
美 [ɡræb]英 [ɡræb]
  • v.抓住;拿;攫取;吸引
  • n.猛然的抓取;突然的抢夺;抓取(或截获、采集)的图像;抓斗
  • 网络抢下;抢获;掠夺

过去式:grabbed 现在分词:grabbing 第三人称单数:grabs

grab chance,grab opportunity,arm grab


v. n.

1.[t][i]抓住;攫取to take or hold sb/sth with your hand suddenly, firmly or roughly

2.[i](试图)抓住,夺得to try to take hold of sth

3.[t][i]利用,抓住(机会)to take advantage of an opportunity to do or have sth

4.[t]~ sth(尤指匆忙地)取,拿,吃,喝to have or take sth quickly, especially because you are in a hurry

5.[t]~ sth(尤指自私、贪婪地)捞取,赚取,抢占to take sth for yourself, especially in a selfish or greedy way

6.[t]~ sb/sth引人注意;吸引to get sb's attention


how does…grab you?

你对…有兴趣吗;你喜欢…吗;你认为…如何used to ask sb whether they are interested in sth or in doing sth




张剑1986-1999年真题解析 - 英语 考研论坛 ... snatched 一把抓起,夺取 grabbed 抓住,攫取 captured 俘获,捕获 ...


张剑1986-1999年真题解析 - 英语 考研论坛 ... snatched 一把抓起,夺取 grabbed 抓住,攫取 captured 俘获,捕获 ...


高级英语近义词... ... (releasing, freeing) (这是其独有的意思) (grabbed, grasped) (抓取,抢夺) (left, remainin…




... intestine adj. 内部的, 国内的n.[解, 动]肠 grabbed v. 抢夺, 攫取, 夺取 feel vt. 摸, 触, 试探, 感觉, 觉得, 触摸, 以为 ...


Chiao... ... people 人,人们,民族,人类,公民 grabbed 抓握,掠夺,强占,挖掘机 system 系统,体系,体制,制度;组织,装置,方法,秩序 ...

