give back

  • na.归还;返回;往后站;凹陷
  • 网络恢复;送还;后退

第三人称单数:gives back 现在分词:giving back 过去式:gave back 过去分词:given back

give backgive back

give back


大学英语四级常用词组 ... give away 泄露(秘密等);增送 give back 归还;恢复;后退 give birth 使诞生;生(孩子) ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... give away 泄露(秘密等);增送 give back 归还;恢复;后退 give birth 使诞生;生(孩子) ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... give away 泄露;分送 give back 送还,恢复 give in 交上;投降,屈服 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... give away 泄露(秘密等);增送 give back 归还;恢复;后退 give birth 使诞生;生(孩子) ...


学法指导 ... give away 赠,送;分发;出卖;泄露 give back 恢复;退还;送回 hold on 坚持不去;不挂断 ...


英语短语 知识讲解 set about - 豆丁网 ... come away - 过来 give back - 还给 look back - 向后看 ...


社交是门技术活:6招教你玩转人... ... 4. Maintain 维护 5. Give back 回馈 6. Don’t worry if you lose touch 不要担心失去联系 ...

The cow said: 'That's kind of a tough life you want me to live for sixty years. How about twenty and I'll give back the other forty? ' 奶牛说,你让我活的这六十年可真不易。就二十年吧,我还给你那四十年怎么样?
The Home Office is now exploring how the craft can be used to give back-up to police, ambulance and fire services. 现在,英国内政部正在研究如何把这种飞机归还给警方、救护和消防系统使用。
THE FIRST LADY: You'll see that you don't need to be an expert in military life to give back to those who give so much to us. 你将看到你不需要成为军队生活顾问专家,这些专家带给那些为我们付出很多的士兵很多帮助。
And it was just as Mama said, I earned enough to give back to the tithe box and then I earned some more. 正像妈妈说的那样,我挣了足够的钱,不但把从捐献盒中拿的钱还上了,而且还多挣了一些钱。
Police charged an 89-year-old Ohio woman with petty theft after she refused to give back a neighbor's football that ended up in her yard. 警方以轻微盗窃罪起诉一名89岁的俄亥俄州妇女,她拒绝归还邻居落入她院子中的足球。
I believe that my own good fortune brings with it a responsibility to give back to the world. 我认为,我所拥有的大量财富也使我负有回馈社会的责任。
And you wish, you had more than just a lifetime to give back all I've given you and that's what you believe. 你也希望可以拥有比一辈子更长的时间来回报所有我对你的付出,而这是你深信不移的。
If they refused to give back these small islands, the two countries would not be able to normalize their diplomatic relations completely. 如果他们拒绝归还这些小岛,他们两国的关系就不能完全正常化。
"I don'twant to spend the rest of my life slaving away to pay for an education I gotfor four years and would happily give back, " she said. “我不希望我的余生就为了四年大学教育埋头苦干,开开心心还款,”她说。
"I had an 'aha' moment and came up with the FEED bag as a way for consumers to give back in a tangible and meaningful way, " she says. “有一天我灵机一动,想出了‘FEEDbag’计划,这给消费者提供了一个切实可行的、有意义的回报社会的方式,”她说。
and I'm from Austin, so you know, anything to give back to my community, I'm willing to do anything and everything for them. 我来自奥斯汀,所以你知道,为了回报我的社区,我愿意为他们做任何事。
Try volunteering at your local school. There's no career risk, just a chance to grow, learn about yourself and give back to your community. 这对于你的职业丝毫没有风险,只是一次获得成长,认识自我以及奉献社会的大好机会。
I think a lot of these people come out for the experience, to help someone else, give back and find themselves in the process. 我想了很多,这些人出来的经验,帮助别人,回馈,并在这个过程中找到自己。
You cared enough to post your problem, so, consider it a small way to "give back" to the Forums by posting the final solution. 你非常在意发表你的问题,那么,就当,通过将最终的解决办法发表到论坛上是一个小小的对与论坛的“报答”。
His children shall seek the favor of the poor, And his hands shall give back his wealth. 他的儿女要求穷人的恩;他的手要赔还不义之财。
So if you want to "give back, " giving money to the poor seems to me a good place to start. 所以如果有人想“回馈”社会,把钱直接发给穷人在我看似乎是个不错的开端。
Lee explained to me that generally, the Bride's parents are expected to give back some of the Bride Price. 李向我解释说,一般来说,新娘的父母都希望给回彩礼一些。
They worked really hard with no complaints and I think for that reason the sponsors realise we give back everything that they give us. 他们辛勤的工作著,没有抱怨。我认为,这一点令赞助商明白到我们极力回报他们的付出。
It must give back all the territory it had seized and try to negotiate a peace agreement. 它必须归还所有的它攫取的领土,试图通过谈判达成和平协议。
Some parents returned to give back to the baby and elementary student very many spending money, the child satisfy easily. 有的父母还给幼儿和小学生很多零花钱,孩子的满足就更轻易了。
Volunteering for a committee is an excellent way to give back to your community while working alongside others in a laid-back atmosphere. 去一家委员会当志愿者是回报你所在社团的最好方法,还可以使你在悠闲的环境中和别人一起工作。
We just want to play and give back the trust he gave us, " said the right back. " 我们只是想通过比赛——来回报他给我们的信任。
Finally, I felt I was able to give back some of the support she had given me. 最终我也可以像她支持我一样去支持她了。
What we 've done already is set up the notion that we were blessed and need to give back, even if it ' s in a small way. 我们所做的是希望能让孩子们认识到,我们是多麽的幸运,因此也应该要不吝付出,即使我们的力量并不大。
later i will return to give back to you? did not use for you? 我以后将回到授予回到您?没有为您使用?
No doubt for some it is vanity or guilt, but I sense most do feel a moral obligation to give back and make a difference. 毫无疑问,某些人可能是出于虚荣或内疚,但我觉得大多数人确实是在道义上觉得有义务回报社会,并对他人产生影响。
"This was a great opportunity for our family to give back to the Elk River community, " says David. “这是对我们的家庭退给麋鹿河社区的大好机遇,说:”大卫。
He also hopes that he may be able to give back to the grid excess power that his farm may not use. 他还希望他能够把他的农场不用的剩余电能还给输电网。
"It's an opportunity to give back to the area and the people who are working here, " she said. "And we are hiring at the moment. " “这是一个机会,可以回馈该地区,并结识在这里工作的人,”她表示。“而我们正利用这一时机招募人员。”
Here I give back the keys of my door -- and I give up all claims to my house. I only ask for last kind words from you. 我把我门上的钥匙交还——我把房子的所有权都放弃了。我只请求你们最后的几句好话。