
美 [ɡlaɪd]英 [ɡlaɪd]
  • n.滑翔;滑动;滑行;滑音
  • v.滑翔;滑动;滑行;掠过
  • 网络消逝;滑移;溜走

第三人称单数:glides 现在分词:gliding 过去式:glided



v. n.

1.[i](+ adv./prep.)滑行;滑动;掠过to move smoothly and quietly, especially as though it takes no effort

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)滑翔to fly using air currents, without the birds moving their wings or the aircraft using the engine


滑字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 滑线〖 slide-wire〗 滑翔glide〗 滑翔机〖 glider;aerodone;sailplane〗 ...


滑字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 滑翔机〖 glider;aerodone;sailplane〗 滑行〖 slide;coast;glide;slip〗 滑雪〖 skiing〗 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... girl 女孩,少女 glide 溜,滑行,滑动 glimpse 一瞥,瞥见 ...


英语语言学术语 - Lily的日志 - 网易博客 ... genetic relationship 亲缘关系 glide 滑音 glottal 喉音 ...


NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... glare 怒目而视;发射强光 glide 溜,滑行;(时间)消逝 glimpse 一瞥,瞥见 ...


冶金(Metallurgy)专业词汇(D-H) - 不锈钢世界 ... glazy pig 高硅生铁 glide 滑移 glide dislocation 滑移位错 ...


张红岩TOEFL ... gleeful adj. 及高兴的,兴奋的 glide v. 滑动,溜走 gloom n. 黑暗,忧愁 ...

The experiments also revealed that the fish could glide even farther if they were just 4-5cm from the bottom of the wind tunnel. 实验也揭示了,在风洞底上方4-5厘米处,飞鱼能够滑翔更远。
Once airborne, and thus able to observe trees to the side of their glide-paths, some of the snakes turned towards them. 一起飞,这些树蛇就可以看到滑行路径两旁的树,一些就转变方向朝树木飞去。
he feeds in the younger sister the elevator, looks that the elevator door glide closes, turns around to get out of the way. 他把妹妹送进电梯,看着电梯门滑动关上,转身走开。
Buffett decided to make the annual donation of his time because his late wife, Susan, had been a volunteer at Glide. 巴菲特之所以决定每年向该机构捐助是因为他已故的妻子生前曾是其志愿者。
Glide your lips and tongue by giving her gentle kisses on her back, which is one of her sensitive areas on her body. 让你的嘴唇和舌头游走于她的背部——她身体上最敏感的部位之一。
When a word ends in a vowel sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, they are connected with a glide between the two vowels. 如果一个单词以元音结束,下一个单词以元音开始的话,两个元音之间用一个滑音连在一起。
Jean Valjean could glide along close to the houses on the dark side, and yet keep watch on the light side. 冉阿让可以隐在阴暗的一边,顺着房屋和墙壁朝前走,同时窥伺着明亮的一面。
Fishes, great and small, glide in and out among the branches, just as birds fly about among our trees. 所有大大小小的鱼在这些枝杈中间游来游去,好象天上的鸟在树林四周飞来飞去一样。
We love for gliding movement, I would like to glide through the wedding to his wife left one of the most romantic memories. 我们因滑翔运动而相爱,所以我想通过滑翔婚礼来留给妻子一个最浪漫的回忆。
Go about your regular business, but take a bit of time to make sure you don't glide over unexpressed feelings that need to be addressed. 着手你的日常业务,但抽出点时间确保你不要滑翔在未表达的需要被考虑到的情感上。
George handed the hairpin to Ron and, a moment later, Hedwig soared joyfully out of the window to glide alongside them like a ghost. 乔治把发夹递给罗恩,一会儿,海德薇快乐地飞出了车窗,像幽灵一样在他们旁边滑翔。
'Like the ivy, ' Mrs Chick assented. 'Never! She'll never glide and nestle into the bosom of her Papa's affections like - the - ' “就像那常春藤一样,”奇克夫人同意道,“永远不会!她永远不会悄悄地藏到她爸爸慈爱的心窝中,安卧在那里,就像那——”
It could, like the modern-day albatross, glide by navigating through thermals but was also fully capable of powered flight. 它有可能跟现代信天翁一样靠热感应指引方向滑翔,但要全力飞翔还得借助动力。
robot features innovative flapping wings that allow it to fly and glide through the air like a real bird . 费斯托公司发明的智能鸟的翅膀可以上下摆动,在空中像真鸟一样自由飞行甚至滑翔。
I may glide over Tony according to Jameson, because we did that at the end of the last lecture, so let me go back to Bakhtin. 我要先依据詹姆逊的观点回顾一下《拖车托尼》,因为我们上节课快结束的时候讲到了,所以回头说巴赫金。
You cannot let your eyes glide across the lines of a book and come up with an understanding of what you have read. 如果你仅仅是用眼睛把书扫视一遍,你就不可能理解你所阅读的东西。
"We're not very far down the road, " he said. "That gives you an idea about the glide path for this program. " “我们离目标不是太远”,这名发言人说道:“这些描述只是让你对这项计划接下来要进行的方向有个大致的了解。”
Even considering the export of the glide and its adverse effect, sticker industry in comprehensive development continues to be positive. 即便是考虑到出口下滑造成的负面影响,不干胶标签产业的综合发展依然是正向的。
While out of the country, Mr Strauss-Kahn has been able to glide above the grubby business of French politics. 在国外期间,斯特劳斯卡恩能够很轻易地避开法国肮脏的政治混水。
Various twists and turns like a meteor Department quietly glide spring moon, pain thread involved in the dust Saola the sky Fei Xu. 辗转处秋月春风似流星悄然滑过,痛的丝线牵扯在尘间扫落了漫天飞絮。
This time, however, the VSS was let go at the peak of its mothership's ascent, and allowed to glide back down to landing. 然而此次是让VSS达到它的母船的升程的最高点,而且使其滑翔回降直到着陆。
Skimming across the water using almost no energy at all, retractable wheels for easy interchangeability between glide and drive. 略读使用上都几乎没有能源和驱动之间的滑动轻松互换性,伸缩的轮子水。
Despite a lack of obvious body parts that can double up as a decent pair of wings, some snakes, too, can glide for remarkable distances. 尽管身体明显缺少一部分,如一对能够拍打且适于滑行的翅膀,一些蛇也能飞行很远。
Stood intersection, as if a kind of liquid from his eyes sprang, glide cheeks, flow into the mouth, You Dianxian, but also a little Suanse. 站在那路口,好像有种液体从眼角窜出,滑过脸颊,流进嘴里,有点咸,又带点酸涩。
Made to effortlessly blend and glide on when applied, each shadow seamlessly melts together for a professional finish every time. 毫不费力地融入和滑行在应用时,每一个影子,无缝地融化在一起为专业的完成每一次。
Every week, add additional accelerations or steps to your "glide" as you feel comfortable. 每个星期,逐渐在你的“滑翔”锻炼过程中加快速度或脚步,直到你感到舒服为止。
Maybe I thought I would be fast enough to glide over the mud? 也许我想我应该滑行速度不够快的泥?
She would glide in among them, and look at them with an air of perplexed and sorrowful earnestness. 她有时还溜到他们中间来,用困惑忧郁而恳切的神情凝视着他们。
I did not estimate the altitude and the rate of descent correctly and even did not calculate the glide time precisely. 自己对高度,下降率,以及滑行时间的估算不很准确。
And the wooden disk was really thought about as something that you'd want to hold on to, and that would glide easily through your hands. 这个木盘子是为了你可以抓住什么而设计的,这样你可以容易地转动它。