go for it

  • na.尽力争取;试一试
  • 网络新目标;新目标英语;加油

go for itgo for it

go for it


新目标(Go for it)版 外研(新标准)版 仁爱湘教版 冀教河北版 牛津译林版 牛津深圳版 牛津上海版 鲁教版 北师大版 北京课改版 …


旅游必备口语 ... 45. No way.( 没门) 47. Go for it.( 试一试) 49. Anything you say.( 偶听你的。很乖巧的一句话,新驴必 …


新目标英语(Go For It)八年级下册第三单元 新目标英语 八年级下册第三单元 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 说课 …


出国常用日常口语|英语口语 ... What a crummy day. 多倒霉的一天。 Go for it. 加油 Wishful thinking. 一厢情愿的想法。 ...


努力加油的英文怎么写?_百度知道 ... make your shoulders back 挺起胸来 Go for it 加油,去做吧 Go ahead 往前 ...


两个英文词组,一个是S开头,一个是G开头_百度知道 ... grow up 长大 go for it 努力争取,加油 show off 炫耀 ...


gone_百度百科 ... go for broke 全力以赴 go for it 冒一下险,大胆试一试 go full tour [俚语]回家 ...


美女上错身 S1E04 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... -Fred:Yeah,pretty much. 是阿,差不多。 Go for it. 去吧。 -Stacy:Hi. 嗨。 ...

I needed to make sales and asked the customer if I could 'get in shape' and he told me to go for it. 我得促成这些交易,并问客户能否让我“减减肥”,他说可以。
If you can get something of the same quality for a cheaper price somewhere else, go for it! 如果你能在别的地方用更便宜的价格来买相同的商品的话,那还等什么?
And I said to myself, "Lewis, don't look left, don't look right. Just scuttle forward and go for it. " 我对自己说:“路易斯,不要向左看,不要向右看,要一直往前冲。”
Pick an event, program or project that you think is worth a second shot and go for it. 找一件你认为值得再试一次的事情、计划或项目,并着手去做。
I happened to pass by the Grand Theater and see the poster of her solo concert this afternoon. You know what? I'll definitely go for it. 我今天下午碰巧经过大戏院并看到玛丽亚·凯瑞个人演唱会的海报。知道吧?反正我是绝对要去的。
Rudd can round up his own military and go for it, if he wants to. Oh! right! he is no longer Prime Minister. 如果陆克文这么想和中国开战的话,可以召集他自己的军队去嘛。哦,对了,他已经不是澳洲总理了。
"She got her little kid scissors and I said, 'Go for it! Cut it short everywhere! ' " “她拿来了她的儿童小剪刀,然后我说‘来吧!把它们都剪短吧!’”
Everyone had advised me not to do it but I decided to take the chance and go for it. 所有人都建议我不要这么做,但我决定抓住机会。
EXAMPLE 2: If we can demonstrate how much money this new idea can save us, our company's president will certainly go for it. 如果能证明新创意能为我们节省多少钱,我们公司的总裁肯定会支持。
John finally accepted the fact that God might be telling him to go for it. 无奈,约翰最后接受了“事实”:去做吧,这是上帝的旨意。
He said that if the extra time looks and feels like the rest of the school day, then those at risk students might not go for it. 他称如果额外时间看起来感觉就像学校一天的课余时间,而那些风险学生可能根本不来。
On the upside, this can be a time of massive and even momentous change for you, if you decide to just go for it. 在上升中,这可能对你来说是非常巨大的,甚至是非常重要的改变,如果你决定这样做的话,那就去试试吧。
"I know I'm not going to win the Oscar, so for the Baftas I may as well go for it, " she said. 她说,“我知道我没可能获得奥斯卡,所以对于Bafta,我要好好争取。”
It was she who told him about the competition and encouraged him to go for it. 也正是这位女孩告诉肖遥有这个比赛并鼓励他参加。
Jack, you know what? You have to go for it. How often does this happen to you? You owe it to yourself. 杰克,你知道吗?你得尽力去争取。你常遇到这种事吗?你应该为自己这么做。
When he heard that there was going to be auditions for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(2001), he decided to go for it. 当他听说要有演员为《哈利波特与魔法石》(2001年),他决定去追求它。
Never hang back. Get out there and go for it. After all, isn't that what life is all about? 不要畏缩不前,走出去,大胆尝试。毕竟,生命的价值不就是如此吗?我也是这样想的。
I decided to go for it, though I continued to question myself as I put on my biking clothes and got my bike out of the basement. 虽然当我穿上运动衣并把自行车从地下室取出来时,我还是不确定,但我最终决定要尝试一下。
Jester: But, in return for your soul, till give you power! Marvelous, isnt it Just let your young spirit drive you and go for it! 杰斯特:但是,作为吸取伱灵魂旳交换,它会赐予伱气力!多么奇妙啊,不是吗?让伱年轻旳心灵驱使伱加快速度去寻找它吧!
"Interestingly, though, not in a Miltonian sense. " I was bluffing. I wanted to see if she'd go for it. “有意思,不过,不是在弥尔顿那种意义上。”我在虚张声势,想看她是否赞成。
Every once in a while, I crave garlic mashed potatoes or gooey chocolate brownies and I go for it! 有时候我很想吃蒜香土豆泥或者粘粘的巧克力蛋糕,我就会吃。
Don't let fear stand in your way - if you want something badly enough, don't let financial worries come up as an excuse not to go for it. 不要让恐惧挡路,如果你特别想要某种东西,别因为钱的原因而不去努力得到它。
Max: Right. If it looks good, I'll go for it. Keep the bike running. We're going to be rich. 麦斯:没错。如果情况不错,我就行动。机车不要熄火。我们就要发财了。
I actually tried to convince Dad to let me do Water Jazz instead of swim team, but he wouldn't go for it. 我试图说服老爸让我去上爵士乐而不去游泳课,但是他没同意。
I think they're human as anybody else and if you're falling in love with her. . . go for it, man. Run. Get her out of here. 我觉得他们就像其他任何人一样是人类,要是你爱上她…就去追求,逃走吧,带她离开这里。
For those who are starting new businesses, new projects, or heading in new directions, 2010 is a year to go for it. 对开始新事业,新工程或者迈向新方向的人来说,2010年是实现目标的一年。
I would be happy if you said to me tomorrow we start again straight away, cut out the holidays and lets go for it again. 如果你告诉我明天我们又重新开始了,我会很高兴,假期之后,让我们重新开始。
If an opportunity presents itself earlier in the date where you could actually kiss the woman you're on a date with, absolutely go for it. 在约会时,如果你确实可以吻她机会提早出现,那你一定要扎住机会去吻与你约会的女孩子。
As long as your competitor is up for the challenge, you might as well go for it. 只要你的竞争者可以挑战,那么你也可以去为奖学金而奋斗。
I wish falling in love had traffic lights, so that I would know if I should: Go for it, slow down, or just stop. 我希望恋爱的时候能有信号灯提示,好让我知道该怎么做:直行,减速,或者停止。