gone with the wind

  • 网络乱世佳人;飘;随风而逝

gone with the windgone with the wind

gone with the wind


乱世佳人 (gone with the Wind:)明天的风依然在吹麦迪逊之桥(The Bridages of Madison Country)这样确定的爱,一生只有一次 …

  《乱世佳人》,美国电影《》(Gone With The Wind)的中文译名,根据小说家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell) 的同名小说 …


Internal flute CD ... 飞花 Flying flower 随风而逝 Gone with the wind 蓝色地平线 Blue horizons ...


摄影教... ... >-08.05.23-lonely grid- 寂寞格子 >-08.11.04-GONE WITH THE WIND- 随风而去- >-08.06.05-Fly in Dance· 轻 …


哪里有中文语音,英文字... ... 29. 绿野仙踪 The Wizard Of Oz 30. 乱世佳人-飘 Gone With The Wind 32. 美国梦 American Drea…


五大唱片 ... Did It Ever Cross Your Mind 你有想过吗 Gone With The Wind 随风消逝 大门市 STORES ...


博客来音乐馆>合辑 / 绿钢琴-李查篇 (10CD) ... More 更多 Gone With The Wind 乱世佳人主题曲 Lost In Love 迷失在爱中 ...


ATV 浮生六劫 (Gone With The Wind) 1980年 主题曲 by 1080Chaser 29,691 views 75 天龙诀 Dragon Strikes ATV 1979 by free…

His only friend is dead, his love has long gone with the wind - no, he did not even know they have not had love. 他唯一的朋友已经死了,他的爱情也早已随风逝去――不,他甚至不知道自己有没有过爱情。
Gone with the wind captured me at the age of 13, and my parents still talk about how I essentially missed a family trip to the beach. 乱世佳人抓获我13岁时,和我的父母仍在谈论我基本上错过了一个家庭旅游的海滩。
The memories are gone with the wind, buried in darkness and lost in time, without any efforts in trying to retain them. 于是也不去记忆起,把它丢在了风里,遗忘在了黑夜,任其消失在时间里。
Luckily, I know how to access internet now. Those days as you flied on the sky and I jump to pursue you on earth have gone with the wind. 还好,我学会了上网,以前那种你在天上飞啊飞,我在地上追啊追的日子将一去不复返了。
Want to pick up the confidence and vitality, but they seem to have gone with the wind. 很想奋力的拾起那些自信和活力,可是他们好像已随风飘逝。
The past was more like smoke and dream, had gone with the wind. Expect tomorrow, after all, tomorrow is another day! 往事如烟似梦,已经随风而逝。还是期盼明天吧,毕竟,明天又会是崭新的一天!
Now an ordinary piece of light fiction, like, say, Gone with the Wind, doesn't require the most active kind of reading. 当然,一部普通的消遣小说,比如说《飘》,并不需要那种最积极的思维式的阅读。
While many scholars, "Gone with the Wind" mixed. But as a literary work, it has a timeless charm. 虽然很多学者对《乱世佳人》褒贬不一,但作为一部文学作品,它却具有永恒的魅力。
In a unique visual point, Gone With the Wind provides us something about the civil war and the inevitable tragedy of the dominant class. 其中文学名著《飘》以它独特的视角为我们讲述了南北战争与曾经主宰这一文明的人们的无法逆转的悲剧命运。
Memory of yellow, I do, not into a cavity of hot love miss as the feeling's gone away, gone with the wind fly away. 记忆泛黄,我却终究,无法把一腔炽热的情怀念作过眼云烟,随风翩然而去。
Amidst the number of the tower, how much of the bitterness of frustration will be a laugh in this look back in gone with the wind. 多少的楼台烟雨,多少的辛酸无奈,都会在这回首一笑中随风而逝。
Starts at the dawn and ends at the dawn. Every time I saw " Gone with the Wind" It gave me a different shock. 从黄昏开始,在黄昏结束。我每一次看《乱世佳人》,都给我不同的震撼。
Gone with the wind, written by Margaret Mitchell, have drawn from the American Civil War and social reality of the post-war reconstruction. 玛格丽特米切尔其著作《飘》,取材于美国南北战争和战后重建的社会现实,是一部永恒经典之作。
After thinking it seriously, I picked up three books finally. They are Jane Eyre, Gone with the wind and the war of the worlds. 认真地思考后,我拿起三本书最后他们是《简爱》、《飘》和《世界大战》。
It was also felt that the endings of Wuthering Heights, 1984 and Gone with the Wind were all too depressing, and should be perked up. 读者们还认为1984年的《呼啸山庄》《乱世佳人》都太压抑了,其结尾也应该振作起来。
That appears to be a winter, the snow will not Gone with the Wind Gone with the Wind, a black wooden wheel to pull me in the South. 那好像是一个冬天,雪花将飘未飘的时候,一辆黑色的木轮车把我拉往南方。
During this period Vivien found a new favourite novel that she re-read several times -Gone with the wind. 就在这期间,费委丽找到一本心爱的小说,并反复阅读,这就是《乱世佳人》。
Bach's fable was a surprise best-seller, eventually surpassing the hardcover sales record, set by Gone With The Wind. Bach的故事非常的好卖,最终超过了由《乱世佳人》创下的精装书销售记录。
The word "Goodbye" has already gone with the wind, accompanied by her silk, only leaving a Charlotte's web in everyone's heart. 夏洛的一声“再见”,伴随着曾经的蛛丝随风飘散。他已经在我们心中,留下了一张夏洛的网。
Like the Rhett Butler, this cocktail was developed by the Southern Comfort company as a promotional tie-in with the film Gone with the Wind. 如白瑞德,这种鸡尾酒是由南方安逸公司配合电影“乱世佳人”的促销。
American writer, Margaret Mitchell, who wrote "Gone With The Wind" , was knocked down and killed by a speeding vehicle in 1949. 写了《飘》的美国作家玛格丽特米歇尔,1949被一辆飞驰而来的汽车撞倒身亡。
To the world, to read and past, had not gone with the wind, has been deeply buried in the bottom of my heart. 耽于世事,而无暇念及的往事,原来没有随风而去,已深深地埋在心底。
Dimly, the unfinished love, as well as the sweet and slightly sour ambiguity has gone with the wind. 恍惚间,那份未完成的爱和甜酸的暧昧都已随风而逝。
Stars shining in the sky, gauze-like Qingyun, Gone with the Wind very far very far. 星星闪烁着出现在天空,薄纱似的轻云,飘得很远很远。
Hall adopted a "low in the north gradually south high" streamlined design, demonstrate, "Gone with the Wind, " a dynamic concept design. 展馆采取了“北低逐渐南高”的流线形设计,体现出“飘”的动态意念设计风格。
You are gone with the wind, But I am still being in love with you. 你像风儿一样飘过,而我却依然一往深情的恋着你。
Movies are released very differently today than they were in 1939 when Gone With the Wind premiered. 与《乱世佳人》在1939年首映时相比,如今的电影发行方式已经有了极大不同。
All the gypsies who used to live here are gone with the wind. 曾经在这儿住过的吉普赛人已经人去楼空,不再返回了。
In the "Gone with the Wind" , everyone hold on his own faith. 《乱》里每个人都有他们自己固守的坚持。
Gone with the Wind and the screen is connected by a Terrier, presentation carried by people of color in the cupboard. 飘与屏由色梗相连接,呈示于由人抬着的色柜上。