
美 [ɡaʊn]英 [ɡaʊn]
  • n.女长服;长外衣;外罩
  • v.着大学礼服
  • 网络长袍;睡袍;睡衣


silk gown



1.(尤指特别场合穿的)女裙,女长服,女礼服a woman's dress, especially a long one for special occasions

2.(法官、英国律师、大学学生在特别仪式上穿的)长袍,长外衣a long loose piece of clothing that is worn over other clothes by judges and (in Britain) by other lawyers, and by members of universities (at special ceremonies)

3.(尤指在医院穿的)罩衣,外罩a piece of clothing that is worn over other clothes to protect them, especially in a hospital


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... background n. 背景 gown n. 长袍 solemnly ad. 严肃地,庄严地 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... government n. 政府 gown n. 礼服,长外衣,睡衣 grade n. 等级;(中小学的)学年;成绩,分 …


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... government n. 政府 gown n. 礼服,长外衣,睡衣 grade n. 等级;(中小学的)学年;成绩,分 …


2013年考研英语新增词汇_百度文库 ... gorgeous a. 绚丽的,极好的 gown n. 长袍,法衣,礼服,睡袍 graphic adj. 图表的,生动的 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... government n. 政府 gown n. 礼服,长外衣,睡衣 grade n. 等级;(中小学的)学年;成绩,分 …


纺织品类英语专业术语_百度文库 ... 土工网: geonets 罩衣: gown 家具布: home furnishings ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... furry a. 毛茸茸的 gown n. 长袍, 特殊场合穿的长服 gratitude n. 感激, 感谢 ...

