
  • 网络乔治梅森大学(George Mason University);广西医科大学(Guangxi Medical University)



乔治梅森大学(George Mason University)

活动将在乔治梅森大学(GMU)强生学生活动中心(Johnson Center- Dewberry Hall)举行,新世界双语学院提供丰盛食品、点心、 …

广西医科大学(Guangxi Medical University)

...huang Autonomous Region, Guangxi Medical University (GMU), founded in 21st November 1934, is one of the 22 oldest me…

there was the same sense of urgency, the same logistical problems and sacrifices-and chief among these would be the GMU itself. 二者具有同样紧急的意义,同样的补给问题和物资牺牲——其中首位的牺牲便是GMU自身。
It was conceivable that the GMU would have to be abandoned, but at least the VTs and Hovertanks would survive. 可以设想这计划将不得不抛弃GMU基地,但至少变形机和气垫坦克能存留下来。
I don't think this has anything to do with size. I'm just a jumped-up engineer who got a commission 'cause he knows what makes the GMU tick. 我只不过是个工程师,就因为‘他知道怎么让GMU转起来’被火箭式提拔,上了这个位置。
This last issue had been decided by the time the GMU contingent joined the others near the cave entrance. 当GMU分遣队在洞口处和其他部队会合时,就对第三个问题做了决定。
I was showing her around the GMU and, you know, there's that picture of Bowie on my desk. 我昨天带她参观GMU,你知道的,我桌子上有张鲍威尔的照片。
Various surveys have detected among GMU students a "noticeably greater" awareness of and interest in global issues, he said. 各种各样的调查发现,乔治·梅森大学的学生很明显有较强的全球意识和兴趣。
While members of the Sentinels hurried to break down the camp and ready the GMU for motion, Burak was breaking the news to Tesla. 当哨兵成员正忙着拆除营地,为GMU的移动做准备时,巴拉克委婉的把这个消息告诉了泰斯拉。
Even the GMU's main gun was speaking now, adding its own thunderous punctuation to the battle's murderous dialogue. 此刻连GMU的主炮也开仗了,携带它雷鸣般的巨响插手到战斗的血腥比武之中。
The orbs had lifted the GMU to an altitude of almost twenty miles by the time Rick and Max brought their Alphas aboard. 当瑞克和麦克斯驾驶的阿尔法机登上GMU时,圆球们已经将基地升到接近二十英里的高度。
Both UD and GMU have seen student interest grow in non-Western languages, starting or expanding programs in Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. 特拉华大学与乔治·梅森大学都看到了学生对非西方语言的兴趣不断增长,相继开设或扩大汉语、日语和阿拉伯语的课程。