holding low risk bonds or simply keeping money in the bank, they will do it. 如果持有低风险的债券或只是在银行储蓄就能够获得高利润,投资者宁愿那样做。
Listen, we're going to circlearound to that glass building. We'll get high enough to make the rocket shot. 听。我们会做的玻璃建筑。我们得到这么高,我们可以发射导弹。
And therein lays the key to Chinese students' cheating. Much of it is the pressure put on these students to perform and get high marks. 中国学生作弊的关键原因是:太多的压力导致学生们认为只要能够应付并得到高分就可以了。
And I'm sure you're high in both of them. With a little more time cracking the books, you can also get high marks. 杰瑞,你的智商和情商也很高啊,只要多加努力,你也能取得好成绩的。
In Aluminum electrolyte pot control system, the main target is to get high current efficiency and low energy consumption. 对铝电解槽进行优化控制的主要目的,是提高电流效率,降低电能消耗。
You know, sometimes I don't even need to buy anything. I just get high on trying on and looking at things. 你知道,有时候我也不是需要什么东西。我只是对试穿和看那些东西很兴奋。
Red Hot Chili Peppers Come to decide that the things that I tried were in my life just to get high on. 来做决定吧,决定那些我曾试过很多次将它们融入我这一生中的事情
When you do searches, you'll get high quality snippets to help you understand why a given result is relevant. 在执行搜索时,高质量的摘录段会帮助您了解为什么给出的结果是相关的。
The survey showed that they have high perceived susceptibility and perceived severity, namely get high degree of awareness of the threat. 调查结果显示研究对象易感性认知、严重性认知程度都较高,即个体对疾病威胁的认识程度较高。
To get high rates of advance it is sometimes necessary to work on two, three or even four shifts a day. 为了取得高的掘进速度,有时有必要在一天内分两班、三班、甚至四班工作。
But to get high expression levels of specific antibody expression vector, further optimization of the immune processes will be also needed. 但要想得到高表达量的特异性抗体还需要对表达载体、免疫过程等方面进一步优化。
For the need of cruise missile defense, phased array radars require large aperture to get high-resolution measurements in angle and range. 为了适应对巡航导弹等低空突防武器的防御,要求相控阵雷达必须采用大孔径天线,以便得到高的角度和距离分辨率。
So can opioid pain killers. Teenagers in growing numbers have been using their parents' prescription drugs to get high. 越来越多的青少年为了获得那种飘飘然的感觉而服用父母的处方药。
But men with higher levels of blood cholesterol were one-third less likely to get high-grade cancers that tend to spread and grow faster. 但是胆固醇水平较高的男性发生高分期,生长较快,转移快倾向的前列腺癌的风险性要小三分之一。
In 1944, the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union to Germany three countries get high-tech research and manufacturing talent. 1944年,美国,英国,苏联三个国家到德国抢高科技研究和制造的人才。
geometry and cutting edge's blunt round radius are considered as critical parameters to get high quality for the machined surface. 认为正确地选择刀尖部分几何形状和修光刃钝圆半径是获得高质量加工表面的有力保证。
Do you think it is rational that sportsmen get high salary? What do you think of sports stars earning money through commercial advertising? 你认为运动员得高薪合理吗?你怎样看待运动员通过商业广告赚钱的问题?。