
美 [ɡoʊ]英 [ɡəʊ]
  • v.去;走;流逝;过去
  • linkv.变为
  • n.(游戏或活动中)轮到的机会;一番努力;精力;活力
  • adj.运行良好的;〈美口〉一切正常的;【宇】可随时发射的
  • abbr.(=General Orders)【军】一般命令;卫兵守则
  • int.(赛跑口令)跑
  • 网络环境卫星;Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites;离开

第三人称单数:goes 现在分词:going 过去式:went 过去分词:gone

probably go,go anywhere,go nowhere,go anyhow,go forward
go week,go mile,go vacation,go word,thing go



1.[i]去;走to move or travel from one place to another

2.[i]~ (to sth) (with sb)(尤指与某人)去(某处或出席某项活动)to move or travel, especially with sb else, to a particular place or in order to be present at an event

3.[i]移动,旅行,行走(指方式或距离)to move or travel in a particular way or over a particular distance

4.[i]~ flying, skidding, etc. (+ adv./prep.)(以某种方式)移动;在移动中做to move in a particular way or while doing sth else


5.[i]离开;离去;出发to leave one place in order to reach another

6.[i]~ on sth去做(某事)to leave a place and do sth different


7.[i]~ to sth(为某目的)去(某处)to visit or attend a place for a particular purpose

游泳、钓鱼、慢跑等swimming/fishing/jogging, etc.

8.[i]~ (for) sth去参加,去从事(某项活动或运动)to leave a place or travel to a place in order to take part in an activity or a sport

被发送be sent

9.[i](+ adv./prep.)被发送;被传递to be sent or passed somewhere


10.[i]~ (from…) (to…)(从…)通向,延伸到to lead or extend from one place to another


11.[i]+ adv./prep.被放置,被置于,被安放(在通常或合适的位置)to have as a usual or correct position; to be placed

12.[i]will/would not ~ (in/into sth)(不)适合;放(不)进used to say that sth does/did not fit into a particular place or space


13.[i]除尽;除if a number willgo into another number, it is contained in that number an exact number of times


14.[i]+ adv./prep.(事情)进展,进行used to talk about how well or badly sth makes progress or succeeds


15.[i]~ to/into sth进入…状态;处于…状况;脱离…状态used in many expressions to show that sb/sth has reached a particular state/is no longer in a particular state

16.[i]+ adj.(在某种状态下)生活,过活,移动to live or move around in a particular state

17.[i]~ unnoticed, unreported, etc.未被注意到(或报告等)to not be noticed, reported, etc.


18.[i][t](诗或歌中词、调)唱,说;(故事)发生情况如何used to talk about what tune or words a song or poem has or what happens in a story


19.[i]发出(某种声音);做(某种动作)to make a particular sound or movement

20.[i]发出信号(或警告)to be sounded as a signal or warning


21.[t](informal)+ speech说to say


22.[i]开始(活动)to start an activity


23.[i]运行;运转;工作if a machinegoes , it works


24.[i]不复存在;不见了;丢失;失窃to stop existing; to be lost or stolen

被扔掉be thrown out

25.[i]sb/sth must/has to/can ~(必须或可以)辞掉(或扔掉、废弃)used to talk about wanting to get rid of sb/sth

不起作用not work

26.[i]变坏;损坏;不起作用to get worse; to become damaged or stop working correctly


27.[i]走(委婉说法,与 die 同义)to die. People saygo to avoid sayingdie .


28.[i]用于;花掉when moneygoes , it is spent or used for sth

29.[i]~ (to sb) (for sth)被卖掉;被出售to be sold

30.[i]+ adv./prep.愿出价购买to be willing to pay a particular amount of money for sth


31.[i]~ to do sth有助于;促成;起作用to help; to play a part in doing sth

可得到be available

32.[i](informal)可得到;可买到;现成可用to be available


33.[i]+ adv./prep.流逝;消逝;过去used to talk about how quickly or slowly time seems to pass

用厕所use toilet

34.[i](informal)用厕所;上厕所to use a toilet


大多数含 go 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 go it alone 在词条 alone 下。Most idioms containinggo are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplego it alone is atalone .

