
美 [ˌdʒi ˈem]英 [ˌdʒiː ˈem]
  • abbr.
  • 网络通用汽车(General Motors);通用汽车公司;美国通用汽车公司



通用汽车(General Motors)

通用汽车(GM)盐雾试验标准通用汽车(GM)盐雾试验标准隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 Allen_jje贡献于2010-10-07 贡献者等级: …


通用汽车公司GM)成立于1908年9月16日,自从威廉·杜兰特创建了美国通用汽车公司以来,先后联合或兼并了别克、凯迪拉 …


美国通用汽车公司GM)2011年的全球销量预计将超过800万辆,德国大众汽车公司(VW)也将达到700万辆左右,因此预 …

转基因(genetically modified)

转基因(gm)食品安全性食品 转基因食品的检测 转基因 转基因食品的安全性研究 干燥食品 transgenic food safety evaluation(1) s…

Even if sales rebound in the U. S. this year, China is still a far more dynamic market for GM to focus on for the long-term. 甚至即使美国近几年来的销售额反弹,在长期看来,中国仍然是通用关注的,认为更为活跃的市场。
Check out how much GM used to spend on little text ads before its recent crash. 开看看通用公司最近破产之前在这些小广告上花了多少钱吧。
"Talks between the government and GM will be continued at the start of next week, " said the official, who did not want to be named. 这位不愿透露姓名的官员表示:“德国政府和通用汽车将从下周初开始继续谈判。”
But "eliminating" it, whatever that means, is not the answer, just as Mr Moore's advice to increase union power would not have saved GM. 但是“消除”它,无论如何都不是正确答案,正如迈克尔增加工会力量的建议不能够拯救通用一样。
Should the deal with Spyker fall through, Genii and partners remained at the ready to pursue talks with GM, Carlstrom said. 他还表示,若与Spyker的交易失败,Genii和其合伙人仍准备寻求与通用汽车进行谈判.(完)
GM filed paperwork for its IPO just over a year after emerging from a government-sponsored restructuring in bankruptcy. 通用递交公开募股文件仅在一年前在,当时正是破产时接受政府的捐赠重建。
After four years of restructuring efforts during which it had lost more than $80 billion, GM was too enfeebled to stagger on. 4年的结构调整努力,使通用损失了800亿美元,它太虚弱了,无法躲开这场打击。
So much is up in the air right now that it's impossible to properly judge Marchionne's interest in any of GM's brands. 这么多是在空中现在,它不可能正确判断马尔奇奥尼的利益中的任何通用汽车的品牌。
But Bothma told SciDev. Net that there was a strong possibility that the GM potato research will now cease due to lack of funding. 但是Bothma告诉本网站说,由于缺乏资助,转基因土豆研究很可能停止。
A GM spokesman said the automaker does not comment on board meetings as a matter of policy. 通用汽车发言人TomWilkinson称,根据公司的政策,通用不对董事会会议置评。
The claim that GM crops give higher yields is often uncritically repeated in the media. But this claim is not accurate. 媒体往往不加鉴别的重复声称转基因作物提供更高的产量的说法。但是这种说法并不准确。
The reclusive Las Vegas billionaire now owns 9. 9% of GM, a stake which has so far lost him a great deal of money, at least on paper. 这位目前隐居在拉斯维加斯的亿万富翁拥有通用9.9%的股份,理论上,到目前为止他已经遭受不少损失。
The only reason GM kept the company so long, said Mr Lutz, was that it loved the marque and the cars. 卢茨先生表示,通用保有萨博如此长久的唯一理由便是喜爱萨博这一品牌及汽车。
Why you should care: By putting the Volt's pricey electric powertrain into a Cadillac, GM may be able to charge enough to make some money. 为什么要照顾:通过把电压的高价电传动到凯迪拉克,通用汽车可以收取足以使一些钱。
At the time, the fate of GM was inextricably linked to that of the nation. 当时,通用汽车的命运与美国的命运紧密联系在一起。
GM also cut a shift at a transmission factory in Warren, Mich. , said a person familiar with the matter. 知情人士说,通用汽车位于密歇根州沃伦的变速器生产厂也削减了一个班次。
'Our goal is to help GM get back on its feet . . . and get out quickly, ' he said. 他说,我们的目标就是帮助通用汽车恢复元气,迅速走出困境。
People familiar with the matter said the move was decided by GM's board without input from the U. 知情人士说,上述举动是通用汽车董事会自己做出的决定,美国政府并未介入。
President Obama has said he has no interest in running General Motors, and will leave company decisions to GM senior management. 奥巴马曾说联邦政府并不想经营通用公司,而且公司的决定权将留给公司的高级高层管理人员。
Spyker on Monday claimed that it had suffered "massive damages" as the result of what it claimed were unlawful actions on GM's part. 世爵周一声称,由于其所称的通用汽车方面的非法行动,世爵已蒙受了“巨大的损失”。
The collapse marks another difficult sales process for GM since it began to downsize its operations more than a year ago. 此宗交易失败,标志着通用汽车自一年多前启动瘦身进程以来又一次艰难的出售经历。
Right, things haudio-videoe worked so well for Haiti so far. GM seeds seem to function as a least of their worries. 没错,到目前为止,海处所面形势大好,转基因种子似乎是他们最不用担心的。看看转基因。
Nevertheless, people familiar with the matter said GM has had discussions about buying Chrysler and hasn't ruled out the idea. 不过,知情人士表示,通用汽车已经讨论了收购克莱斯勒的想法,而且没有排除这种可能性。
However there is no need to tell the consumer if GM has been used further back in the food chain. 然而,并不需要告诉消费者转基因是否更早的时候已经被用于食物链中。
In Geneva, GM's top European executive, Carl-Peter Forster, said the company may also appeal to Poland, where it makes small cars. 在日内瓦,通用汽车欧洲业务高级管理人员福斯特(Carl-PeterForster)说,公司可能还会向生产小型轿车的波兰求援。
GM said potential damage to the second-row safety belts could make it appear as if the latch were properly secured when it was not. 通用汽车表示,潜在的危害在于第二排安全带,安全带可能在没锁的时候,却看起来好像是锁着好好的。
I wouldn't really call it a new GM, it is just a smaller GM. That would be more of an apt description. 我不会叫它是新通用,它只不过是缩小的通用.这样的描述更为合适,他们还有很多坎要跨。
It would be much better to have allowed GM and Chrysler several months ago to be reorganized through bankruptcy proceedings. 如果在几个月前能让通用和克莱斯勒通过破产程序自己进行重组,情况无疑会更好一些。
It was an important investment for GM, but within the company it was hardly noticed. 对于通用汽车来说,这是一笔很重要的投资,但通用内部很少有人注意到。
Barra came from GM's manufacturing organization rather than product development, which would have been a more conventional promotion. 如果芭拉来自产品开发部门的话,这属于常规升迁,可她原本效力于通用汽车的生产部门。