Her white dress and deep blue gown look as if she came right out of a painting. 她的白色长裙和蓝色外套使她看起来像是从画卷中走出一样。
In the evening he got up and, barefoot, just as he was, in his hospital gown, walked out. 晚上他起来了,光着脚,像原来那样,穿着医院里的大褂,走出病房。
Catherine was lying in the narrow bed wearing a plain, square-cut night-gown that looked as though it were made of rough sheeting. 卡萨玲躺在一张窄床上,穿着一件方领的、朴素的睡衣,好象是粗布被单改成的。
Should you want a designer gown but the price tag is more than what you'll be able to afford, search for a designer-inspired dress. 如果想要一条独家设计的礼服,而价格要超出你承受范围内,那么找找有创意的礼服。
He skipped off the gun rest and looked gravely at his watcher, gathering about his legs the loose folds of his gown. 他从炮座上跳下来,神色庄重地望着那个观看他的人,并将浴衣那宽松的下摆拢在小腿上。
I was somewhat shy as an adolescent, and sitting in an exam room wearing only a gown and underwear always made me a little anxious. 我有点害羞,作为青少年,并在考试只穿着睡衣和内衣坐在房间里总是让我有点着急。
Her dress was both aged and childish, like the dress of the scholars in a convent; it consisted of a badly cut gown of black merino. 她的打扮是修道院里寄读生的那种派头,既象老妇人,又象小孩,穿一件不合身的黑色粗呢裙袍。
Dr. Woo, who was engaged to be married, recently had an Afghan tailor make her a ball gown out of raw silk. 已经订婚的吴凯伦医生正准备结婚,最近让阿富汗的裁缝为她制作一套生丝舞会礼服。
Above the rear-view mirror over the windshield, there was a small, framed photograph of a girl dressed in academic cap and gown. 在后视镜上,多出了一个小小的相框,里面有一个学院风女孩子的照片。
Thus, my newly-made cotton-padded gown, which had not been worn even once, accompanied me to the pawnshop. 新做起来的我的棉袍,一次还没有穿,就跟着我进当铺去了!
Awakening early on that first morning, I slipped on a dressing gown provided by the hotel and went out on to the veranda. 在岛上的第一天早上,我醒的很早。披上酒店提供的睡袍,我走到阳台上。
And she was giggling at him. Spread-eagled on the floor, her brocaded gown hitched up above her thighs, she taunted him between giggles. 她朝他一个劲地格格地傻笑,她手脚伸展着躺在地板上,把花缎旗袍拉上来露出大腿。
it was graduation day and mom was trying to take a picture of their son in a cap and gown, posed with his father. 这是毕业典礼和妈妈正试图照相的儿子在一顶帽子和外衣,带来了他的父亲。
JANUARY JONES While retro-cool, this Lanvin gown was just a little too dour for such a festive night. 这件复古冷酷到底的晚装对这样一个盛会来说过于严肃。
The mirror then passes into the hands of a woman in an evening gown. She approaches the viewer, as if hypnotizing us. 他将镜子递到一个穿晚礼服的女子手中,女子向观众靠近,似乎要把我们催眠。
She put a handful of pins into the shoulders and sides of my gown and told me to pick it up in two days. 她在脱衣服的肩和长袍上放了很多烧针,让我两内后过来拿。
One of the attendants handed him a bundle which he undid , revealing a very worn, ragged-looking sheepskin-lined gown. 在从人手中接过一个包裹,打了开来,却是一件十分敝旧的羊皮袍子。
Dressed in a long gown and fedora hat, he looked quite out of place in these country regions. 他身穿大褂,头戴呢帽,这种装束在这一带农村地区显得很不协调。
She had not troubled to dress herself, but wore a dirty dressing-gown, and her hair was tied in a sluttish knot. 她压根儿没有梳洗,只穿着一身肮脏的梳装袍子,头发胡乱地束成一团。
I knocked on the door and a woman in a white satin gown holding a flaming torch came out and asked me what I wanted. 我敲敲门,一个身穿白色缎袍的女人举着一把熊熊的火炬,走出来问我想干什么。
If income is often a dilemma, buy a vintage gown and try fixing it up yourself. 如果收入经常拮据,买件旧式礼服,然后改改合身即可。
I was told in school to put a patient in a gown when he isn't listening or cooperating. It casts him in a position of subservience. 学校里我学到的是如果病人不听话或者不合作,就让他穿上大袍子。这对他反而是有益的。
Her stunning blush strapless floor-sweeping gown with floral embroidered details was worn with a superior elegance that only a few possess. 她迷人的露肩地板腮红扫与花卉刺绣的细节礼服,戴具有超强的优雅,只有少数拥有。
Ear seems to wind on the sound, very slow, washed up the hair on the temples, sometimes rippling in the Pathetic gown. 耳边似乎有风拂过的声音,很缓,飘起了鬓发,时而翻飞着青衫长衣。
Worried that something else might be wrong with him, he lifted his hospital gown to have a look. 焦虑的别东西可能是错误的与他,他举起他的医院睡衣到有一神情。
Even though it was just a gown fitting session for my bridal photos, I've felt exited enough. 虽然只是试拍照用的婚纱,也已经足够让我兴奋好几天了。
Someday, he wore a gown of improper size, on which there were some patches. A hemp thread was used to replace the broken lace of his shoes. 有一天,庄子穿了一件不太合身的布袍,袍子上还带有一些补丁。脚上那一双鞋,鞋带已经断了,竟权且用麻绳随便的捆上。
It was a far-cry from her Vera Wang bridal gown, but the newly married Kim Kardashian glittered on the red carpet in a slinky silver dress. 与之前一袭王薇薇新娘礼服大不相同,新婚不久的金·卡戴珊这次以一身银色紧身连衣裙在典礼上熠熠发光。
I also put on a black gown, and remember that it did not fit perfectly, and that it interfered with my movements considerably. 我也穿上了黑袍,我记得它不太合身,严重地妨碍了我的行动。
When Ah Mui came out in wedding gown, Wah Zai was standing beside her all the time, seemed to be the other half. 阿梅在穿婚纱出场时,华仔更全程站在阿梅身旁,俨如是她的另一半。