Just as he was about to hurl his briefcase into the window to break it, two of the police officers grabbed him from behind. 正当他要扔公文包打开窗户时,两个警察从后面抓住他。
And with a great shout he jumped out of bed and grabbed up Lizette and tossed her in his arms for joy. 他大叫着从床上跳起来,抓住莉莎特把她紧紧搂在怀里。
Not realizing anything was a mist, she grabbed onto the bar in an attempt to relieve herself and she was shocked instantly. 在还没有意识时就陷入一团薄雾里,她抓住栏杆试图放松自己但是她马上就被金属栏杆上的电击中了。
I stopped faster than I thought I would and nearly fell over, I grabbed the side of the swing set and spun around to face the back pasture. 由于停得太快,我差点跌到,我抓住秋千的一边转过身看向草地。
The woman grabbed a 14-inch courgette - also known as a zucchini - she had picked from her garden and threw it at the bear's head. 该女子顺势抓起自家园子里的一个14英寸(约36厘米)长的西葫芦,冲着黑熊的脑袋砸去。
The biggest trick: Keep the fruit visible and able to be grabbed and keep the yogury on the bottom shelf of the fridge. 最大的窍门是:把水果放在显眼的地方,随手可以拿到,把酸奶放在冰箱最下层。
Tom immediately grabbed a long knife, jumped astride her prostrate body, and with a great strong stroke, cut her head almost completely off. 汤姆立即抓起一把长刀,一下跨在她倒下的身体上,使劲割下去,她的头几乎被齐齐地割下来。
Eddie grabbed the microphone and started singing, and I was sort of dancing next to him, and the place went absolutely nuts. 艾迪一把夺过麦克风开始演唱,我就在他身边伴舞,整个酒吧马上被彻底点燃了。
When a man in Macon, Ga. , came upon a wild dog attacking a young boy, he quickly grabbed the animal and throttled it with his two hands. 一位男子在乔治亚州的麦根城遇到一条狗在袭击一个男孩。他敏捷地用两手卡住了狗的脖子并掐死了它。
Rebels and others who had grabbed some of what appeared to be several hundred guns from the compound fired into the air in celebration. 反对派等人向空中开枪以示庆祝。这些人缴获的枪支看起来有数百支。
The hunter grabbed all the quails, stuffed them in his baskets, and took them home to his wife. 猎人抓住了所有的鹌鹑,把它们关进篮子,带回家交给了妻子。
He said he grabbed God's hand and never doubted that he would be rescued. 我拉住了上帝的手,并且一直都相信我们一定会获救。
After taking her to her own bed, he brought her a bottle, grabbed a blanket and went to sleep on the living room couch. 麦克唐纳把她抱回她自己的床上,找了个毛毯到起居室的长沙发上睡了。
He grabbed it out of her hands and threw it against the wall, saying it was not attractive. 他从她手中一把夺过口红,扔到墙上,说那只口红一点也不吸引人。
The guy he was trying to kill grabbed the knife to attack him. And he cut him over the eyes. 这个他试图想要杀死的男人抓起刀冲向他,并划过他的眼睛。
With tears in his little girl was preparing to Who knows I do not know where came from a dog, a girl grabbed the hands of the run. 小姑娘含着泪水正准备盛饭,谁知不知从哪里跑来一条狗,一口夺过姑娘手里的饭勺就跑。
She had not, but he grabbed the chance to ask her to accompany him upstate the next week to the Storm King Art Center, a sculpture park. 她没有,但努斯鲍姆借机邀请她下星期同他北上去暴风王艺术中心(一座雕塑公园)游玩。
Choi says local criminal gangs did not want him selling gum in the area and once grabbed him and took him to a nearby mountain. 崔成奉说,当地的犯罪团伙不让他在那里卖口香糖。一次,抓了他,并带到附近山上。
It would at least be better than if General Musharraf grabbed power, as he might. 起码它要比穆沙拉夫将军独揽大权好,而他很可能这么做。
By stealing someone's identity, I grabbed hold of my wimpy-self & replaced it with a braver, bolder model for a few hours. 通过这次偷取别人的身份,我战胜了懦弱的自己,取而代之的是接下来数小时一个勇敢的自我。
When I held a young child in my arms, he reached up and grabbed my nose, just as Chelsea used to do when she was a toddler. 当我抱起一个小孩时,他伸手抓住我的鼻子,切尔西蹒跚学步时也经常这样,一位摄影师抓拍了这个镜头。
The recent spike in commodity prices has grabbed headlines and sparked wide-ranging debate about just how much higher prices can go. 宗商品价格近期的上扬已引起了各方广泛关注,并引发人们热议价格还会涨到多高。
If he had grabbed a moment earlier, he might have caught her by the arm or the wrist or maybe just the back of her T-shirt. 如果他早几分钟动手的话,他可能会抓着她的胳膊或者腰或者也许是她那T恤衫的后背。
Her 4-year-old son ran up to her, grabbed her hand, and led her to the shore where a dead seagull lay in the sand. 她四岁的儿子跑过来抓住她的手,带她来到岸边,沙滩上有一只死海鸥。
Then he grabbed some bread and put it in a bag, bringing it with him as he left the house. 然后匆忙地拿一些面包放在一个口袋里,带着离开了家。
A round, potbellied man grabbed me by the nape of the neck just as I reached the doors and began to beat me about the face. 我刚到门边,有个圆滚滚的大肚皮男人一把拽住我的脖领子,开始揍我的脸。
I nearly jumped out of my skin when a hand grabbed me in the dark. 黑暗中有一只手把我抓住,可真把我吓了一大跳。
Mr. Colford said the phishing attempt had been blocked, raising the question of how hackers had grabbed credentials for the account. 科尔福德说,那次钓鱼袭击已被拦截,人们由此质疑,黑客是如何拿到账户凭证的。
At Tokyo Station, one of Japan's busiest subway terminals, shaken commuters grabbed one another to stay steady as the ground shook. 在日本最繁忙的地铁站,东京站,站立不稳的上下班人群因为地面摇晃而互相抓扶以稳住自己。
The child scooped her uncounted change into her coin purse, grabbed her package and scurried out the door. 那小女孩一把抓起零钱数也没数就放到零钱包里,匆匆忙忙走出了店门。