get to

  • na.接触到;开始;〈美口〉收买
  • 网络到达;表示到达;找到

第三人称单数:gets to 现在分词:getting to 过去式:got to 过去分词:gotten to

get toget to

get to


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... go to work 去上班 get to 到达 bus n. 公共汽车 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... get in with 参加,加入;与…交往 get to 到达;接触;开始 get up to 赶上;胜过;读到 ...


初中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... *get lost 迷路 *get to 到达, 接触到, 开始, 对...有影响 *give away 分发 ...


新概念英语第二册 lesson 21 Mad or not?... ... house 就是房子 get to 表示到达 at home 固定短语,在家 ...


有关get的词组_百度知道 ... get up 起床/起立/打扮;安排;组织 get to 到达 | 开始 | 接触 | 找到 get up to 赶上;胜过;读到 ...


常用英语动词与介词搭配 - 豆丁网 ... gear … to 使……适应,使……适合 get to 到达;达到 be inclined to 倾向于 ...


译林版牛津小学英语单词默写 - 豆丁网 ... 强壮的 strong 抵达 get to 重的 heavy ...

To underline his point, he said it has taken the U. S. more than 200 years to get to its current state of democracy. 为强调自己的观点,他说,美国用了200多年的时间才达到当前的民主状态。
In recent years, we don't often get a chance to visit our grandparents. They live so far away. We get to see them once in a blue moon. 最近几年,我们很少有机会去看望祖父母。他们住的太远了,见一面真有千载难逢之感。
MR. CROWLEY: We've got to let the Secretary get to her airplane and get to her trip. 克劳利先生:我们必须让国务部长上飞机启程访问了。
"I'm fortunate to do what I get to do, to be here, to talk about these issues, " she said. 我有机会这样做我觉得很幸运,能来这里录制节目,并交流这些事情,我同样觉得很幸运。
On weekends he and his wife try to get to New York for the theater, another of his passions. 在周末,他与妻子总是设法去纽约欣赏戏剧,这是他所热衷的另一项爱好。
I didn't get to see dad much, and I don't know if Granny got to see him very often either. 我和爸爸见面不多,也不知道奶奶是不是经常见他。
I'm find in' a way through this so I can get to the top to see if I can get a view of some howler monkeys that are supposed to be up here. 我发掘的急性中耳炎,敖通过这个让我能到顶端的方式,看看我是否能得到一些吼这应该是在这里的猴子的看法。
It will require us to remember that we did not get to where we are as a nation by standing pat in a time of change. 我们应该牢记,我们作为一个国家取得这样的成就,是因为我们在变革的时期没有故步自封。
More questions would be added to make this a more thorough evaluation, but this is enough to let me get to the point. 要进行全面的评估,可能还需要添加更多的问题,但这已经足够了解基本的情况。
How much time will it take for my mail to get to where it is going? 我的信件到达它要去的地方要用多少时间?
Since the inception of the Practically Groovy series almost a year ago, I've given you several opportunities to get to know closures. 几乎从一年前实战Groovy系列开始,我就已经提供了多个让您了解闭包的机会。
One of the questions under debate is whet IT a man get to choose comtotcapable clothes, which he or IT loves, regardless of fashion. 其中一个重难点型根本那是一个人也许应挑选他喜欢的舒适的衣服,而不管也许时髦。
And of course, by the time you get to the average workplace, maybe the best construction tool we have might be the Post-it notes. 当然,当你到达一般工作场合时,我们能有的最佳建造工具或许就是便利贴了。
Democratic Senator-elect Al Franken has arrived in Washington, offering no jokes, just a promise that he is ready to get to work. 当选的民主党参议员奥弗兰克已经到达华盛顿,他不是在开玩笑,而是他已经准备好开始工作的一个承诺。
So this is the closest you can get to kind of seeing at least the effects of the dark matter with your naked eye. 这是最接近于看到至少通过肉眼看到暗物质的影响。
If they take just as long to get home, they'r spend more than four hour a week get to and from their jobs, or more than 200 hour a year. 如果下班时也要花一样的时间,那么每周光上下班就要花去四个多小时,一年就要花去200多个小时。
"My friend, " he said, recognising even in his plight the man's inferiority, "is there anything about this hotel that I could get to do? " “朋友,”他说,虽然自己身处困境,也能看出这个人的地位之低。“你们旅馆有什么事可以给我做吗?”
I would get to the point in my relationship with a woman and I was always too afraid to go all the way. 我会去点,在我与一名女子及我一直不敢去的所有方式。
She was able to meet my kids, and get to know them all a little, and I'm happy for that. 她还认识了我的孩子们,了解了他们每个人,这让我非常开心。
God invites his bride to get to know him, to grow strong and faithful in her relationship with him, to draw closer to him. 神邀请祂的新妇多认识祂,加深和忠于与祂的关系,并且更亲近祂。
And when you get to All Right, take a good look around and get used to it, 'cause that may be as far as you're going to go. 而且在你很好地走过的时,环顾四周并记下它,因为它可能就像你正在追寻的。
Working on a goal can be like climbing a mountain you think if you just keep your head down and go you'll get to the top quicker. 执行一个目标就像爬山,你认为如果只顾低着头爬就会很快到达山顶。
But the lucky ones that do get to the chasm today are going to face a big problem that did not exist just a few years ago. 但达到鸿沟的幸运儿们却不得不面对几年前压根没有的问题——如何跨越鸿沟。
We had an oil system problem which we had to manage and we had to ask a lot of him, so that the car could get to the finish. 我们的供油系统出现了问题,我们不得不解决并且像他询问了很多,所以赛车可以最终完赛。
If you want to make sure you get enough sleep on Tuesday night, you might have to get to bed earlier. 如果你想获得充足的睡眠时间,那你就需要更早上床休息。
If you were to visit Hainan in few days, I get to arrange some of my friends tITe to meet you at the waterdropport. 假如你过两天去海南,我目前就没去外国国家国家疑题安排我在那儿的朋友去机场接你。
It's up to you, my dear guide! As long as I get to see some of the real, local culture. 可爱的导游,全听你的!我就是想见识一下真正的本土文化。
If the authorities in your area are happy you could have an instant house moved to your land ready for you to get to work on. 如果在你地区的这个官方比较好商量,那么你可以立即搬进去,然后开始进行你的革新工作。
Of course, but we think this is a good opportunity for us to get to know you and for you to ask any. 当然,但是我们认为这是让我们了解你的好机会,也是你问问题的好机会。
For your million at recent Western, in a more skilful manner, for some of these efforts to get to know dining etiquette, or very worthwhile. 为了您在初尝西餐时举止更加娴熟,费些力气熟悉一下这些进餐礼仪,还是非常值得的。