
美 [ɡɪv]英 [ɡɪv]
  • v.给;送给;让步;交给
  • n.弹性;伸展性
  • 网络给予;应把;发

过去式:gave 过去分词:given 现在分词:giving 第三人称单数:gives

give chance,give advice,give answer,give call,give information
probably give,willingly give,promptly give


v. n.


1.[t]给;交给to hand sth to sb so that they can look at it, use it or keep it for a time

2.[t][i]赠送;赠与;送给to hand sth to sb as a present; to allow sb to have sth as a present

3.[t](为某人)提供,供给,供应to provide sb with sth


4.[i][t]捐助;捐赠;捐款to pay money to a charity, etc., to help people

5.[t](为获得某物或做某事而)支付,付款to pay in order to have or do sth

视为重要treat as important

6.[t]将(时间、精力等)用于to use time, energy, etc. for sb/sth


7.[t]使受…惩罚to make sb suffer a particular punishment


8.[t]把(疾病)传染给to infect sb with an illness


10.[t]~ sth表演;公开进行to perform sth in public

做;产生do/produce sth

11.[t]~ sth(与名词连用描述某一动作,意义与该名词相应的动词相同)used with a noun to describe a particular action, giving the same meaning as the related verb

12.[t]~ sb sth使产生(某种感觉)to produce a particular feeling in sb

电话telephone call

13.[t]~ sb sth给(某人)打(电话)to make a telephone call to sb


14.[t]~ sb/sth sth.~ sth (to sb/sth)给…评定(等级)to judge sb/sth to be of a particular standard

预计多长时间predict how long

15.[t]~ sb/sth sth预计将持续(…时间)to predict that sth will last a particular length of time

体育运动in sport

16.[t]~ sb/sth + adj.裁定,判(球员或球所处位置)to say that a player or the ball is in a particular position


17.[i](在压力下)弯曲,伸长to bend or stretch under pressure

18.[i]让步;妥协to agree to change your mind or give up some of your demands


大多数含 give 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 give rise to sth 在词条 rise 的名词部分。Most idioms containinggive are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example,give rise to sth is atrisen.

dont give me that

(表示不相信对方说的话)别跟我来这一套,别以为我会相信你used to tell sb that you do not accept what they say

give and take

互相让步;双方迁就to be willing, in a relationship, to accept what sb else wants and to give up some of what you want

give as good as you get

回敬;回击;以牙还牙to react with equal force when sb attacks or criticizes you

give it up (for sb)

鼓掌表示支持(某人)to show your approval of sb by clapping your hands

give me sth/sb (any day/time)

我宁愿;我更喜欢;我宁可选择used to say that you prefer a particular thing or person to the one that has just been mentioned

give or take (sth)

相差不到;出入至多if sth is correctgive or take a particular amount, it is approximately correct

give sb to believe/understand (that)…

使某人相信;使某人理解to make sb believe/understand sth

I give you…

我提议为(某人)干杯used to ask people to drink a toast to sb

I/Ill give you that

我承认这事有理;我承认这是事实used when you are admitting that sth is true

what gives?

发生了什么事;有什么消息what is happening?; what is the news?

英语学习 首字母填空啊_百度知道 ... problem 问题 gives believe 相信 ...


是属於玩家所给予(gives)的表现,也就是用以传递讯息的符号,这又不同於日常生活中的互动,除了有「给予表现」之外,还有「流 …


六级改错9大错误类型_CET语法 ... 结构模式应该一致,均采用不定式主动语态,因而 to drop。
是错误搭配,应把 gives。 ...

pengpe... ... F5 -(恢复默认行动速度) Default Speed o - (加满弹药999) Gives 999 ammo F4 - (穿墙模式) Toggle No Clip Mod…


简述科技论文中英语摘要的表达 ... researches into …( 探讨) gives …( 给出) points out …( 指出) ...


...意 即重新确立劳动者的个人“财产”(“所有”),或赋予gives) 劳动者个人财产,而生产资料公共占有基 础上的个人财产只 …

Guangdong International Volunteer Expatriate Service

广州国际义工团体GIVES(Guangdong International Volunteer Expatriate Service)是驻广东外籍人士的义工平台,代表着外籍人 …