anything goes

无奇不有;什么事都不新鲜anything that sb says or does is accepted or allowed, however shocking or unusual it may be

as people, things, etc. go

和一般人(或事物等)相比in comparison with the average person, thing, etc.

be going on (for) sth

接近(或将近、快到)某一年龄(或时间、数字)to be nearly a particular age, time or number

be going to do sth

打算做某事used to show what sb intends to do in the future

dont go doing sth

(告诉或警告某人)别做某事used to tell or warn sb not to do sth

enough/something to be going on with

暂且够用;足以应付一时something that is enough for a short time

go all out for sth|go all out to do sth

竭力获取某物;全力以赴做某事;鼓足干劲做某事to make a very great effort to get sth or do sth

go and do sth

(对某人做了蠢事感到愤怒或烦恼)竟然干出某事,居然干出某事used to show that you are angry or annoyed that sb has done sth stupid

go off on one

突然大怒;暴跳如雷to suddenly become very angry

go on (with you)

(表示不相信或不赞同)去你的,我才不信呢used to express the fact that you do not believe sth, or that you disapprove of sth

(have) a lot, nothing, etc. going for you

有(或没有)很多有利条件(to have) many/not many advantages

no go

不可能;不行;不允许not possible or allowed

not (even) go there

不想细谈;甚至不愿想起used to say that you do not want to talk about sth in any more detail because you do not even want to think about it

to go

剩下的;还有的remaining; still left

what goes around comes around

你怎么待人,人就怎么待你the way sb behaves towards other people will affect the way those people behave towards them in the future

where does sb go from here?

(尤指为了改变困境而询问)下一步该怎么办,往下怎么做呢used to ask what action sb should take, especially in order to improve the difficult situation that they are in

who goes there?

(哨兵喝问对方身份用语)谁,什么人used by a soldier who is guarding a place to order sb to say who they are

冀教版初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... goal n. (足球)球门;得分 goes v. golf n. 高尔夫球 ...


美国的静止业务环境卫星GOES)中的DCS系统收集和中继来自远端自动采集的数据。该系统中的数据采集平台可以采用定 …

写出下列动词的中文和过去式_百度知道 ... 吃 ate 2 goes 3.说 says ...

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites

GOES(Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites)是美国NOAA的静止轨道业务卫星系列,采用双星运行体制,GOE…


欧洲杯 - 最新闻 ... search( 搜寻) goes( 离开) on:Barca( 巴萨) ...

