
美 [ɡɑt]英 [ɡɒt]
  • v.“get”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络谷草转氨酶(glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase);得到;哥德堡(Goteborg)



谷草转氨酶(glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase)

谷草转氨酶GOT)44肌酸激酶(CK)155.00肌酸激酶同功酶(CKMB) 30.00乳酸脱氢酶(LDHL284.00α-羟丁酸脱氢酶(…


自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... get 使得;获得; got 得到,明白 gild 镀金;虚饰; ...


《妙语速记3000英文单词》 ... pot 罐,壶;v.罐装。 got 的过去式。 sad 忧愁的,悲哀的。 ...


LOT 波兰航空公司 - 最便宜的机票 ... 哥本哈根 CPH 哥德堡 GOT 格但斯克 GDN ...


2 偶见头痛、头晕、眩晕.血清谷氨酸草酰乙酸转氨酶(GOT),血清谷氨酸丙酮酸转氨酶(SGPT)升高;3 少见的有肾功能下降,可导 …

The girl was in a bad condition and the missionaries had not got the heart to reject her. 女孩身体很弱,传教士不忍心拒绝就买下她。
A time came when the king finally got tired of himself and of life, and he began to seek a way out. 有一天,国王终于对自己的这种性格厌倦了,他想下决心改掉它。
It's got a great library and great bookstores: Fact & Fiction, Shakespeare & Co. , the Book Exchange, to name but a few. 它有一座伟大的图书馆,还有几家好书店:事实小说、莎士比亚公司、书籍交换所……仅举几例。
that was the time of the Vietnam War and a few weeks after that I got my draft notice. 当时正值越战,几个星期后我收到了征兵令。
But, like he used to say, "you never really died off , as long as you got good story and someone to tell to. " 但是,就像他曾经说过,“只要你有好故事,并且有人倾听,你就不会真正完蛋。”
I've shown those off within the Samba team, and got approval from other core developers of Samba to say that they like the ideas. 我已经在Samba团队内演示了这些更改,并得到了其他Samba核心开发人员的赞同,他们说他们欣赏这些想法。
I left my friends chose it where they said 'you got to put this on it' and some of it was my choice. 我让朋友们去挑选出他们认为不错的材料,当然也有我的选择在里面。
He was off duty and he saw me actually flying in the air and got out of his car and immediately responded. 他当时不当班,他看见我在空中真的飞了起来,他马上下了车,并立即作出反应。
Chloe: You've got to be kidding me! Those are the greatest movies ever. I can't believe you haven't watched them all! 克洛伊︰你一定是开玩笑!那是史上最伟大的电影系列。我不敢相信你没看完!
"You've got a bit of an artist's temperament, haven't you? " says Michelle, softly, as Kieron continues wielding his pastels. “你已经有点艺术家气质,对不?”米歇尔轻轻地说,Kieron继续运用他的粉彩笔。
I've got a great chicken recipe, and I think if you use it, it'll increase your sales. And I'd like to get a percentage of that increase. 我有一个上好的炸鸡秘方,如果你能采用,相信生意一定能够提升,而我希望能从增加的营业额度里提成。
Then it got a hold of my face and started shaking, you know, worrying it and I could feel it tearing off. 后来他抓住我的脸开始摇晃,你知道,我很害怕,担心他开始往下撕。
My German isn't very good, but I got the general drift of what he said. 我的德语不太好,但是我领会了他所说的大意。
Just the fact that an entrepreneur got a meeting with one of them was something they brought up in their pitches to venture capitalists. 创业者们有机会跟他们会谈一次都是值得跟风险投资称道的资本。
When he calmed down, she promised to help, sorted out his demands and got him a referral he needed. 当他冷静下来时,她承诺会帮助他,然后了解了他的需求,并按照他的要求帮他办好了转诊手续。
It should be pretty easy to construct a decent regex now that we've got the structure and special characters down. 在我们了解了它的结构和特殊字符之后,产生一个合适的正则表达式应该就很容易了。
If you've got a cellphone and a good pair of ears, you can help with the first-ever comprehensive cricket census of New York City. 如果你有一部手机和一对好使的耳朵,你就可以帮助纽约科学家进行第一次全面的蟋蟀普查。
After we'd been seeing each other for a few weeks, I finally got him in bed and told him I had a surprise for him. 约会几周之后,我终于把他摆平在床上,告诉他我为他准备了个惊喜。
But at the same time I think you've got to recognize that this is coming your way, like it or not. 但是,同时我认为,您必须认识到这是必然要发生的事情,无论您喜欢与否。
Originally , it was just a way to be out here and say hi to everytybody, but once we got in the car, it smelled pretty good. 最开始是想跟大家见个面打个招呼,不过等我们进了车里,发现味道好极了。
He gave me a lot of games in the Europa League and I've got a lot to thank him for. 在欧洲联赛上他给了我很多出场比赛的机会,我得好好感谢他。
Passenger A: I do not know, sometimes, Nature just calls, ok? Hey, Driver, do you hear me? I said stop the damn bus, I've got to pees. 旅客甲:我也不知道啊,人有三急嘛。嗨,司机,听到没有啊?快他妈的停车,我要撒尿。
That got me thinking that it's been a while since I stopped washing my hair with shampoo. 回想起来,我不用香波洗头已然很久了。
At this time, you have got to work as hard as two years before because this is just a beginning of your steady accumulation. 可以肯定地说,一定不是,这个时候,还是要拿出前两年的干劲来,稳扎稳打,积累才刚刚开始。
I have an intellectual appreciation that mountain-climbing is risky, but I've got to tell myself after 20 years of climbing I'm still alive. 在理智上,我很清楚登山运动是危险的,但是我不得不告诉自己,爬了20年山我仍然健在。
Things happen like this: at a given moment the nature seems to have yielded and you think you have got the desired result. 事情是像这样发生的:在某个特定的时刻,本性似乎已屈服,而你以为你已得到想得到的结果。
So you can think of this as a phase diagram, kind of like you thought, you know this as a phase diagram It's got a coexistence line. 所以我们可以把这个当做是相图,就像你想的一样,这是一个相图,有一条共存曲线。
no, there were too many people. When she got out of the car, her fans were all screaming, trying to give her flowers and ger her autographs. 没有,人太多了.她一下车,歌迷们就不停地尖叫,给她献花,还抢着要她的签名。
The last, I got to Paris, an old city. It also has long history. 最后,我们到达巴黎,一个老城市,它同样拥有悠久的历史。
When her mother got up, she would also wake up, but the rustling in the silkworm room would lull her to sleep again like a lullaby. 妈妈起床的时候,查利云也会醒过来,常常听到蚕房里那沙沙的声音,就像催眠曲一样,她又睡着了。