
美 [ɡloʊ]英 [ɡləʊ]
  • n.灼热;光辉;喜悦;(色彩,印象等的)鲜明
  • v.灼热;发白热光;燃烧;发热

第三人称单数:glows 现在分词:glowing 过去式:glowed

red glow,warm glow


When hovering, it would look great if sunbeams came out of it or it glowed from behind. 当徘徊,它很漂亮,如果阳光出来的它,它从后面闪着。
Even though they also said they did not like the bad guys, their empathy centers still quietly glowed. 尽管他们也说他们不喜欢坏人,他们的同感中心仍平静地发亮。
The jewel in his staff, glowed. He waved it over me and I felt better than I ever have. 他权杖上的宝石,闪闪发光。他用它拂过我,我从来没感到这么好过。
On the front was a picture of a Victorian couple, holding hands and looking out over a snowy backyard as candles glowed around them. 封面是一幅维多利亚时代的夫妇手牵着手,望着被雪覆盖的后花园,蜡烛围着他们闪烁。
Jo quite glowed with pleasure at this boyish praise of her sister, and stored it up to repeat to Meg. 听到一个男孩子这样夸赞自己的姐姐,乔高兴得脸上放光,忙把这些话记在心中,留待回家转告梅格。
"Cool. " He seemed truly pleased by the challenge. His face glowed. "I'll give it a try. " “好呀。”他看上去对挑战非常感兴趣。他脸泛红光。“我尽力。”
The eyes of ceramic tiger glowed as if alive, and the Orange and black stripes sparkled with a porcelain shine. 陶瓷虎的眼睛闪着光亮,栩栩如生。橙色和黑色的条纹闪耀着瓷器的光泽。
She grew quiet a moment, her eyes looking toward the moon of Luclin as it glowed brightly above them. Her brow furrowed slightly. 有一瞬间她变的安静,她的双眼望向照亮着他们的路卡林之月。她的眉头微蹵。
His eyes glowed. There was a note of passion in his . "Did you know that you had come into the finest place in the world to buy socks? " 他双眸满是热情,声音饱含激情:“您知道您来到了世界上最好的袜店吗?”
He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt. 他浑身上下镶满了薄薄的黄金叶片,明亮的蓝宝石做成他的双眼,剑柄上还嵌着一颗硕大的灿灿发光的红色宝石。
But he did not touch her. His shirt cuff glowed against the plum velvet of the chair arm. 不过他倒没有碰她,他的袖口在紫色的丝绒椅背上摩擦着。
the little girl was glad to get a pair of gloves . her cheeks glowed. 小女孩很高兴得到一副手套,她的脸颊泛着红光。
As a result, every tr an spl anted cell glowed under ultraviolet light and was easy to tr ace. 因此,每一个移植的细胞发光紫外线光下是很容易追查。
The candle started to go out. Jamie made a move to cup it with his hands. The creature's eyes glowed red, suddenly, like hot coals. 蜡烛开始慢慢变短,杰米过去把蜡烛弄成杯形,小家伙的眼睛闪着红光,突然,好像燃烧的煤似的。
When he found his two-year-old son learned to talk back, his eyes glowed with excitement. 当他发现两岁的儿子学会顶嘴了,双眼闪烁着喜悦的光芒。
Its oval surface area was a perfect fit for a finger, making it the most comfortable to use, and its center glowed red once attached. 仪器的读取区正好覆盖一个手指,使用起来很舒适,而且一接入电脑读取区中心就会发出红光。
So deep was her determination that her whole Body shook. Her eyes glowed and she clenched her fists. 她的决心是如此坚定,致使她全身发抖。她两眼发光,双拳紧握。
The pendant glowed like blue fire around his neck as the ranger called lightning down from the sky, striking the throngs of orcs and ogres . 游侠从天空中召唤出无数的闪电,砸向在地面上成群结队的兽人和巨魔,他带者项坠闪耀着如蓝色火焰般的光芒。
Unsuspected tintings glimmered in the dark demesnes of the woods and glowed in their alluring by-ways. 迷人的色彩出人意料的穿透树林的暗影,闪烁在她们漫步的路边。
In a large basin in front of the altar, several dozen chunks of charcoal, piled up like a mountain, glowed hotly with a bright red flame. 供桌前面放了一个火盆架子,火盆里燃着熊熊的火。几十个“炭圆”山也似地堆得高高的,烧成了鲜红的圆球。
Through one window a soft light glowed, where, no doubt, the organist played a Sunday anthem. 透过一扇窗,一盏小灯发着柔光,在那,不用怀疑,演奏者弹着圣歌。
His eyes glowed even while he affected a smile of amity and a gesture of courtesy, at parting. 尽管他勉强笑一下,很有礼貌地挥手告别,可是眼睛中燃烧着怒火。
He held out his palm and conjured a small ball that glowed with blue faerie fire. 他伸出手,召唤出一个闪耀着蓝色妖火的小球。
The sky glowed Saturday and a thin dusting of sand covered Beijing. 北京周六天空灰蒙蒙的,到处是薄薄的扬沙尘土。
Since the year's only total lunar eclipse coincided with winter solstice, the moon glowed high in the sky. 今年以来唯一的月全食与冬至吻合,月亮在天空中闪耀着高。
The goblin-monk opened eyes that glowed yellow even in the light of noon-day, and sprang to feet that now ended in claws rather than toes. 恶鬼修士张开了发光黄色甚而根据中午天的眼睛,并且反弹了对在爪现在结束而不是脚趾的脚。
As soon as she heard his voice, a vivid colour glowed in her face, lighting up at once her joy and her sorrow. 她一听到他的声音,脸上顿时涌现出明艳的光采,在同一时刻闪现出又是悲伤又是喜悦的光芒。
In the middle of the lodge, the old man built a huge fireplace. In it an intense fire glowed unceasingly, but it emitted no heat. 老人在小屋的中间砌了一个巨大的壁炉,里面的火烧得正旺,它熠熠闪光,却并不散发出丝毫的热量。
This dynamic study of esthetics has increased vigor and glowed vitality for the whole esthetics research. 这种动态发展的美学观点为整个美学增添了活力,使美学研究焕发了新的生机。
You can not predict that glowed how much time, if there is, you people could not guess Xiayimiao Where he will disappear. 你无法预测那发光发热的时间究竟还有多少,你猜不到下一秒他会消失到哪去。