good morning

  • int.(上午见面时用语,非正式场合常说 Morning)早上好
  • 网络早安;早晨好;上午好

good morninggood morning

good morning


小学英语单词表总汇_百度文库 ... nice 好的;愉快的 good morning 早上好 good afternoon 下午好 ...


摩尔电码 - 搜搜百科 ... GE - Good evening( 晚安) GM - Good morning早安) GD - Good( 好) ...


出国旅游常用英语一览表_51766旅游网 ... It’s on route 91 在91号线路 Good morning 早晨好! Hello 你好! ...


小学三年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... nice 好的 good morning 上午好 good afternoon 下午好 ...


牛津小学英语单词表4A... ... 38 morning 早晨,上午 39 good morning [上午见面时用语] 早上好,你(们)好(短语) 40 this 这; …

As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. 当他进入车内,我用法语向他道早安他也用同样的语言答复我。
"There is nothing to understand, " said the lamplighter . "Orders are orders. Good morning. " “没什么要明白的。命令就是命令。”点灯的回答说。“早上好。”
He wished them "Good morning" in an awkward hesitating undertone as if he were doubtful how his greetings would be received. 他尴尬地向他们问好,声音很低,又有些犹豫,好象担心他们会不睬他。
John: Good morning. This is John Smith in Room 123. I'm getting ready to leave. Would you send a bellhop for my bags, please. 约翰:早安。我是一二三号房的约翰.史密斯。我准备要离开了。请派一个行李员来搬我的行李,好吗。
Looking up from her book, she said "good morning" to us. 她停止看书,抬起头来向我们说“早上好”。
Selamat pagi, "Good morning" , did as well for him as the believer's assalamu alaykum; both, as he pointed out, meant "Peace be to you" . 四拉玛巴基的“早晨好”对他来说同信徒的穆斯林的“早安”一样,如他指出的这两者都寓意着“带给你平和”。
I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. 我用法语问候他早上好,他也同样用法语回答我。
Colleen recalled that each morning after her husband got up to make coffee, her sister would stop by Colleen's bedroom to say good morning. 克伦回想起每天清晨当她的丈夫起床去煮咖啡时,她的姐妹都会到克伦的卧室和她道早安。
Good morning. I'm your new English teacher. I'm glad to meet all of you. First let me introduce myself to you. 早上好,我是你们新的英语老师,我很高兴见到你们.首先介绍一下我自己.。
Then he decided to go and consult the doctor. As he came into the doctor's cosulting room, he said casually, "Good morning, doctor! " 当走进医生诊疗室时,他很随意地向医生打招呼说:“早上好啊,医生,我又来了。”
Good morning. I can't begin to tell you how honored I am to be before such a distinguished group of entrepreneurs. 早上好。诸位都是创业的杰出代表,我在此发表讲话,首先感到荣幸之至。
If you know who the caller is, you might say something like this: "Good morning, Ms. " 如果你知道来电话的人是谁,你应该这样说:“早上好,史密斯小姐”,或者:“您好,比尔!”
Yes, good morning, nice to see you. You are very talented. What was your inspiration here? Scary Halloween? 是的,早上好,很高兴和你见面。你很有天赋。这里你的灵感是什么?可怕的万圣节?
Good morning. The United States Senate is now considering my nomination of Judge Sam Alito to be an associate justice on the Supreme Court. 美国参议院正在考虑我对山姆~奥利特的最高法院大法官的提名。
But it must be a good morning for you tomorrow as Iknow. You will be transferred to the personnel Dept. to which you are living close. 不过据我所知明天对你来说肯定是个好早晨,你将被调到离你住处很近的人事部门了。
Good morning to all, on this first day of your new age, the Age of Aquarius, as you have named it. 大家早上好,在你们新时代的第一天,宝瓶座时代,正如你所命名的。
The next day, the old man boarded the bus energetically, smiled and said in a loud voice: "And a very good morning to you all! " 第二天,那个老人精力充沛的上了公车,微笑着大声的说:“各位早上好啊!”
Patty Hill, the principal of the same school, together wrote a song for the children, entitled "Good Morning to All. " 姐妹俩一道为儿童们谱写了一首歌,歌名为“大家早上好”。
Mr. Li: Good morning, Lili, Lei. It's nice to see that you two are on time and ready to work. 早上好,丽丽,磊。很高兴见到你俩都准时到达而且都准备开始工作了。
As he tilted his little wooden platform over the curb, his eyes met mine. He greeted me with a grand smile. "Good morning, sir. " 正当他费力抬高他身下的木板,想挪到人行道上时,他的目光与我相遇,并向我灿烂一笑。
B: Good morning. I'd like a pot of coffee, some toast, and a half grapefruit brought up to my room, please. 早上好,我要一壶咖啡,一些吐司和半个葡萄柚,请送到我的房间来。
The little girl bid her grannie good morning as she gets up in the morning. 小女孩一早起来就向外祖母道早安。
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, it's my great honor to be here and I am very happy to see you all. Thank you for being here. 女士们,先生们,早上好!我很荣幸来到这里,并且很高兴见到大家。谢谢你们的光临。
Good morning. Let me introduce you to Mr. Chen. He would like to ask you details about mortgage loans. 早上好!让我介绍一下,这是陈先生。他想咨询银行按揭的详细内容。
He greeted me with a "Good morning! " And led me to the director's office. 他问候我一声“早上好”并把我带到主任办公室。
Good morning from the CNN Centre here in Atlanta, I'm Melissa Long with a look some of the stories that happening NOW IN THE NEWS . 来自亚特兰大CNN中心的早间问候,早上好,我是梅丽朗,让我们一起关注现在这个时段正在发生的新闻。
On the early morning media run. First TV station down, on to the next! ! Good morning all. 在清晨收看电视节目。看完第一个台再换到下一个!早上好!
"Good morning, " said the soldier, touching his cap, for he had never seen such a dog in his life. 兵士说。他把手举到帽子边上行了个礼,因为他以前从来没有看见过这样的一只狗儿。
Good morning, sweetheart! Ready to slip into the skin of your brother? 早晨好,甜心!准备好装扮成你兄弟了吗?
When he come to my side, he said: Good morning, boy , may I ask you for a favor? 早上好,小男孩,我可以请求你给我一个帮助嘛?