
美 [ɡet]英 [ɡet]
  • v.获得;被;拿;取得
  • n.赢利;薪资;【牧】幼畜;(煤炭)产量
  • 网络得到;字符数组名;输入字符串

过去式:got 过去分词:gotten 现在分词:getting 第三人称单数:gets

get job,get information,help get,get work,get chance
get out,probably get,get anywhere,get anyhow,apparently get



破擦音_百度百科 ... dʒ/jam 果酱 gets /gets/ 得到(第三人称单数) sweets /swi:ts/ 糖果(复) ...


pxbobo的博客 ... return stack 返回表达式结果 gets (字符数组名); char op 操作符号栈 ...


C语言程序设计 ... char s 此变量仅在这个块中起作用* / gets 输入字符串* / process 函数调用* / ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... monica n. 莫尼卡 gets vt. 获得, 变成, 收获, 使得, 挣得, 受到(惩罚,打击等), 染上, 抓住 A Aabbr. 安 ...


C语言头文件大全 - 濮承东的日志 - 网易博客 ... 字符输入(控制台) getchar 字符串输入(控制台) gets 字符输出(控制台) putc ...

Government Electronic Trading Services

发 放 政 府 电 子 贸 易 服 务 “Government Electronic Trading Services (GETS)” 项 目 数 据 模 式 01/09/2004 发 放 香 港 特 ...


本集团之电子服务,即政府电子贸易服务GETS)及电子投标系统(ETS),一直为本集团带来稳定交易费及年费收入。受惠 …


C语言程序编写!_百度知道 ... while 判断*/ gets 清除多余的输入*/ scanf 输入判断*/ ...

I was talking to him this week and I told him if he gets a chance to have a shot because he is capable of scoring goals. 这个星期我和他谈过,我告诉他如果他有机会这样射门,那是因为他有能力这样得分。
The seller decides which organization to support and how much to give (10-100 percent), and gets a tax deduction for their gift. 卖家决定他们支持什么组织,要捐赠多少(10%到100%),并且能够因为捐赠行为获得税收减除。
Having turned his personal pain to such a creative purpose, he gets us to break bread with him and take communion with his grief and loss. 他奖自身的苦痛转化成如此创意,使我们能与他一同品味其间的痛苦与损失。
The money saved gets my family a little closer to financial freedom, and I also feel a bit closer to self-sufficiency as well. 节省下的钱使我家人经济上有更多的自由,而我同样感受到我更能自给自足。
It's hard to write this to my own children. I could let this die with the rest of me, I suppose. But as one gets older one's fears subside. 写这样的信给儿女并不容易,我原本打算让这件事情随我长眠地下。但是人的年纪越大,心中觉得怕的东西越来越少。
Bathrooms were a fine size, although can't understand why they dont have shower curtains. . . room gets very wet during showering. 洗手间大小凑合,但是我搞不懂为什么没有淋浴帘…洗澡的时候房子都变得潮湿。
It's not unuasual for a speaker to feel nervous when he gets up to speak, especially if he doesn't give talks frequently. 在听众面前发表演讲,感到怯场是常有的事。讲者如果不是经常发表演讲,心情就可能更紧张了。
"Just calm down, and I'll have him call you as soon as he gets home, " the coach's wife told him. "What's your number? " “别慌张,他一回来我就让他打电话给你”这位教练的妻子告诉她“你的号码是多少?”
Now when she feels a flare-up coming on, she drinks a glass or two daily for a few days, and she never gets infections anymore. 现在每当她发觉症状发作,就会每天喝一、两杯,连续喝个几天,从此之后她再也没有受过感染。
Gets or sets the name of the validation group to which this validation control belongs. 获取或设置此验证控件所属的验证组的名称。
Gets or sets the name of the key that this constraint refers to in another simple or complex type. 获取或设置键的名称(此约束在另一个简单或复杂的类型中引用)。
When a man gets killed I never like to get mixed up in it in any way. 凡是有人被杀害,我总不愿意有任何牵连。
ln fact, when he gets out of that car, I'm gonna slap him in the face. 事实上,他要从车里出来我会扇他
At the beginning of each iteration, the team gets together with the customer for a planning meeting. 在每个开发周期的开始,团队和客户一起开一个计划会议。
Bind Package Copy: DB2 command used to create a copy of your package that gets bound to a different collection ID. BindPackageCopy:这个DB2命令用来为包创建一个绑定到不同集合ID的副本。
Nothing gets your ideas across better than bringing a group of developers (or other architects) into a room and whiteboarding your ideas. 召集一组开发人员(或者其他的架构师)到一个房间,在白板上写明你的想法,再没有比这更加有效的方法了。
A week ago, Soros said the seizure in global credit markets caused by the subprime collapse will get worse before it gets better. 索罗斯在一周之前说,在转机到来之前,次贷危机给全球信贷市场带来的危机还会变得更严重。
I think we still have 3-5 years where the American consumer is going to be very cautious on buying items, even if the economy gets better. 我认为三五年后美国消费者才会谨慎的购买物品,即使经济形势趋好。
Rachel: Anyway, um, (Gets the ring out of her purse. ) I guess this belongs to you. And thank you for giving it to me. 无论如何,恩,(从包里拿出了戒指)我想这个应该还给你,而且谢谢你给我。
"The Moment of Truth" in the offense. . . when a players gets within 3 feet of his defender, the rest of the offense needs to move. 进攻方式。当持球者与防守者距离三尺之内,其他进攻端的球员必须移动。
Gets style information for the appearance of a verb in a verbs drop-down menu when an end user positions the mouse pointer over the verb. 获取在最终用户将鼠标指针定位在谓词下拉菜单中的某个谓词之上时该谓词的外观的样式信息。
And then, like every leader, they've got to have a certain sort of pizzaz that gets people excited. 就像所有领导人,他们必须有能振奋人心的特质。
After he gets it under substantive law, the insurer can exercise this right by an action at law if he wants to be indemnified. 保险人为维护自己的利益,在满足实体法规定的条件取得代位求偿权后,可以通过诉讼的途径行使该项权利。
Interestingly enough, the best technical project is often not the one produced by the team that gets the best grade. 十分有趣的是,最好的技术项目通常不是由得分最高的团队开发出来的。
He told me that every night when he gets up to go to the bathroom, the Lord turns the light on for him. 他对我说,每天晚上起床上厕所的时候,上帝为他开灯。
In a cinema during a performance one of the audience gets up, makes his way along the row of seats and goes out into the foyer. 在一家电影院里,一名观众在演出期间站了起来,沿着他那排位子走到休息室去了。
When a photographer gets a great photo, all the difficulties no longer matter . They feel a great sense of accomplishment. 当摄影师拍到了一张极棒的照片时,所有的困难都无所谓了。他们会获得强烈的成就感。
It's the writer's job to see that the character gets a fightingchance to grip the audience by providing him with the following. 作者的工作就是通过提供以下提到的这些使你的角色能够得到一个奋斗的机会从而抓住观众的眼球。
The next installment gets into a little more detail on issues to do with porting to a new architecture. 下一篇文章将更深入介绍在移植到一种新体系架构上时要处理的问题。
When he gets home, he said, "I take my briefcase out, I put the extension cord in and I feel very patriotic. " 当他到家时,他会说“我把公文包拿出来,把延长线放进去。我觉得很自豪。”