
美 [d'ʒip'i'ɛl]英 [d'ʒi:p'i:'el]
  • abbr.(=grams per litre)
  • 网络许可证;开源;开源的




版权许可证(GPL).此举大大加强了GNU和Linux,几乎所有应用的GNU 库/软件都移植到Linux,完善并提高了Linux的实用性,而GN…


它是开源 (GPL)。它可能使用调试 API 和地方调试到应用程序中的关键点挂钩来捕获的事件。


Nikto 是一款开源的GPL)网页服务器扫描器,它可以对网页服务器进行全面的多种扫描,包含超过3200种有潜在危险的文件/…

通用公共授权(General Public License)

通用公共授权GPL)版本,等到新版MySQL是开放源代码GPL最 的商业应用 。

Garena Premier League

  台湾GPL(Garena Premier League )联赛第一赛季历时7个月,于2012年11月17日正式落下帷幕,并由老牌强队台北暗杀星TPA …

Built on a foundation of oscommerce GPL code it will provide an easy to set-up and run online store. 基于GPL代码基础,它支持易于的安装和运行在线存储。
It would be nice to try out the LGPL on each library for a while, see whether it helps, and change back to the GPL if the LGPL didn't help. 对每个程序库应用LGPL一段时间进行考察是个不错的主意,看它是否有帮助,如果LGPL没有帮助那就改回GPL上来。
To prevent misunderstandings I'd like to emphasize that this does not mean the GPL is the only acceptable license. 为了避免误解,我想要强调这并不表示GPL是唯一可以接受的许可证。
Making the boundary easy to understand helps to make the GPL less scary. 明白了这些界线,可以帮助大家消除对GPL的恐惧。
The Free Software Foundation considers it a free license incompatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL). 自由软件基金会认为这是免费的许可不符合GNU通用公共授权(GPL)。
If you want to make an effort to enforce the GPL on your program, it is probably a good idea for you to follow a similar policy. 如果你想对你的程序加强GPL授权,遵循一个相似的策略可能是个不错的主意。
In that way, the FSF is trying to ensure that users have broad patent rights with respect to any modified GPL-governed code. 通过这种方式,FSF试图确保用户拥有任何已被修改的GPL监管代码的广泛专利版权。
Of course, if all the contributors put their code in the public domain, there is no copyright with which to enforce the GPL. 当然,如果所以的贡献者都将他们的代码置于公共域下,就没有版权来加强GPL了。
All code added to a GPL-covered program must be free software, even if it is put in a separate file. 所有添加到GPL协议覆盖的程序的代码必须是自由软件,即使它被放进一个单独的文件里。
It is possible to use the GPL for a manual, but the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) is much better for manuals. 可以将GPL应用于手册,但是GNU自由文档许可证(GFDL)对于手册来说更好。
There are protocol or file format libraries that are released under GPL terms, and seem to be somewhat used. 现在有一些协议或文件格式库是在GPL条款下发布的,且得到了一些使用。
This has been a concern for some people, because the mpgdec code has never been released, and BusyBox is GPL'd code. 有些人一直很关心这个问题,但如今mpgdec代码已不再发布,而BusyBox是以GPL为依据的代码。
However, we hope that this translation will help Chinese speakers understand the GNU GPL better. 然而,我们希望这份翻译能帮助中文的使用者更好的了解GNUGPL。
Since the GPL is a copyright license, the copyright holders of the software are the ones who have the power to enforce the GPL. 因为GPL是一个版权许可证,软件的版权持有者有权力强制GPL的执行。
Such a proposal isn't contrary to the GNU public license (GPL) that the Linux kernel is licensed under. 这样的提议并不违背Linux内核授权依据的GNU公共许可证(GPL)。
Like the MIT License, the GPL also meets all the criteria of an open source license. 与MITLicense一样,GPL也满足开放源码许可的所有条件。
Some software packaging systems have a place which requires you to click through or otherwise indicate assent to the terms of the GPL. 某些软件打包系统有一个地方要求你通过单击按钮或用别的方法表明你同意GPL的条款。
Drupal is open source software licensed under the GPL and is maintained and developed by a community of thousands of users and developers. Drupal是采用GPL许可协议的开放源码软件,由一个包括数千用户和开发人员的社区来维护和开发。
However, if someone pays your fee and gets a copy, the GPL gives them the freedom to release it to the public, with or without a fee. 但是如果有人从你处付费获得一分拷贝,GPL给了他对大众自由软件的权利,无论收费与否。
Knowledge Tree is an open source commercial vendor, with both a community edition under the GPL and a proprietary enterprise version. KnowledgeTree是一家开源商业软件销售商,拥有GPL授权的社区版和专有企业版。
While Sun, now Oracle, has licensed the OpenJDK itself under the GPL, the licensing of the TCK has been a problem for more than 5 years. 当Sun,现在是Oracle,把OpenJDK置于GPL许可协议之下时,TCK的许可协议的问题已经悬着5年多了。
If you distribute a binary built from GPL code and your own code, all the source code needed to recreate that binary must be made available. 如果您从GPL代码和您自己的代码发布一个二进制版本,那么重新创建该二进制版本所需的所有源代码都必须是可用的。
The project's original goal was to avoid GPL-licensed code altogether; the plan was to write a new kernel as well. Android起初的计划是完全不使用GPL授权的代码,他们准备写一个新的内核。
For instance they wanted me to switch to GPL or else they would find me in violation of their license. 比如,他们想让我切换到GPL许可协议下,否则他们将认为我违反了他们的许可协议。
So, Cisco is now being sued by the SFLC (Software Freedom Law Center) on behalf of the FSF for Linux and other GPL copyright violations. 所以,现在Cisco正被软件自由法律中心以违反了自由软件基金会的Linux和其它GPL授权而起诉。
And the GPL itself stipulates that any distribution must include the resulting source code and a copy of the license. GPL本身规定,任何分发副本都必须包括其源代码和GPL许可证副本。
You are allowed to sell copies of the modified program commercially, but only under the terms of the GNU GPL. 你可以以商业的方式出售修改后的程序的拷贝,但是只能基于GPL授权方式下。
The API is distributed under the Lesser GPL (LGPL), which means that you can use it in proprietary as well as free software projects. 这个API是按照LesserGPL(LGPL)条款发表的,这意味着您可以在专有和免费软件项目中使用它。
Obviously, code licensed according to the GPL cannot be mixed with other code licensed under a different reciprocal agreement. 显然,根据GPL而许可的代码不能与在不同互惠协定下许可的其他代码相混合。
Mhash is a free (under GNU Lesser GPL) library which provides a uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms. Mhash是一个免费的(在GNULGPL授权)库,它提供了一个统一的接口了大量的哈希算法。