get on

  • na.上马;安上;过日子;相投 (with together)
  • 网络上车;进展;相处

第三人称单数:gets on 现在分词:getting on 过去式:got on 过去分词:gotten on

get onget on

get on


初中英语短语大全 ... the bus stop 在公共汽车站 33.get on 上车 34.get off 下车 ...


人教版八年级下册英语单词表 ... fail v. 失败 get on 相处;进展 football n. 足球 ...


新目标英语八年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... fail 失败 get on 相处 football 足球 ...


初中英语动词短语归纳_百度文库 ... get get down 下来,记下,使沮丧 get on 进展,进步,穿上,上车 get off 脱下,下车 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... get off 下车;离开;开始 get on 骑上(马等);过活 get on to 知道;意识到 ...


PET分类词汇_百度文库 ... niece 侄女;甥女 get on 生活;融洽相处;进展; keep in 抑制;隐瞒;隐藏;继续燃烧 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... excited 兴奋的 get on 登上 middle-aged 中年的 ...

the factory tomorrow and wk en I see how you get on the first few days I'll be able to decide what to do with you. 你和马景山两个,明天先到我的厂里去试几天,将来再派你们别的事。
Of the departures, he said: "I think you just have to get on with it. In football you cannot cry over a few people who have left. " 他说:“你必须接受它,在足球领域你不能因为某些人的离开就开始哭泣。”
Some train travelers at the Beijing West Rail Station say they have been waiting for more than a week to get on a train and return home. 北京西站的一些旅客说,他们为了买到一张回家的火车票已经排队等了一个多星期。
"We're going to go away to Seville for a few days and do a bit of training there, and hopefully get on track, " said Sbragia. 我们将去到塞维利亚并在那训练一段时间,希望球队能重新回到轨道。
He said, "As long as our lives seem to be going OK, we don't get on the path for personal growth. " 他说:“如果我们的生活一直一帆风顺,对于我们个人的成长并不是什么好事。”
I knew it was going to be a great experience and just sitting on the bench would have been good enough but it became even better to get on. 我知道这将会是一次伟大的经历,能够坐在替补席上对我来说就足够高兴了,如果能够上场就更加完美鸟。
There may not be a formal arrangment for you to roll up your sleeves and help promote the show, but get on board and do what you can. 也许没人正式通知你们要卷起袖子干活,不过还是主动点去帮忙推广演出吧。
Oh, you're a great help! Your optimismis beginning to get on my nerves. I'm beat. Maybe we should just call it a day. 唉,你帮倒忙了!你的乐观开始让我神经紧张心烦意乱。我觉得非常地疲惫!也许我们今天该到此为止了。
There will be minimums and maximums for how much "experience" the player can get on one match. 有将是极小值和最大值为多少“经验”球员可能得到在一次比赛。
After argy-bargy they hire a boat pricing 300 yuan for a day. The whole family get on the boat. So the travel on the sea begins. 经过讨价还价,终于以300元一天的价钱选定了一条游艇。一家人登上了游艇,远航开始了。
Colin's all right as long as you don't get on the wrong side of him! 只要你不引起科林的恶感,他还是不错的!
'If I can get on board ship again, 'I said, 'you can have as much cheese as you want. ' “我要是能回到船上去,”我说,“你要多少干酪都可以。”
Only after parting kisses to his wife and children did he get on the train. 给了妻子和孩子临别的“吻”后,他才上火车。
do not ride a bike with a beam of men, so as not to get on and off inconvenient. 不要骑带横梁的男式自行车,以免上下车不方便。
Granted the goal was offside, but Sunderland should not have been able to get on the end of that ball anyway. 尽管那球是越位,但是不管怎么说桑德兰不该那么轻松就拿到球。
In London, you can just get on with things but with it being smaller here in terms of the city, it is a different scale. 在伦敦,你只能去适应那里的生活。但在这里,整座城市都一样,是一种不同的氛围。
Getting off the rollercoaster is one thing; being able to get on the next ride quite another. 从过山车上下来是一回事,而能够获得乘坐下一趟则是另一回事。
I am still trying to get on stable financial ground, but compared to a year ago, when I couldn't make ends meet, I am light years ahead. 我一直致力于获得一个稳定的财政基础,但是相比一年前,我仅能保证不会入不敷出,今年我已经轻松很多。
Nancy, the train is just about to leave. Let's get on. 南希,火车马上就要开了,咱们上车吧。
The bus has no conductor on it. When you get on from the front door, drop one yuan into the metal box. 公共汽车是无人售票车。从前门上车的时候,投一元钱到金属的票箱里。
Which, alas, leads me to the final strategy for dealing with the shudder and blip: keep your head down and get on with your job. 终于到了对付新老板上任波动与颤栗期的最后一个策略了,那就是继续埋头工作。
But I have wanted the beginning of the term immediately , have been unable to get on the Internet often, you can write a mail to me. 我马上要开学了,不会经常上网,但是你可以写邮件给我。
I may play volleyball once in a while , my friends play cards or to get on the Internet surfs and. 偶尔我会打打排球,跟我的朋友们打牌或者上网冲浪。
When it can actually be a bit intimidating and scary but you just try to get on with it and hope people remember I'm just a normal person. 有时候场面是有点惊慌吓人,但你要试著去适应它,而且我希望人们明白,我也只是个普通人。
Get on your bike: You'll not always be able to walk to your destination. 骑上你的自行车:你不可能永远步行到目的地。
He said he goes online during the daytime at work because his wife doesn't let him get on the Internet at night at home. 我问他是否经常上网聊天,他说白天上网,晚上他太太不让他在家上网。
Excuse me. Let me get on. It's too crowded. But I must get on! Who do you think you are? I'm the driver! 打扰一下.让我上车.已经很拥挤了.但是我必须上去.你认为你是谁啊?我是司机!
Bob told Hank Paulson about this fear and he said get on a plane. 鲍勃将自己的担忧告诉了保尔森,保尔森说,坐飞机过来吧。
My high school was one of three in the Chicago area to get on the early Chinese language bandwagon. 我所在的高中是芝加哥地区赶上早期中文教育浪潮的三所高中之一。
She tends to get on her high horse and gave the men a hard time. 她常表现得趾高气扬目空一切,使男人们的日子不好过。