If China goes back to such a regime, it means that the value of the yuan will still be (at least) partially controlled. 如果中国回到这种制度,人民币的价值依然被部分地控制着。
"When the sun goes away and the summer ends, we're all going to wake up and see things are as barren as ever, " he said. 他表示:“当阳光不在,夏季过去,我们都将清醒过来,看到一切荒芜依旧。”
The KMT would like the ROC to join the UN as well, without declaring independence, but Beijing's gratitude only goes so far. 国民党希望中华民国在不宣布独立的情况下也能够加入联合国,但北京当局可不是皇恩浩荡的。
The link between him and the company goes way back as he explains: "In my family since my ancestors there have always been Alfa Romeos. " 他与这家公司之间的联系就像他所说的那样是老交情了:“在我家族里,从我祖先那辈起就有阿尔法罗密欧的车了。”
but when she finds he is not ready to receive her, she goes in at the door, and out through the window. 但当运气发现他还没有准备好接受它时,就从门口进来,又从窗口出去了。
One of my favorite clients is a professional trader in London who sometimes, for entertainment, goes to a casino at night. 我很喜欢一个客户,他是伦敦的专业交易者,他有时候为了娱乐,会去赌场。
I got something for you, remind me to give it to you later. . . *time goes by* Her: So what'd u get me? 我买了东西给你,提醒我要将这地赐给你以后…*时间的流逝*她:所以什么让你明白我的意思吗?。
Just as the old saying goes, "It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar" , I wish all of you to enjoy yourselves during this trip. 正如那句老话:“这是我很高兴能够迎接来自远方的朋友”,我希望你们能够在这次访问中享受自己。
and to everyone who goes on his way in the pride of his heart, they say, No evil will come to you. 又对一切按自己顽梗之心而行的人说,必没有灾祸临到你们。
When other people wake up in her town, she only goes to bed, tired but happy. 当镇上的其他人醒来时,她刚刚进入梦乡,疲惫但快乐着。
If it goes on long enough, the complex may take over, may "possess" you, and you might wind up with a multiple personality. 如果让它继续够久的话,这个复杂物可能会接管,可能会「控制」你,而你可能会以多重人格来收场。
That words like this, Chen Qing Yang goes to the United States again to be on business, will see her? 那这样的话,陈青杨再到美国出差,会去看她吗?
This old man gets up and goes to bed with the sun everyday. 这位老翁每天黎明即起,日落而息。
It would be a lot easier to understand what goes wrong with a drug if people who take it were pooling and sharing their data. 如果服用某种药物的人收集并共享他们的数据,就更容易了解这种药物的问题。
Every time the young teacher goes into his class; the pupils always talk the mickey out of him. 这位年轻的老师每次走进课堂,学生们总要戏弄他一番。
He did quite well with the team. I've enjoyed working with him. If he stays, brilliant, if he goes, I wish him all the best. 他在维拉做地非常棒,我很喜欢和他在一起工作。如果他离开了维拉,我祝福他一切顺利!
All that usually goes on in the name of education is secondary. The priority should be given to meditation -- education of the inner. 通常以教育的名义做的一切事情都是次要的,应该优先考虑静心——内在生命的教育。
Don' t be a person who goes back to his words. No one would like to make friends with him. 你不能做说话不算数的人,没人愿意跟那样的人做朋友。
Whether something goes right or wrong, make it a point to announce your role in the situation to the people involved. 不论某件事顺利还是出了问题,对所涉及的人表达,,,出在这个处境中你的角色。
What goes on in a cocoon as a caterpillar changes into a butterfly remains one of nature's best kept secrets. 肥胖的毛毛虫钻进茧中,如何就变成了美丽的蝴蝶,这一直都是自然界的一个秘密。
About a year from now, if all goes well, a box about the size of a loaf of bread will pop out of a rocket some 500 miles above the Earth. 大约一年之后,如果一切顺利,一个面包般大小的小方盒将会由火箭发射到距离地球500英里的太空中。
When a bubbles with transparent is blown bulge and goes up the sky, the kid's imagination also immediately dances in the wind. 当一颗颗透明的泡泡被吹胀、升空时,孩子的想像力也随之飞舞。
All this is to one purpose: to make life comfortable for the privileged elite that goes by the name of the "Olympic family" . 所有这些只有一个目的:为冠以“奥运大家庭”之名的特权精英们提供便利。
Charles died at the front, but Scarlett is not at all sad. She goes to the donation party with Melanie, wearing black. 查尔斯在前线感染流行病而亡。斯佳丽一点也不难过,她穿上黑衣,正打算要与梅兰妮一道参加募捐聚会。
And then he goes away for a few seconds to think about it some more, and thinks, "Maybe if I come in from a different angle. " 接着它离开了几秒钟来更好的思考这个问题,并想到,“也许如果我从不同角度攻击的话。”
Of course! For instance, my dad is a golf junkie. He goes to the golf course at least twice a week, and plays for hours. 没错,你爸爸真是个高尔夫球迷,一个星期要打两次,每次还要打好几个小时,
Casting a mirror image from her good eye, Barron created a prosthetic device that she can pop in whenever she goes out in public. Barron以她健康完好的右眼为模型,为她制作了假体,使她可以随时戴着出门。
"This is going to be pretty serious for Goldman as time goes on, " said the banker, who did not want to be identified. “随着时间过去,这将对高盛造成相当严重的冲击。”这位不愿具名的投行人士表示。
I write this just for you to ensure it because I'm afraid that he goes but cannot get it. You know he is a little lazy. . . 我只是想让你确定一下而已,因为我怕他去到但是拿不到。
So the break up of a relationship, arguably is a form of bereavement and all that goes with it, if not more. 那么可以证明,关系的破裂是丧失亲友及其一切的一种形式,亦或更甚。