Tuesday's tube strike in London gives us a flavour of the media narrative to come, and it's not going to be pretty. 星期二发生的铁路罢工让我们看到了媒体叙事的另一面,而这次,并不会如往常般精彩。
Peter's work always gives satisfaction for which he has been promoted twice in a matter at less than two years. 彼得的工作总是令人满意,为此,在不到两年时间里他被两次提升。
"That gives us a real shot at developing a drug that will inhibit metastasis, " he said in a statement. 他在陈述中说道:“这将使我们集中精力开发一种可抑制转移的药物。”
The market bounced back when the truth came out, but it gives you an idea of how fast something like this can have an impact. 真相大白时市场反弹,但它能让你知道这类事情的影响有多大。
At the beginning of filming, she gives a list of her favourite scenes that she wants to be up here for. 在刚开始拍摄时,她会列一张她想观看的最喜欢的场景的清单。
The Eclipse platform is made of several layers and gives plug-ins the ability to listen to what is going on in each of these layers. Eclipse平台是由几层构成的,而且为每个插件提供了侦听其中每一层所发生的事情的能力。
A combination of a strong directional light and a weaker ambient light gives a natural-looking appearance to your scene. 由强方向性光源和较弱的环境光源组合在一起可以为你的场景提供一种自然的感观。
We got him on the move, where he could slice in or post up. It gives him opportunities to handle the ball a little bit. It's easier. 我们让他跑起来,可以切入,也可以单打,也有机会处理球,这样打更简单。
The leaves can continue to live for two years, and was close to the cuticle. The cuticle of the leaf gives the existence of cold stress. 林奈木的叶子可以持续生活两年,与角质层关系密切,角质层的存在对于叶颉颃寒逆境,具有重要的保护作用。
The administrative console of SCCM on your server gives you a series of ready-to-use collections, but you can create your own. 服务器上的SCCM的管理控制台提供了一系列立即可用的集合,但是也可以创建自己的集合。
What gives anyone to believe that a golfer (yawn) could ever hold such a revered place in the echelons of sports history? 拿什么来让人相信一名高尔夫球运动员(没劲)能在体育史上拥有如此尊崇的地位和排名?
The chemist gives him a quick taste of his latest potion, in that scene we get a quick glimpse of his hand with a WEDDING RING. 药剂师给了他一剂最新药让他快速尝试,在那个场景中我们看到他戴着婚戒的手快速的一闪。
The next time you get a hot tip, drop it into your trading system to see whether it gives you a buy or sell signal. 当你下次得到一个好消息,用你的交易系统去测试,看看是不是会出现买卖信号。
He came in a splendid way, gives us many things, is a joy to (be with him). 他宛如天降神将一般,给我们带来了很多,跟他呆在一起是很开心的事。
No matter how much she gives you "the butterflies" ! 不论她给了你多少“白眼”!
It doesn't matter whether it was a pre-season friendly or not, but the fact it is pre-season gives us a wee bit of solace. 这与是否是季前的友谊赛无关,不过还好这是季前热身,这多少让人心宽了一点。
the graphics are beautiful but the content is sorely lacking. it gives me the impression that the DOT people do not know their own country. 图画设计很好,但却没有内容,让我感觉观光局不瞭解自己的国家,我国有许多美景,却完全只字未提。
The mini's Statue ability gives it a unique twist, providing an interesting way to ambush the enemy or claim a forward position. 这个战棋的能力赋予它一个独一无二的技巧,提供一种有趣的方式来埋伏敌人或放在一个前方的位置。
The model is really resting her head on the hand and it is natural for her to show is the back of her hand which gives it a masculine feel. 当模特真的将头放在手上休息的时候,将手背展现出来时比较自然的,而且也会给模特一种阳刚之气。
One sceptical analyst says: "The bottom will come when everyone at last gives up ever trying to find it. " 一位持怀疑态度的分析师表示:“当所有人最后都放弃寻找底部的时候,底部就出现了。”
If the company gives you a password for your computer, you should not write it down on a piece of paper. Try to remember it instead. 如果公司给你电脑密码,不要把它写在纸上,试着将密码记住。
China has been running conservative fiscal policies in recent years, which gives it a lot of room to expand spending in a downturn. 最近几年,中国一直实行保守的财政政策,这让中国获得了在经济低迷时期扩大支出的空间。
Cynics note that this gives the industry just two years before it begins to forget the stresses and resulting lessons of the past three. 愤世嫉俗者指出,这只给了银行业两年,让它们开始忘记过去三年的艰难处境和由此带来的教训。
This gives you information about how much mail is waiting to be routed over a period of time. 这将显示在某个时间段内有多少邮件等待被路由出去。
The illusion created by the mirror gives him the impression that both of his hands are, indeed, moving. 镜子造成的幻象让病人觉得他的两只手的确在动。
Multiple sponsorship gives two or more advertisers the opportunity to be identified with a particular program while sharing the cost. 多家赞助使两家或多家广告客户成为某节目的赞助商,同时他们分担费用。
But good or bad, KVM is in the kernel, which gives it a huge leap forward against the existing solutions. 但是不论好坏,KVM位于内核中,这对于现有解决方案来说是一个巨大的飞跃。
in which the sum of the unsteady effect and the convective effect gives the rate of change of a parameter for a fluid particle. 和不稳定的效果和对流效应给的变化率参数对流体粒子。
It's not that it gives me a warm glow, but it does give me a certain peace with myself, and a sense of purpose. 这并不在于它给我带来了一种温暖的热情,而是确实让我自己获得了某种平静,并有了明确的目标。
it gives body to what he knows is illusion, and, knowing it is nothing else, he loves it better than reality. 即使头脑最清晰的人,从道理上他可能知道,在实际中却不会承认爱情有一天会走到尽头。